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Hello Fellow Optimists:

To keep everyone informed listed is the summer meeting schedule :

May 23 —  Dollar for Scholars awards 7pm at GAHS. If interested in attending leave Dan know. Sorry for late notice on this event.

June 6 —   Meet at the Lake w/ GCT and the N O W program. Stacey will provide meal

June 12  —  Second quarter Zone meeting in Lancaster 6pm. If interested in going, please leave Dan know.

June 18 —  Picnic with Kiwanis  6pm at Rec Park. Club will provide drinks and dessert. Kiwanis will provide meal. No meeting June 20th.

June 25 —    Golf tournament at the Links. Stacey will provide meal.

July 4  —     No meeting. Enjoy your July 4th celebration

July 18  —   Optimist picnic at the home of Wayne and Sue Hill. Members bring covered dish. Stacey will provide the entree.

August  1  —  Meet at the Lake. Election of officers. Stacey will provide meal.

August  15  —  Meet at the Lake. Zone meeting. Stacey will provide pork dinner.

September 5   —  Steaks at club member home. Location TBA.

September 8  —  Parking for Chamber wine festival

September 9  —  Parking for Chamber wine festival.

September 19  —  Meeting at Refectory. Stacey will provide meal.

October 3  —  Officer installation banquet at the Refectory. Stacey will provide meal.

Thanks, Dan

Special thanks to Bruce and his golf committee, Wayne and Daryl for enduring May 16 with all the work involved to cancel and reschedule the golf outing.

Also Stacey for her patience and ability to adapt to the changes.


Upcoming June Meetings:

  1. Wednesday June 6th @ 6 PM, Lake Heritage Pavillion. We will have guests from “Gettysburg Community Theater”. In addition we are encouraging members to invite guests for our official “NOW’ program = New Optimist Welcome. Please RSVP me by email no later than May 28th to help with our dinner plans.
  2. Monday June 18th @ 6 PM, will be our 2nd meeting with the Kiwnais Club. The location will be at the Rec Park pavillion, Gettysburg. Again please RSVP me by email no later than May 28th to help us with our count for dinner plans.

Daryl Aurand email: [email protected]

The new date for the Clyde E Williams Jr Memorial Optimist Golf Tourney is Monday, 25 June 2018 with shotgun start at 1:00 pm at the Links at Gettysburg. Thank you for your patience and support in “bringing out the best in kids” We look forward to seeing everyone on the greens Monday, June 25 at 1:00pm

Ladies and Gentleman,

We have postponed the Optimist Golf Tourney because of weather and are working on a new date.   We will let you know the new date as soon as we have confirmation.

Thanks, Daryl

Optimist Club of Gettysburg

Contact: Gettysburg Optimist Club                                                                  Tel: 717-220-3416 Optimist

Email:[email protected]                                     Website: www.gettysburgoptimist.com



Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament

Clyde E. Williams Jr. was an active Gettysburg Optimist Club member for more than 50 years. From the very beginning of the Clubs Charter in 1958, Clyde dedicated much of his spare time to supporting the Gettysburg communities youth through the Gettysburg Optimist Club. The founder and owner of C. E. Williams & Sons Inc., he worked passionately for more than five decades to raise tens of thousands of dollars annually for dozens of local Optimist youth programs. His dedication, long-time commitment and service to “Bringing out the Best in Kids”, was an inspiration to generations of Gettysburg Optimist Club members.

This year The Optimist Club’s eighth annual golf outing will become the Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament in honor of his life-long dedication to living the principles of Optimism. The event will be held at the Links of Gettysburg on May 17, 2018 with a Tee Off at 1:00 PM. The contest features prizes for best overall performances, longest drives, closest to the pin, hole-in-one and “Green of Gold”. All funds from this charitable event will support more than 15 youth related programs conducted each year throughout the Gettysburg community. Sponsorship opportunities still exist for organizations and individuals who wish to support the efforts of the Gettysburg Optimist Club.

Bruce Bradshaw, Project Chairperson says, “It’s difficult to believe growing up in Gettysburg over the past 60 years and not benefiting from one or more of the Gettysburg Optimist youth programs. The Gettysburg Optimist Club needs your support to continue its work by sponsoring or registering today for The Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament.”

For more details on sponsorships or how you can participate and support The Optimist Club of Gettysburg and the Clyde E. Williams Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament, visit our website at WWW.gettysburgoptimist.com or call us at 717.220.3416.

About The Optimist Club of Gettysburg

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. Optimist International and its thousands of world-wide affiliates are dedicated to provide hope and positive vision to countless youth throughout communities across the United States and around the world. Their volunteers purpose is to develop optimism as a philosophy of life utilizing the tenets of the Optimist Creed; to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire respect for the law; to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people; to aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life and the world. Optimist International and their local affiliates are recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory and celebrated their 60th anniversary.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (18) members and (7) guests. Daryl opened the evening with the invocation. All members and guests recited the pledge of allegiance. A great dinner was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey. Sue Hill prepared a special anniversary cake and it was decorated with candles, a special thanks to Sue.

