October 2, 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. A delicious chicken and ham dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering. President Brian Skidmore welcomed (17) members and (6) guests. Brian opened the evening by leading the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the invocation.

Business Meeting:
1. Brian opened the meeting with the announcement of the passing of a great Optimist year while he was president. Brian thanked all the members for their support throughout 2018-2019 Optimist year.
2. Outgoing President Brian reviewed the past year and thanked the 2018-2019 officers: Marci, Daryl, and Tom; Board of Directors: Doug, Chris, and Dan; as well as all members and spouses for their support.
3. The main order of business was the installation of new officers and Board of Directors for 2019-2020 by Brian Skidmore & Mark Cropp: (Officers) President-Marci Cropp, Vice President-Brian Skidmore, Secretary-Daryl Aurand, and Treasurer-Tom Barako, (Board of Directors) Doug Miller and Chris Bender.
4. Newly elected President Marci Cropp addressed the membership stating the Optimist Club has been personal, growing up and participating in Optimist basketball and the many events sponsored by the Gettysburg Optimist Club.  President Marci has served as an outstanding leader in the creation and maintenance of our website.
5. Lyne Aurand asked members to please attend the October 16th meeting where we will have 10 guests representing local schools that will be receiving checks that evening for their reading is fundamental programs. We will be asking members & guests to RSVP for this meeting.
6. The meeting ended with the recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Upcoming Dates:
• 10/5/19 board of directors meeting 8:00 AM @ Daryl’s house
• 10/16/19 Next meeting, 6:00 pm Social, 6:30 PM Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory (RIF meeting with guests from Gettysburg Area Elementary Schools, St Francis, Vida, and Adams Co. Head Start.
• 12/12/19 Salvation Army Bell Ringing on Thursday. Sign-up sheet to be circulated.
• 12/11/19 Optimist Christmas Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory
• 12/13/19 is our Christmas magic show, 6:30 PM @ Lincoln Elementary School
• 12/14/19 Optimist Basketball 2019 – 2020, registration @ Middle School Cafeteria 10-1 and on our website.
• 3/28/2020 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall

Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary