Hello Fellow Optimists:

Our next meeting Sept. 5th at the Lake Heritage Pavilion will be our steak night. We need a head count before we order the steaks. Please reply if attending by Wed. Aug 28 to reserve your steak.

This meeting Brian will cover our parking duties for the wine and music festival Sept 8 and 9.

Enjoy your labor day weekend and be safe. 

Thank You!  Optimistically, Dan Mattern

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. We hosted the 4th quarter zone meeting at Lake Heritage.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (8) members and (8) guests from the East York and Lancaster Optimist Clubs. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Dan giving the invocation. A pulled pork barbeque dinner was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey.

 Evening Agenda:

  1. First order of business was Lieutenant Governor Dallas Smith welcoming all members and thanking us for all of our projects in helping the youth of our communities.  Club Presidents gave reports on their respective club activities.
  2. Committee Reports:
  3. Wine Festival – The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be parking cars on September 8th and 9th. Brian Skidmore is chairman of this fundraiser and will be sending out the time schedule that we have volunteered to help.

Upcoming Dates:

  • September 5th next meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion
  • September 8th and 9th , Wine Festival Parking fund raiser
  • September 19th meeting is our “Respect for Law” and steak dinner
  • October 3rd Officer Installation Banquet @ Refectory
  • October 10th Board of Directors and Officers calendar planning meeting
  • October 17th Regular meeting at Refectory
  • December 7th is our Christmas magic show

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Come one. Come all.  Members, wives and Guests!!! Gather this evening at the Lake Heritage Pavilion with Optimistic individuals.  Tonight’s meeting agenda includes a zone meeting and pig roast.  Gathering starts at 6 PM with dinner served at 6:30.  See you there.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Due to inclement weather we met at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (14) members. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Dan giving the invocation. A lasagna dinner was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey.

Evening Agenda:

  1. First order of business was the nomination and election of officers. Our officer slate for 2018 thru 2019 will be:
  2. President – Brian Skidmore
  3. Vice President — Marci Cropp
  4. Treasurer —  Tom Barako
  5. Secretary —  Daryl Aurand
  6. Committee Reports:
  7. Golf – Our golf tournament was a success and a special thanks to chairman Bruce Bradshaw for his leadership and all members for your help. This project is of huge importance for our budget.
  8. Wine Festival – The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be parking cars on September 8th and 9th. Brian Skidmore is chairman of this fundraiser and will be sending out the time schedule that we have volunteered to help.

Upcoming Dates:

  • August 15th Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage, pulled pork dinner, please RSVP to Dan
  • September 8th and 9th , Wine Festival Parking fund raiser
  • September 19th meeting is our “Respect for Law”
  • December 7th is our Christmas magic show

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary


Hi Fellow Optimists:

Due to 80% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow evening our meeting will be at the Refectory at 6pm with dinner 6:30.

We will have nominations and election of officers for 2018/2019.

Thanks and hope to see you tomorrow eve.
Dan Mattern

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 for our summer picnic hosted at Sue and Wayne Hill’s residence. Wayne and Sue provided fresh chicken corn soup. Members provided covered dishes. After dinner Tom Barako challenged us with a game of trivia.

Thank you again Wayne and Sue for hosting this social event and preparing the delicious soup.

This was a wonderful social evening enjoyed by all.

 Evening Agenda:

Upcoming Dates:

  • August 1st meeting at Lake Heritage, 6PM

The 8/1 meeting will be our nominations and election of officers for 2018 and 2019. If you are interested in running or making a nomination for an office contact Dan.

  • August 15, 4th quarter zone meeting hosted by Gettysburg at Lake Heritage, 6PM
  • 9/8th and 9/9th Wine Festival Parking fund raiser

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Hello Fellow Optimists:

You don’t want to miss the Optimist summer picnic at Wayne and Sue Hill on Wednesday July 18. Wayne and Sue are making their famous chicken corn soup. We gather at 6 with dinner at 6:30 with lots of food and fellowship.

If you would like to bring a covered dish that would be great. If you last name begins with the letter A thru J  a salad or side dish would be good. If you last name begins with the letter M thru Z a dessert would be great. Table settings and drinks are provided.

Please respond to this email by Sunday the15th if you plan to attend with number of people so they can plan accordingly.

Brush up on your trivia. I hear Tom has a doozie trivia contest planned.

Thanks and hope to see you the 18th.  Dan








Hello Fellow Optimists;

Just a reminder NO meeting Wednesday, July 4th.  Enjoy the holiday!

Summer picnic will be Wednesday, July 18 at the home of Wayne and Sue. More info on this later.

Thanks, Dan 

The “Clyde E. Williams Jr. eighth annual Gettysburg Optimist Golf Tournament is set for Monday, 25 June, 2018 with tee off scheduled for 1:00 pm at the Links at Gettysburg. 

This annual Golf Tournament features contests including a Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Green of Gold, and Putting contests with awards to the top three finishing foursomes.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg invites the local community to join us for the afternoon.  For new registrations or more information, please visit our website.  We “Thank You” for your participation in helping to Bring out the Best in Kids.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 for our first summer meeting held at the Lake Heritage pavilion.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (16) members and (6) guests. Dan opened the evening with the invocation. All members and guests recited the pledge of allegiance. A great dinner was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey.

Evening Agenda:

  1. The evening started with our guests from Gettysburg Community Theatre presenting us with some wonderful music sung by two sisters who are actively involved at GCT. Chad Allan Carr, director highlighted some of the theaters activities and thanked the Optimist Club for our support.
  2. Brian Skidmore introduced his guest/prospective member “Brandon Mummert” and Brandon turned in his application to become a Gettysburg Optimist Club member. Kudos Brian for introducing Brandon to our club.
  3. Wayne Hill introduced his guest/prospective member “Sue Hill” and we look forward to Sue’s becoming a member of the Gettysburg Optimist Club. Again thank you Wayne for asking Sue to become a member.
  4. Committee Reports:
    1. Golf (Bruce) – reports that our postponed golf tournament’s plans are coming together. Our new date is Monday June 25th. We have some openings for our tournament but contact Bruce, Wayne, or Daryl if you have a foursome interested. We have this event posted on our website.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 6/12/18 Zone Meeting in Lancaster
  • 6/18/18 meeting at Gettysburg Rec Park, Fireman’s pavilion with Kiwanis Club.
  • 6/20/18 no meeting due to meeting with Kiwanis
  • 6/25/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
  • No meeting on July 4th
  • 7/18/18 annual summer picnic at Wayne & Sue Hill
  • 9/8th an 9/9th Wine Festival Parking fund raiser

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary