The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, June 2,2021, at the Lake Heritage pavilion. Fourteen members were present.

President Brian Skidmore called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and opened with an invocation. This was followed by an excellent dinner provided by Stacey Green and Biggerstaff Catering.

After dinner President Skidmore opened the business session of the meeting:

Treasurer’s Report   Tom Barako reported on the financial status of the club.

Activities $12084    General $4641

Tom also reported that a few donations were given since the last meeting

He also reported that the club made $5866 from the Golf Outing

Finally he reported that the club is doing well financially with expenses being low.

Speaker                    Joe Macdowell shared a story about a buoy that is displayed  in his den. It had to do with his lifelong love of boating and buying a large boat when he retired. The boat was eventually donated to the St. Michael’s Museum.

President’s Report   The next meeting will be at Wayne and Sue’s on July 14. Food will be assigned alphabetically.

August 4 Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage

August 24 Basketball Clinic 12-3. There will be a sign-up sheet for this.

September 11 and 12 Wine and Music Festival, club will be doing parking

November 5 Giving Spree

March 26 Oyster Feed

Brian reported that the club is in need of officers for next year. We need President, Vice President, and Treasurer.

It is possible that the meeting structure of the club may be changed. Under consideration is having one formal meeting per month and one social meeting per month. This will be discussed at the next meeting and a survey will be sent to the membership.

Member comments.

Randy Smith commented about club checks being cosigned.

Tom Barako mentioned that next year at the Golf Outing golf balls may be dropped from a helicopter. The balls will be labeled and redeemed for a prize.

President Skidmore closed the meeting at 7:45pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.

Optimistically Submitted, Fred Darling