Nearly thirty-five years has passed since the Optimist Club of Gettysburg (Optimist) volunteered to build the Amphitheater at the Gettysburg Recreation Park. Over the decades since it was first opened to the public, thousands of Gettysburg area residents have migrated to the amphitheater to enjoy a variety of entertainment offerings.

Originally many local contractors and businesses joined forces to lend their specific skill-sets to construct the Amphitheater and that tradition of community service and support continues. As with all things, the years have a way of taking a toll on a structure and local club members have once again brought together volunteers and local businesses to repair or replace much of the original structure. This month the local club over saw the renovations to the outdoor theater that has become a local landmark at the Gettysburg Recreation Park.

The Adams County Tech-Prep Building Trades Program, are providing painting and construction labor to install new facia and roofing. A number of local businesses stepped up to offer their expertise and assistance with materials needed to complete the project. Optimist members volunteered their time, efforts and equipment to power-wash the structure and prepare it for new paint which was donated by Sherwin Williams of Gettysburg. Len Dick Signs will lend their artistic efforts for a new sign which will adorn the Theater in coming weeks. The Optimists provided all the necessary funding for materials and oversight for the work.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is a volunteer organization (501C-3) dedicated to sponsoring more than 15 ongoing youth related programs throughout the year in Gettysburg. The funds needed to support their programs include: The Oyster and Shrimp Feed, The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Golf Tournament, Adams County Chamber of Commerce Wine and Music Festival parking services and the Optimist Christmas Magic Show.

“Membership in the Club is open for all men and women 18 years of age and older who want to help with our mission to ‘Bring Out the Best in Kids’. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was founded in 1958 and has been continuously sustained for more than 65 years,” says Marci Cropp, this year’s Gettysburg Optimist Club President. “With the continued support of our members, local businesses and the residents of the Gettysburg area community, it is our goal to continue the Optimist legacy onto future generations.”

For more information on the Club and how you can join or donate support for our efforts, click on today or call a member at 717.220.3416.

We will have a board meeting this Wednesday 11/6/2019 @ 5 PM before our regular meeting. This meeting is at Deatrick Village Community Center.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg membership will meet this Wednesday, November 6th @ the “Deatrick Village Community Center” 6 PM social and 6:30 PM dinner and meeting.

See you then!

For Immediate Release:

2019 Gettysburg Optimist RIF Program

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg held its annual Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) dinner meeting on October 16, 2019. Each year the Optimist Club of Gettysburg supports more than 19 youth related programs throughout the Gettysburg area that “Bring Out The Best In Kids.” The RIF program, known by different names at each school, is one of those programs and provides books to approximately 1,700 students in the Gettysburg community.

Representatives from Franklin Township Elementary (Ashley Kunkel), Lincoln Elementary (Valerie Stone), James Gettys Elementary (Allison Symmes & Jennie Harrison), Head Start (Jennifer Nelson), Vida Charter School (Belinda Ray), and St. Francis Xavier School (Jennifer Fleming & Mandy Willard) attended this year’s dinner meeting and gave presentations of their respective book distribution programs. The presentations included the wonderful different ways each school distributed books to their students and provided activities associated with their respective programs for their students.

Throughout the year, the Optimist RIF Committee Chairperson, Lyne Aurand, attended programs at the schools. Each school was presented with a check to help purchase a book for every student in their schools.  $5,000 was distributed from Optimist donations.

About the Gettysburg Optimist Club
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 and continues to be dedicated to providing young people with positive activities and learning opportunities. Club members are men and women who come from all walks of life and who are united in an effort, “To Bring out the Best in Kids!” To learn more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and their many programs, activities and a membership opportunity, visit, visit us on Facebook at or call 717-220-3416.

The annual Optimist Magic Show has been scheduled for December 13 at 6:30 PM at Lincoln Elementary School.  Phone solicitations for donations has begun.

We THANK YOU in advance for donating to continue this tradition which allows ALL Children to attend for free. Tickets will soon be available for distribution.

Donations may also be sent to PO BOX 3035, Gettysburg, PA 17325 or through Paypal and credit card where 100% of the money collected is used for other Gettysburg Optimist Club activities. This allows programs like the Optimist Basketball, Reading is Fundamental, and Outdoor education to remain FREE to all students of Gettysburg and surrounding areas.  As a 501c3 Organization, your direct donation is tax deductible.

Pictures below are from 2018’s Happy Bicycle Winners given away during the evening.

Basketball on Court

For Immediate Release:

It began way back in 1965 when the Optimist Club of Gettysburg sponsored the first Optimist Youth Basketball program for youngsters from the Gettysburg area. It sought to teach the fun and fundamentals of basketball to youngsters in grades K through 6, regardless of their individual skill level. At the start the program rules were very simple, though some thought them to be revolutionary. All kids played, all focused on the fundamentals of the game, no score keeping and all participants were required to have fun.

Over 55 years later the Optimist Youth Basketball Program continues to observe the same set of rules and still reaches out to the youth of the community who want to learn the game of basketball, have fun and share an experience that forms life-long memories. The program is conducted Saturday mornings over nine weeks of winter. Currently each one-hour session is held at the Gettysburg Area Middle School between the months of January and February. The players are divided into boy and girl groups; Grades K-3 and grades 4-6 and in some years, kindergarten. All participants are encouraged to attend, even if they cannot commit to attending all the weekly sessions. Each boy and girl receive a free basketball tee-shirt as a memento of their experience.

