September 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes


The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at the Refectory.

President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 7:07 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a wonderful dinner provided by Stacey Green and Staff.

After dinner President Daryl introduced our speaker for the evening, John Blasius, District Director of the Battlefield District, Boy Scouts of America. John spoke about the general goals and purpose of the Boy Scouts, with the basic objective of teaching morals and values. He mentioned that the Scouts are 107 years old and have undergone many changes over the years. He said that keeping up with the times is very challenging. He described some of the newer programs such as STEM and LIONS and also discussed how the Explorer Program has changed. He covered some interesting statistics about the Scouts such as over 1000 youngsters were served in 2016 and 8871 hours of community service have been performed. John closed by talking about the upcoming Jamboree in West Virginia.

A check for $500 was presented to Mr. Blasius from the Optimist Club.

Tom Barako presented the proposed budget for next year. He discussed various items in the budget, noting  any changes from last year. The proposed budget was approved by the club.

Dan Mattern reported on the new playground constructed at Recreation Park. He said that 180 cubic yards of mulch was spread. The ribbon cutting will be September 16.

Joe MacDowell  reported about the Nurse-Family Partnership sponsored by Family First.

501c Progress to attain non-profit status: Sam said that everything is proceeding well and should be ready soon.

Daryl presented a proposal by Marci Cropp that more people should be on the Optimist call list. For instance if someone calls about the Oyster Feed they would be connected to the proper person. This was approved.

President Daryl mentioned that all officers positions for next year have been filled except President:

Vice President   Brian Skidmore

Secretary  Daryl Aurand

Treasurer  Tom Barako


Next Meeting  September 20 at Mark Cropp’s House

Officer Installation Banquet   10/4  @Refectory  Tom said that tickets will be $10 per person

Oyster/Shrimp Feed 3/24 2018

Golf Tournament  5/17 2018

 President Daryl closed the meeting at 8:10 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.

 Submitted by Fred Darling

Kris Accardi was recognized for his Club Contributions. Thank you Kris!