Clyde E Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament


It is never too early to start thinking about  warmer weather and golf.  Why not select your team early, lock up that scratch golfer and enjoy the chance to meet your neighbors and friends while supporting the youth of Gettysburg.  The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Golf Tournament is set for Thursday,16 May, 2019 with tee off scheduled for 1:00 pm at the Links at Gettysburg. 

The 9th Annual Golf Tournament features contests including a Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Green of Gold, and Putting contests with awards to the top three finishing foursomes.

With this fundraiser, we hope to be able to bring more projects to the children of the community who need it most.  This is your opportunity to join the “Friends of Youth” in supporting programs including; Optimist Youth Basketball, Respect for Law, Reading is Fundamental, S.T.A.R.S., GHS Outdoor Education, Gettysburg Community Theater (GCT), Holiday Family Outreach, GHS Musical Ensemble, Dollars for Scholars, and more.  We need the support of the Gettysburg community to continue a sixty year tradition of providing these programs to our local youth!

Please fill out and submit your information (electronically or by printable form).  Mail in your donation to insure your place to support our youth. Or new this year, for convenience, pay by credit card using paypal. If you want more information about being a Tournament, Tee or Drink cart sponsor, please call us at 717.220.3416 or visit our 2019 Golf Page.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at O’Rorke’s Family Eatery. As usual we had a great evening of fellowship. President Brian Skidmore welcomed 11 members in attendance. Brian opened the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation.

Business Meeting:

  1. Secretary’s Report approved
  2. Treasure’s Report approved
  3. President’s Report
    1. Brian reported on a successful Oyster / Shrimp Feed and how everyone including members, spouses and guests, and Key Club students did an outstanding job. Again thank you everyone.
    2. Our golf outing is our next event scheduled for May 16. C.E. Williams Sons, Inc. will be our major sponsor again for this tournament. We need sponsorships, foursomes, and prizes. If each member can help in some way our tournament will be a success.  If you prefer Wayne, Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number.
  4. The meeting was concluded by reciting the Optimist Creed.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 4-3-2019 Meeting @ Refectory, guest speaker Elida Murray from AC Children’s Advocacy Center
  • 4-17-2019 Regular Meeting
  • 5-1-2019 Regular Meeting
  • 5-16-2019 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
  • 5-17-19 Optimist Olympics(York Club)
  • 9-7 and 9-8-2019 Festival Parking

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Meeting this Wednesday @ “O’Rorkes” upstairs dining room. Time is 6PM social and dinner 6:30PM. For those who cannot make it thank you soooo much for your help this past Saturday at the Oyster/Shrimp feed. As soon as Tom receives all bills and monies we will have a report on our success.

See you Wednesday evening at O’Rorkes.

Optimistically, Daryl

The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed will be Saturday, March 16, 2019 between noon and 3 pm. Once again, this year’s popular event is at the Gettysburg Fire Hall located at 35 North Stratton Street, in Gettysburg.  The annual All U Can Eat Oyster & Shrimp Feed includes oysters (raw, steamed, stewed, and fried), steamed shrimp, ham, steak fries, beverages, and desserts for a donation of $40 per person!

Join us for a fun afternoon to support the local Gettysburg youth organizations.

For reservations or more information, click here.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory.  A delicious meatloaf dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering. President Brian Skidmore welcomed 16 members and 4 guests. Brian opened the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation.

Business Meeting:

  1. Secretary’s Report approved
  2. Treasure’s Report approved
  3. President’s Report
    1. 2nd quarter zone meeting attended on 2-19-19 by Brian Skidmore, Dan Mattern, and Gary Rapholdt
  4. Optimist Basketball Recognition
    1. Co-chairman Kris Accardi recognized volunteer coaches who were in attendance, Jim Hartnet (20 years of volunteering), Kyla Weatherly, and David Swain. Kris also recognized Mindy for her help as Co-chair and Chris Bender who has been a great help with running our Optimist Basketball Program. We served 139 youth with this program this winter.
  5. Committee Reports:
    1. Oyster / Shrimp Feed (Wayne and Stacey) – The date is March 16. Friday 3-15 @ 6PM preparation and set-up. Saturday 3-16 @ 9AM all hands on deck. Bring a dessert!
    2. Golf (Bruce) – The date is May 16. Every member is being asked to help get sponsors and foursomes. If all 33 Optimist members each get a $500.00 sponsor the Optimist Golf Tournament will be a huge success!!!! If you prefer Wayne, Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number.
  6. The meeting was concluded by reciting the Optimist Creed.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 3-20-2019 Optimist Meeting 6 PM place To Be Determined.
  • 3-16-2019 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall, tickets $40/person, contact Wayne or Stacey for tickets
  • 5-16-2019 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
  • 5-17-19 Optimist Olympics(York Club)
  • 9-7 and 9-8-2019 Festival Parking –.

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Hello Optimists,

I want to remind everyone that we have a meeting tomorrow at the Lutheran Refectory.  We will be hosting a few basketball coaches from our basketball program.  I encourage all members to attend so we can show our support for such a great program.  Have a great rest of your day and see you tomorrow!

Brian Skidmore

Basketball on Court

Reminder the Optimist Basketball season continues this Saturday.

Saturday, February 23—
Grade 1-3 Boys 9-10am
Grade 1-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys 11-12pm
Grade 4-6 Girls 12-1pm

If you would still like to sign your child up please register with the following link:  Paperwork MUST be filled out prior to participation.

Click here to see the schedule: Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Schedule 2019

Questions? Contact us via email: [email protected], Facebook or phone: 717-220-3416.

Hello fellow Optimists,

Due to expected inclement weather the decision has been made to cancel tomorrow nights Optimist Meeting.  Our next meeting will be on March 6th at the Refectory.  Stay safe for those who have to be out on the roads tomorrow.

P.S.  Sell, sell, sell those Oyster Feed tickets!

Optimistically, Brian Skidmore

Basketball on Court

Reminder the Optimist Basketball season continues this Saturday.

Saturday, February 16—
Grade 1-3 Boys 9-10am
Grade 1-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys 11-12pm
Grade 4-6 Girls 12-1pm

If you would still like to sign your child up please register with the following link:  Paperwork MUST be filled out prior to participation.

Click here to see the schedule: Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Schedule 2019

Questions? Contact us via email: [email protected], Facebook or phone: 717-220-3416.

Basketball on Court

Reminder the Optimist Basketball season continues this Saturday.

Saturday, February 9—
Grade 1-3 Boys 9-10am
Grade 1-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys 11-12pm
Grade 4-6 Girls 12-1pm

If you would still like to sign your child up please register with the following link:  Paperwork MUST be filled out prior to participation.

Click here to see the schedule: Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Schedule 2019

Questions? Contact us via email: [email protected], Facebook or phone: 717-220-3416.