Evening Agenda:

  1. The evening started with our Zone Lt. Governor, Dallas Smith speaking to the club and congratulating us for 60 years of service for the youth of our community.
  2. Our next special guest was Commissioner Jim Martin who was the son of Carroll Martin our first President in 1958 the year our club was chartered. Commissioner Martin was a young boy and had many fond memories he shared with us.
  3. President Dan recognized Wayne as our longest standing member who joined the club in 1975.
  4. A special thanks to Janet Mattern and Ashley Mattern Skidmore for setting up a table of memorabilia.
  5. Tom Barako was our emcee for an “Optimist Trivia Event” which took us down memory lane and many laughs were had by all.
  6. Dan then asked all members and guests to recall past years and shared with everyone in attendance.
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Golf (Bruce) – We’re out of the gate and have a major sponsor for our Eighth Annual Golf Tournament. This year will be the “Clyde  E. Williams Jr Memorial Tourney”. CE. Williams Sons, Inc. is the major sponsor with a ($2,500.00) major sponsorship. Clyde Williams was a charter member of the Gettysburg Optimist Club. You can visit our website for more information.

Every member is being asked to help get sponsors and foursomes. If all 33 Optimist members  get a $500.00 sponsor the Optimist Golf Tournament will be a huge success!!!!

We currently have 13 foursomes signed up and 15 gold sponsors. Let’s make this our most successful golf tournament yet !!!!! Yes we have room for more 4somes and sponsors so get your registrations mailed, emailed, or register on our Gettysburg Optimist website.

If you prefer Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/11/18 Optimist Olympics York Club at York City Ice Rink 9AM
  • 5/16/18 No Meeting
  • 5/17/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
  • 6/6/18 meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion with guests from Gettysburg Community Theater and we are encouraging members to invite guests for our official “NOW” program = New Optimist Welcome.
  • 6/18/18 meeting at Gettysburg Rec Park with Kiwanis Club.

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Hello Fellow Optimists:

Our May 2nd meeting will be a celebration of 60 years” bringing out the best in kids”. Bring your scrap book or any other optimist memorabilia you may have.

Wear your optimist pin. Bring your spouse ,friend or just come yourself but come out and enjoy a relaxed and fun evening reminiscing the past years. I hear we will have Optimist trivia so brush up on your optimist club. We have some special guest attending so please attend this meeting. This dinner is paid from our dues.

Please RSVP by Sunday April 29 with number of people attending so we have a count for dinner.

Hope to see you May 2nd at the Refectory with social at 6pm followed by dinner at 6:30.

Optimistically, Dan Mattern

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at O’Rorke’s Restaurant in Gettysburg.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (16) members and (1) guest, Ryan Eaton, vice president of Gettysburg Little League. Wayne opened the evening with the invocation. All members recited the pledge of allegiance. Dinner was served.

Evening Agenda:

  1. Our guest speaker Ryan Eaton representing Gettysburg Little League was very appreciative of the financial support from our club. The little league has 118 registered players, a significant increase in numbers from last year. They also have started a girls’ softball league this year. Ryan’s presentation was given before dinner due to his demands to be back to little league practice.
  2. Reports: President’s report given by Dan thanked Chris Bender one of our newest members for attending opening day for Little League.
  3. Secretary’s minutes for the April 4, 2018 meeting and Treasure’s report given by Tom Barako were approved. Tom also reported a net profit from the oyster feed was ($4,120.00). Kudos to all members for your help and thank you Stacey and Wayne for your leadership.
  4. Committee Reports:
    1. Golf (Bruce) – We’re out of the gate and have a major sponsor for our Eighth Annual Golf Tournament. This year will be the “Clyde Williams Memorial Tourney”. E. Williams Sons, Inc. is the major sponsor with a ($2,500.00) major sponsorship. Clyde Williams was a charter member of the Gettysburg Optimist Club. You can visit our website for more information.

Every member is being asked to help get sponsors and foursomes. If all 33 Optimist members  get a $500.00 sponsor the Optimist Golf Tournament will be a huge success!!!!

We currently have 12 foursomes signed up and 15 gold sponsors. Let’s make this our most successful golf tournament yet !!!!!

If you prefer Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 4/29/18 Mark Cropp announced that “Face of America” 600 bicycle and hand cycle riders will converge on Gettysburg. Many thanks to veterans and all volunteers for the sacrifice given for our freedom.
  • 5/2/18 Meeting will be at the Refectory. 60th year celebration so invite your spouse or friend. All members are encouraged to save this date and RSVP treasure Tom Barako.
  • 5/11/18 Optimist Special Olympics York club at York City Ice Rink 9AM.
  • 5/17/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
  • 6/6/18 meeting at Lake Heritage Pavilion with guests from Gettysburg Community Theater and we are encouraging members to invite guests for our official “NOW” program = New Optimist Welcome.

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary

Fellow Optimists,

Our next meeting is this Wednesday, April 18th at (O’Rorke’s Restaurant) located at 44 Steinwehr Ave. Gettysburg. We will be meeting up stairs. Social time begins at 6PM and dinner at 6:30PM.

Our speaker will be from Gettysburg Little League.

Optimistically, Daryl Aurand / Secretary