Good evening Gettysburg Optimists
Join us this Wednesday for an evening of fellowship and good times at the Seminary Refectory. This will be our only meeting in November.
President Brian will be looking for volunteers for our December 20 Salvation Army Bell Ringing for the holidays. Check your busy schedules for a time that will work for you.
We have some upcoming dates posted for you to mark in your calendars.
See you all this Wednesday, 6PM social, 6:30PM dinner.
Secretary, Daryl
November 2018
11/7 Regular Meeting / @ Refectory
11/21 No meeting
December 2018
No regular meetings
12/1 Youth Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S. 9-11
12/7 Magic Show, 7pm, Lincoln Elementary
12/8 Youth Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S. 9-11
12/12 Christmas Party @ Refectory
12/20 Salvation Army Bell Ringing