Due to the impending wintry weather, basketball has been canceled for today, February 15th, 2025. We hope to see you next Saturday for the final week of this year’s program!
Due to the impending wintry weather, basketball has been canceled for today, February 15th, 2025. We hope to see you next Saturday for the final week of this year’s program!
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 6 PM at 1,000 Heritage Drive, Lake Heritage Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 11 members and 2 guests in attendance. We were treated to a great dinner prepared by Brent and Karen. Dessert was prepared by Lyne. President Wayne introduced our guests from Adams County Special Olympics, David Miller – athlete and Terry Stickles – Manager for SOAC.
Brent offered invocation and Wayne led us in the Pledge to the flag and welcomed all in attendance.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
2. Treasure’s report – Reminder if you have not yet submitted your dues for 2025, please do so asap. Brent will soon be reaching out to members via reminder emails for those who have yet to submit.
3. President’s Report:
Old Business
4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore)
5. Little League Baseball (Chair Al Parone)
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
7. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell)
8. RIF (Chair Lyne Aurand)
9. Golf Tournament (Chair Daryl & Dan)
10. The Warrior Way Program ( formerly Stars)
11. Brain previously suggested a meeting to bring your adult child or friend as a prospective member.
New Business
1. Wayne has proposed working a Fundraiser at Granite Hill Campground. The (4) dates of 5/23, 6/14, 7/5, and 9/6. The fundraiser is (Bingo) and we will need to supply the game of chance license and at least 3 people per event. Wayne is investigating with the owners and most importantly will be our volunteering to help.
2. Importance of new membership discussed.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Free basketball sessions begin January 4, 2025, in the Middle School gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February. The schedule is as follows: Grades K & 1 from 9-10 am, Grade 2 & 3 from 10-11am, Grades 4-6 from 11-12pm. Children can be registered by completing an online form at gettysburgoptimist.com or by printing the paperwork from our website and mailing the registration to PO Box 3035 Gettysburg, PA 17325. All registration forms must be received prior to children participating in the program. Late registration forms will not be accepted after January 11.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 13 members in attendance including our newest member Connor Smith. Additionally, guest Bill Monahan, former Optimist member and past president, was the evening’s speaker. President Wayne called the meeting to order, and Vice President Joe MacDowell opened with the invocation. Wayne Hill then treated us all to brats, beans, coleslaw, and the biggest pies I’ve seen.
After the meal, Wayne introduced guest speaker Bill Monahan. Bill Monahan reminisced about some of his experiences as a formers Optimist member. Particularly the World Weightlifting championship the club helped host. He followed that up by talking about the recent trends in the family funeral business. He fielded several questions from membership regarding the business. All in all, an informative and sometimes humorous discussion.
Business Meeting:
Old Business
New Business
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Brent Smith, Treasurer
The latest Gettysburg Optimist Newsletter is released for your review. This edition contains information for this weeks 2024 Giving Spree and more.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, September 25,2024 at the Mansion House, Fairfield PA for our annual officers and board of directors’ installation banquet. We were treated to hors d’oeuvres and a delicious meal.
We had 29 members and guests in attendance which included Lt. Governor Connie Sohnleitner.
We began the evening with President Dan welcoming all in attendance. Joe Mac Dowell led us with the invocation and pledge.
Business Meeting:
Daniel Folkemor was inducted as our newest member into the Optimist Club.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 13 members in attendance and Don Davis and Tom Barako treated us to a dinner enjoyed by all. President Dan opened with the invocation and welcomed all in attendance.
Business Meeting:
Old Business
New Business
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Left Brent awarding Walt representing “Adams County Economic Education” check for $1,000.00
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 15 members in attendance and 6 guests. Sam and Walt treated us to a dinner enjoyed by all. Brent opened with the invocation and President Dan welcomed all in attendance.
Business Meeting:
Old Business
4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore)
5. Little League Baseball (Chair Al Parone) – Little League baseball opened on 4/20. This year 120 participants will experience little league baseball and 4 girls softball teams will be on the ball fields.
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
7. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Co-Chair Dan & Daryl)
8. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell) – Date 11/7/2024
9. RIF (Chair Lyne Aurand)
10. Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Gary Rappoldt)
11. The Warrior Way Program ( formerly Stars) – Held 3/27
12. Brandon proposed sponsorship for youth basketball who supported Optimist Basketball with coaches and players. This will be addressed in our next budget.
13. Brian had previously suggested a meeting to bring your adult child or friend as a prospective member.
New Business
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 12 members in attendance and 6 guests. Joe and Bill treated us to a dinner enjoyed by all. Gary opened with the invocation and Brent subbing for Dan welcomed all in attendance.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
2. Treasure’s report: Approved
3. President’s Report:
a. Our “Respect for Law” guests introduced by Chairman Doug “three of Gettysburg’s finest, Officer’s James O’Shea, Scott Weaver, and James Bivens. Each of these officers serve our community through the Gettysburg Area School District to ensure students, teachers, staff, and visitors have a safe experience within the school district. Officer Bivens stressed the importance of creating positive relationships with the students and staff and the gratification they get to experience in the student’s growth and development. All three officers have served in the Penna. State Police in many different capacities. We are fortunate to have such qualified men to be part of the Gettysburg School District. This is one of my reports that words cannot begin to express our appreciation for the great role model and job these men do every day.
b. Brent stressed that we need someone to step to the plate for Vice President so please be in touch with Dan ASAP !!!
c. We need a chairman for the wine fest parking (fundraiser) !!!
d. Congratulations to Doug becoming a Grandfather again. Little girl: Maisie Grace McFadden
e. Welcome back Walt after a successful surgery.
f. Please keep Brian and family in our prayers for a speedy recovery. We also need to keep Fred Darling and Bob Campbell in our prayers for their speedy recovery.
Old Business
4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore)
5. Little League Baseball (Chair Al Parone)
a. Little League baseball opened on 4/20. This year 120 participants will experience little league baseball and 4 girls softball teams will be on the ball fields.
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
a. Summary in Presidents report. Thank you Doug for a great job.
7. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Chair )
a. Please contact Dan, Brent, or Daryl if you are willing to chair this event !!!
8. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell)
a. Date 11/7/2024
9. RIF (Chair Lyne Aurand)
10. Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Gary Rappoldt)
a. Our Fourteenth Optimist Tourney will be held at The Links at Gettysburg on 5/16/24.
b. Our golf registration and information are available on our website. If you know of golfers, please help promote our golf tournament.
c. Save the date 5/16/24 and we will need all hands-on deck to make this a successful fundraising event.
11. The Warrior Way Program ( formerly Stars)
a. Held 3/27
12. Brandon proposed sponsorship for youth basketball who supported Optimist Basketball with coaches and players. This will be addressed in our next budget.
11.Brian had previously suggested a meeting to bring your adult child or friend as a prospective member.
New Business
1. Need a Vice President !!!
2. Need a Chairperson for our Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking !!!
Upcoming Dates:
● 5/16 14th Optimist Golf Tournament (The Links at Gettysburg)
● 5/21 3rd Quarter Zone Meeting in York (Contact Brent if interested in attending)
● 6/5 Optimist Meeting, location, Lake Heritage Pavilion
● 6/19 Optimist Social
● 7/10 Optimist Club Picnic
● 8/7 4th Quarter Zone Meeting, Gettysburg Hosts
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, PA was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. The Club has been in continuous service to the Gettysburg community and its youth.
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