This year’s registration will be held December 14th from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Gettysburg Area Middle School Cafeteria. Sessions begin January 4, 2020 in the GAMS gym and will occur every Saturday through the end of February. The schedule is as follows; Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am, Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am, Grade 4-6 Boys 11-12pm, Grade 4-6 Girls 12-1pm. Children can be registered by attending a sign-up session, completing an online form or by printing the paperwork from our website and mailing the registration to PO BOX 3035 Gettysburg, PA 17325.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program is one of the many youth-oriented programs conducted and funded by the local Optimist Club each year. Club members, parents and community volunteers act as leaders, monitors, coaches and mentors. Many of them were once young participants in earlier programs and are now coaching and mentoring their children and grandchildren. Since its inception more than 5000 area young people have participated in the annual basketball outings.

About the Gettysburg Optimist Club
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 and continues to be dedicated to providing young people with positive activities and learning opportunities. Club members are men and women who come from all walks of life and who are united in an effort, “To Bring out the Best in Kids!” To learn more about the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and their many programs, activities and a membership opportunity, visit, visit us on Facebook at or call 717-220-3416.

Our meeting this Wednesday October 16th is at the Lutheran Seminary Refectory 6PM social and 6:30PM dinner. This is a great meeting you want to attend and also an opportunity to invite guests to attend with you. You will have an opportunity to meet and show support to members of our local schools who help our community’s children learn to read.

We will have 10 guests representing the “RIF” program that we contribute $5,000.00 for the purchase of books and touching the lives of 1,697 students.

Daryl Aurand / secretary

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. A delicious chicken and ham dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering. President Brian Skidmore welcomed (17) members and (6) guests. Brian opened the evening by leading the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the invocation.

Business Meeting:
1. Brian opened the meeting with the announcement of the passing of a great Optimist year while he was president. Brian thanked all the members for their support throughout 2018-2019 Optimist year.
2. Outgoing President Brian reviewed the past year and thanked the 2018-2019 officers: Marci, Daryl, and Tom; Board of Directors: Doug, Chris, and Dan; as well as all members and spouses for their support.
3. The main order of business was the installation of new officers and Board of Directors for 2019-2020 by Brian Skidmore & Mark Cropp: (Officers) President-Marci Cropp, Vice President-Brian Skidmore, Secretary-Daryl Aurand, and Treasurer-Tom Barako, (Board of Directors) Doug Miller and Chris Bender.
4. Newly elected President Marci Cropp addressed the membership stating the Optimist Club has been personal, growing up and participating in Optimist basketball and the many events sponsored by the Gettysburg Optimist Club.  President Marci has served as an outstanding leader in the creation and maintenance of our website.
5. Lyne Aurand asked members to please attend the October 16th meeting where we will have 10 guests representing local schools that will be receiving checks that evening for their reading is fundamental programs. We will be asking members & guests to RSVP for this meeting.
6. The meeting ended with the recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Upcoming Dates:
• 10/5/19 board of directors meeting 8:00 AM @ Daryl’s house
• 10/16/19 Next meeting, 6:00 pm Social, 6:30 PM Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory (RIF meeting with guests from Gettysburg Area Elementary Schools, St Francis, Vida, and Adams Co. Head Start.
• 12/12/19 Salvation Army Bell Ringing on Thursday. Sign-up sheet to be circulated.
• 12/11/19 Optimist Christmas Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory
• 12/13/19 is our Christmas magic show, 6:30 PM @ Lincoln Elementary School
• 12/14/19 Optimist Basketball 2019 – 2020, registration @ Middle School Cafeteria 10-1 and on our website.
• 3/28/2020 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall

Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Optimist Club of Gettysburg meeting Announcement
Tonight, Wednesday, September 18 @ the Refectory.
6 PM social and 6:30 PM dinner and meeting.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, September 4 at Lake Heritage.
President Brian Skidmore welcomed (12) members and (2) guests. Our guests were Sergeant Pruy and Officer Bo Taylor from the Gettysburg Borough Police Department. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Brian giving the invocation. A lasagna dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering. We had a great evening of fellowship.

Evening Agenda:
1. Guest Speaker, Officer Bo Taylor gave a talk regarding the local police department and community programs. Officer Taylor was presented the Optimist award for “Respect for Law” by Chairman Doug Miller.
2. Committee Reports:
a. Secretary’s report was approved
b. Treasure’s report for our 2019-2020 budget was presented and approved.
c. Wine Festival – The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be parking cars on September 7th and 8th.
3. The club discussed the need to repair the Optimist Amphitheater at Gettysburg Area Recreation Park. The suggestion was made to have members do as much of the painting as possible.
Upcoming Dates:
• September 18th meeting at Refectory
• October 2nd Officer Installation Banquet @ Refectory
• October 9th Board of Directors and Officers calendar planning meeting
• October 16th Regular meeting at Refectory
• December 13th is our Christmas magic show, 6:30 PM @ Lincoln Elementary School
• March 28, 2020 Oyster & Shrimp Feed

Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl, Secretary