Sign Up participants online to ensure a free t-shirt for your child at the below link.
Sign Up participants online to ensure a free t-shirt for your child at the below link.
In person Basketball Registration will be held on Saturday, December 14 in GAMS Cafeteria from 9 AM – 1 PM.
For more information including online registration NOW OPEN visit our informational page.
The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be hosting their Annual Magic Show on December 13, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the Lincoln Elementary School Cafeteria. The event is FREE to all youth. Come one, Come All for a magical evening.
Basketball registration will also be available.
It’s that time of year. The weather is changing and the Gettysburg Optimist Club is getting in gear for Optimist Basketball. Registration is OPEN online. Youth in grades 1-6 are welcome to participate in this free basketball program. Sessions begin January 4th at the Gettysburg Middle School gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February. Children can be registered by the following:
1) Fill out the Sign Up form online (One child per form submittal please)
2) Complete a printed registration form and mail it to PO Box 3035 Gettysburg, PA 17325.
3) Attend a Sign Up Session December 14 from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Gettysburg Middle School to fill out the required paperwork.
Spread the word to make this another great basketball season!
No Optimist meeting this week.
The annual Gettysburg Optimist Christmas Dinner will be Wednesday December 11, 2019 at the Gettysburg Seminary Refectory. Social at 6 PM with dinner 6:30 PM. Calling all members to not miss out on this gala evening and all children and grandchildren are invited. President Marci has been told we may have a special jolly guest join us for the evening. Be on your best behavior!
Please RSVP Tom Barako with your reservation for the evening.
Other dates to mark in your calendar for the month of December are :
(1) Thursday, December 12 Bell Ringing
(2) Friday, December 13 Optimist Magic Show 6:30 PM @ Lincoln Elementary
(3) Saturday December 14 Optimist basketball signup 9AM – 1PM @ Gettysburg Area Middle School cafeteria.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
In November, we have three days dedicated to shopping; Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.
On Tuesday, December 03, 2019, people around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
One of the best ways to get involved is in your own community. Please consider the Gettysburg Optimist in your giving this year! All money donated is returned to the youth activities in the local community. Help Bring out the Best in Kids through a donation via a secure link at paypal. Thank you!
No Optimist Meeting this Wednesday November 20, 2019.
Our next meeting is our Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 @ the Refectory.
Mark your calendars! The annual Optimist Magic Show has been scheduled for December 13 at 6:30 PM at Lincoln Elementary School.
Promising to entertain audiences of all ages, they have designed a show with a mix of amazing stage illusions, entertaining and skillful escapes, audience participation and exciting music that gives you more ‘bang for your buck’ than any other magic or illusion show out there!
Certainly not your everyday ‘magic’ act… forget all you know and prepare to be amazed by Extreme Illusions & Escapes starring Josh Knotts & Lea.
Phone solicitations for donations have begun.
We THANK YOU in advance for donating to continue this tradition which allows ALL Children to attend for free. Tickets will soon be available for distribution.
Donations may also be sent to PO BOX 3035, Gettysburg, PA 17325 or through Paypal and credit card where 100% of the money collected is used for other Gettysburg Optimist Club activities. This allows programs like the Optimist Basketball, Reading is Fundamental, and Outdoor education to remain FREE to all students of Gettysburg and surrounding areas. As a 501c3 Organization, your direct donation is tax deductible.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at the Deatrick Community Center. President Marci Cropp welcomed 15 members. Marci opened the evening by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Brent Smith gave the invocation. A delicious chicken and meatball dinner was prepared by Cropp Catering. Also, included was a very tasty crab salsa from Marci’s shop, Rosie’s.
No program this evening.
Business Meeting:
New Business
Old Business
Discussion will continue later.
Committee/Task Force Reports:
Amphitheater Task Force
The Adams County Tech Prep Program students and teacher, Dave Snyder, continue renovations that may be completed in November. A picture and article appeared in the Gettysburg Times on November 4th during a Pizza Thank You lunch provided for students by Optimist Club members Marci, Tom, Daryl, Dan, Brian, Mark, and Wayne. Tom reported that a nail gun will be donated to the Adams County Tech Prep Program (Gettysburg, Fairfield, Littlestown, Conewago Valley, and Bermudian Springs Schools).
Christmas Magic Show Committee
Marci reported for Doug that the event will be held December 13, 2019 at 6:30 PM at Lincoln Elementary School. Please contact Doug ASAP if you are able to help.
Basketball Program Committee
Marci reported for Chris that club members are needed to help with participant registration at the Gettysburg Middle School cafeteria on December 14, 2019 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Please contact Chris ASAP.
Golf Tournament Fundraiser Committee
Daryl reported that the Golf Fundraiser date is set for May 21, 2020 at the Links. Co-chairpersons are Tom Barako and Daryl Aurand. Committee members are needed, so please contact Tom or Daryl ASAP.
Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser Committee:
Wayne reported the oyster event date of March 28, 2020. Tickets may be available for the Holiday Dinner on December 11th. The members discussed selling tickets at the Christmas Magic Show and Basketball Registration in December. The Key Club will help throughout the event. Members discussed the possible creation of a sign-up work schedule so there are enough members throughout the event for all necessary details from padding to clean-up. Stacy and Wayne will make final decisions. More information will be given at a later date.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, PA was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. The Club has been in continuous service to the Gettysburg community and its youth.
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