The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Valentine Hall. A delicious barbeque chicken dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed the members and guests. Dan opened the meeting with the invocation and pledge of allegiance. A Dinner was served.
Business Meeting:
- Dan introduced our surprise speaker Vice President Brian Skidmore. Brian told the club he was a Michigan native. As a young boy his family had traveled to Gettysburg on vacation and he thought this would be a great place to work and live. He majored in history and ended up being hired by the National Park Service in the Ground Maintenance Department. With this employment, Brian is responsible for fighting 1st structure fires. He also has more recently been involved in fighting the western wild forest fires in states such as Idaho and Montana. When deployed to these regions he is situated in the bush for 12 days at a time with the bare necessities for surviving and the tools used to fight wild fires.
Brian has also pulled hurricane detail in Cumberland Island, Georgia after massive storm destruction.
Thank you Brian for sharing your young career experience with the club.
- The main order of business was the approval of the minutes from the 10-04 meeting and the treasures report.
- President Dan discussed the Christmas Salvation Army Bell ringing and a date of 12-21 was approved by members in attendance. If you are interested in being involved in this project email or call Dan for the availability of open times.
- Our 2017-2018 year meeting and event schedule has been formed and will be included as an attachment with the minutes.
- The meeting was concluded by reciting the Optimist Creed.
Upcoming Dates:
- 11/01/17 Next meeting, 6:00 pm Social, 6:30 PM Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory
- 1st Quarter Zone Meeting 11/06 @ 6PM Meadow Hill Restaurant in York
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing 12/21/17
- Optimist Christmas Dinner @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory 12/13/17
- Christmas Magic Show 12/08/17 @ Lincoln Elementary
- Optimist Basketball signups 12/02 & 12/09 @ Middle School 9AM-11AM
- 3/24/18 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall
- 5/17/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
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