The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. President Marci welcomed 16 members and 2 guests. Joe MacDowell gave the invocation and Marci led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. A delicious meal was prepared by Stacey and Biggerstaff Catering.
1. Jeremy Lusk, principal at Gettysburg Area High School, spoke about the STARS program and how it reaches many students not only in being at the top of their respective class but recognition for improvement in achievement. Mr. Lusk thanked the Optimist Club for our involvement and contribution of $500.00 to the program.
2. Shawn Eckenrode, director of Adams County Technical Program, was our second speaker and talked about the local Tech Program (ACTP). With the combined efforts of teacher Dave Snyder and the Tech Program students, repairs were made to the Optimist Amphitheater at Rec Park. We gave a check for $500.00 to Shawn for the purchase of a nail gun for the school in appreciation for their work.
For the record, Len Dick Signs is building us a new sign for the building and Sherwin Williams donated the paint for the entire project.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s report was approved.
2. Treasure’s report was approved.
Tom presented the club with a spreadsheet showing increases over the last 7 years including Optimist International. The board of directors had approved a $15.00 dues increase to cover the costs of OI and Officer Installation and Holiday dinners which will no longer cost members to attend. A motion was made and the membership approved the dues increase. The vote was unanimous.
3. President’s report
Old Business:
• Thanks for everyone’s efforts in December 2019 –
– Holiday Party
– Salvation Army Bell Ringing
– Magic Show – Doug
• Basketball Update – Chris
• Oyster Feed – 3/28/20 – Stacey / Wayne contact for tickets
• Golf Tournament – 5/21/20 Tom / Daryl
New Business:
• Swearing in Stacey to Board of Directors / Brian Skidmore
• Giving Spree discussion to be involved in the 2020 campaign
• Member Updates
Upcoming Dates:
• 1/25/2020 Optimist Basketball Gettysburg M.S. 9-12 (Photos)
• 1/29/2020 STARS breakfast & awards – GAHS @ 8AM all Gettysburg Optimists invited
• 2/1/2020 Optimist Basketball Gettysburg M.S. 9-12
• 2/05/2020 regular meeting at Refectory
• 2/08/2020 Optimist Basketball Gettysburg M.S. 9-12
• 2/15/2020 Optimist Basketball Gettysburg M.S. 9-12
• 2/19/2020 regular meeting at Refectory
• 2/22/2020 Optimist Basketball Gettysburg M.S. 9-12
• 2/29/2020 Optimist Basketball Gettysburg M.S. 9-12
• 3/28-/020 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall, advanced ticket sales $40/person, contact Wayne or Stacey for tickets
• 5/21/2020 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
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