September 4th next meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion
September 7th and 8th , Wine Festival Parking fund raiser. Volunteers still needed.
September 4th next meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion
September 7th and 8th , Wine Festival Parking fund raiser. Volunteers still needed.
Hello Optimists, Supporters, Family & Friends,
We are less than 2 weeks away from the Gettysburg Wine and Music Festival, September 7 & 8, and we are still seeking volunteers to help with parking! We are parking cars and accepting donations at the entrance. Your help is essential in continuing programs like Reading is Fundamental and Optimist Basketball which directly impacts the local youth of our community.
Please consider volunteering for 4 hours on Saturday or on Sunday. In addition if you volunteer, admission to the event is free. It’s a great way to spend the day in the sun with Optimists supporting the future of our local youth.
Please email [email protected] or phone 717.220.3416 to schedule your availability.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, August 21, 2019. We hosted the 4th quarter zone meeting at Lake Heritage.
President Brian Skidmore welcomed (14) members and (5) guests from Gettysburg. We had (7) guests from the East York and Lancaster Optimist Clubs. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Dan giving the invocation. A grilled steak dinner with all the fix ins was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey.
Evening Agenda:
Club Presidents gave reports on their respective club activities.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Please Vote for the Optimist Club of Gettysburg in the 2019 Pick of the Counties; Volunteer Organization, Non-Profit and Kid Friendly – Basketball Program!
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at Lake Heritage.
President Brian Skidmore welcomed (12) members and (2) guests. Our guests were Chris Bender’s wife April and daughter Lilly. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Brian giving the invocation. Dinner was enjoyed by all. Thank you Stacey.
Evening Agenda:
1. First order of business was the nomination and election of officers. Our officer slate for 2019 thru 2020 will be:
a. President – Marci Cropp
b. Vice President — Brian Skidmore
c. Treasurer — Tom Barako
d. Secretary — Daryl Aurand
2. Committee Reports:
a. Wine Festival – The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be parking cars on September 7th and 8th. Brian Skidmore is chairman of this fundraiser and will be sending out the time schedule that we have volunteered to help. If you have not signed up and can help please contact Brian.
Upcoming Dates:
• August 21st Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage, Steak dinner, please RSVP to Daryl by August 16th . We also need a few “grill master chefs”.
• September 7th and 8th, Wine Festival Parking fund raiser
• Our Christmas magic show is in the works
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Meeting: Wednesday August 7, 2019 @ Lake Heritage (Pavilion) 6 PM social and 6:30 dinner.
Daryl Aurand, secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 for our summer picnic hosted at Sue and Wayne Hill’s residence. Wayne and Sue were the grill masters providing an assortment of burgers and sausage. Members provided covered dishes. After dinner Kris Accardi challenged us with a game of trivia. Thank you again Wayne and Sue for hosting this social event and opening your home to host our summer picnic. This was a wonderful social evening enjoyed by all.
Evening Agenda:
Upcoming Dates:
• 8-7-2019 Regular Meeting, 6 PM at Lake Heritage Pavilion
• 8-21-2019 Regular Meeting and 4th Quarter Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion, Steak Dinner, 6 PM social, 6:30 PM dinner, $15 for guests,
RSVP Daryl Aurand @ [email protected]
• 9-7 & 9-8 Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking, contact Brian to volunteer
• 12-7-19 Optimist Christmas Magic Show
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Hello Optimists,
I just want to remind everyone that we have a tour scheduled for Wednesday, July 24th at the National Cemetery in Gettysburg. Our tour guide will be Caitlin Brown from the park service and she asked that we meet at the Taneytown entrance of the cemetery at 6 pm. You can park in the parking lot along Taneytown Road or the gravel lot next to the National Cemetery Annex. You can access the gravel lot by the alleyway next to the Eisenhower Statue along the Baltimore Pike. Following the tour, we can stay for the 100 Nights of Taps, which is played in front of the Soldiers National Monument within the National Cemetery. There was also mention of concluding the evening with drinks at the Appalachian Brewing Company, if people are up to it. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
Optimistically, Brian
Our annual Optimist picnic will be Wednesday, July 17 at Wayne and Sue Hill ‘s residence starting @ 6 PM. As in the past all members are encouraged to invite your spouse or significant other. Bring your bathing suits.
The club will provide hamburgers and sausages, rolls, condiments, and toppings. Disposable wares along with beverages, (sodas, ice tea, water, and beer) will be provided.
We are asking members to bring a side dish. Last names beginning with letter (A thru J) can bring a salad or a favorite side dish. Last names with letter (K thru Z) can bring a favorite dessert.
We thank Wayne and Sue for opening up their home again for our summer picnic.
Daryl Aurand / Secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. A delicious chicken and beef brisket dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering. President Brian Skidmore welcomed 14 members. Brian opened the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation. We had a great evening of fellowship.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s Report approved
2. Treasurer’s Report approved
3. President’s Report
President Brian opened the floor for discussion with regard to various social events and members agreed with this idea. Nothing specific was planned at this time.
4. Committee Reports:
Wine Festival Parking for September 7 – 8 is in the planning. Chairman Brian is circulating a sign-up sheet. By working a shift for this 2 day event allows you entrance into the event at no cost. We need help so ask family and friends. The free entrance offer is extended to all who work this event.
5. The meeting was concluded by reciting the Optimist Creed.
Upcoming Dates:
• 7-3-2019 No Regular Meeting
• 7-17-2019 Summer Picnic @ Wayne and Sue Hill’s residence
• 8-7-2019 Regular Meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion
• 8-21-2019 Regular Meeting and 4th Quarter Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion,
Steak Dinner, 6 PM social, 6:30 PM dinner, $15 for guests,
RSVP Daryl Aurand @ [email protected]
• 9-7 & 9-8-19 Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking
• 12-7-19 Optimist Christmas Magic Show
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, PA was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. The Club has been in continuous service to the Gettysburg community and its youth.
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