The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 for our summer picnic hosted at Sue and Wayne Hill’s residence. Wayne and Sue provided fresh chicken corn soup. Members provided covered dishes. After dinner Tom Barako challenged us with a game of trivia.
Thank you again Wayne and Sue for hosting this social event and preparing the delicious soup.
This was a wonderful social evening enjoyed by all.
Evening Agenda:
Upcoming Dates:
- August 1st meeting at Lake Heritage, 6PM
The 8/1 meeting will be our nominations and election of officers for 2018 and 2019. If you are interested in running or making a nomination for an office contact Dan.
- August 15, 4th quarter zone meeting hosted by Gettysburg at Lake Heritage, 6PM
- 9/8th and 9/9th Wine Festival Parking fund raiser
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
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