The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. A delicious ham dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed the members and guests. Dan opened the meeting with the invocation and pledge of allegiance. Dinner was served.
Business Meeting:
- Governor Dallas Smith joined us for the evening and discussed requirements for Honor Clubs with part of the criteria being to net a plus (3) for our membership. Dallas also recognized Gettysburg for setting the bar for all of our activities and contributions to our community.
- VP Brian Skidmore introduced his guest, Chris Bender, assistant golf course superintendent at Chambersburg Country Club. Chris and his wife reside in Biglerville.
- Approval was made of the minutes from the 10-18 meeting and treasurer’s report.
- President Dan thanked all who volunteered for the Christmas Salvation Army Bell ringing date of 12-21.
- Doug Miller reported the Christmas Magic Show telephone solicitation is under way.
- Dan thanked Fred Darling for his time serving as Santa Claus and gave a thank you to Tedd Sayres for stepping to the plate to be our new Santa Claus.
- The meeting was concluded by reciting the Optimist Creed.
Upcoming Dates:
- 11/15/17 Next meeting, 6:00 pm Social, 6:30 PM Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory Speaker – Ruth Topper, Rising Stars GASD and Holiday Outreach
- 1st Quarter Zone Meeting 11/06 @ 6PM Meadow Hill Restaurant in York
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing 12/21/17
- Optimist Christmas Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory 12/13/17
- Christmas Magic Show 12/08/17 @ Lincoln Elementary
- Optimist Basketball signups 12/02 & 12/09 @ Middle School 9AM-11AM
- 3/24/18 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall
- 5/17/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
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