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Reminder: On Saturday January 21st members of the Optimist basketball program will have photos taken by Picture this Portraits and Special Events. Please wear your shirts and bring your order form.

Calling all Gettysburg Optimists: Our 2nd meeting of 2017 will be this Wednesday and we are looking forward to all members and guests socializing with us.

We are meeting at the Seminary Refectory so come out and enjoy a great meal prepared by Stacey and staff. 
We promise a great meal and some tall tale stories to be enjoyed.
Optimistically, Daryl

Week 1 Basketball photos are now posted on facebook.  Check them out here!


The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, January 4, 6:00pm, at the Refectory.

Mark Cropp opened the meeting with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Mark then introduced our guest for the evening, Ms. Sheila O’Gara. This was followed by a delicious dinner provided by Stacey Green and her staff.

Report from Mark Cropp: Mark reviewed the upcoming projects and events for the rest of the year. He conveyed a report about the Youth Basketball Program form Mindy and Kris Accardi. The program starts this Saturday, January 7 from 9-1,at the Gettysburg Middle School.  There is great interest in the program with 125 youths signed up and counting. Shirts are ordered and ready for pickup. Volunteers to assist in the program are always welcome. Marci will be taking photos this week but a volunteer is needed on the 14th.

Oyster Feed : Wayne has mailed tickets to everyone for the feed, March 4.

Golf Outing:  May 18 at the Links. Bruce will have information at the next meeting.

Zone Meeting: Daryl and Gary attended the Zone Meeting in York on November 7.

Salvation Army Bell Ringers: Many thanks to all club members who volunteered to be bell ringers.

Christmas Party: The party on Dec. 14 was a great success. Everyone had a wonderful time. Nice to see Santa!

Soccer Parking: Dates are set for May 27 and 28  and  August 26 and 27.

Members comments:

Some discussion about converting to nonprofit status.

Joe could use some help this Friday moving the basketball hoops and stands from his garage. Also he said that some additional help is needed working with older kids at the Basketball Program.

Marci said that the Oyster Feed website page is up and the Oyster feed ad can be pulled for printing and displaying in churches, stores, etc. She also mentioned that the Club Directory on the website was last updated in March 2016 for everyone and requested everyone review their information and provide any updates so this year’s Directory can be published. New members please fill out the paperwork. See a member for the password or contact Marci via email.

Mark mentioned that the Face of America Bike Riders will have their annual event April 29 and 30. There will be over 1000 riders going from Washington to Gettysburg and Philadelphia to Gettysburg.

Mark closed the meeting at 7:00pm with the recital of the Optimist Creed.

Submitted by Fred Darling

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The Optimist Club of Gettysburg will once again host an instructional basketball program beginning this Saturday, January 7th. We look forward to seeing all the kids, parents and coaches on the court at the Gettysburg Middle School Gym.

Sign ups are still being accepted for players and coaches. To register you child you may use this link:  2017 Optimist Hoops Registration Form and email the registration to: [email protected]

The schedule is as follows:

Grade 1-3 Boys: 9-10am

Grade 1-3 Girls: 10-11am

Grade 4-6 Boys: 11-12pm

Grade 4-6 Girls: 12-1pm

Please contact Kris or Mindy at 334-2254 with any 4 IMG_2457Group 3 IMG_2387

Photos courtesy of: Picture This Portraits & Special Events


Looking for a New Year’s resolution? How about: “I will attend more Gettysburg Optimist Club meetings”?

You can start by attending the first Gettysburg Optimist Club meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 4, at 6:00 pm in the Refectory.  Come and share holiday stories and have a great meal.

See you then !

Optimists Celebrated a wonderful evening during their annual Holiday Party. Members of the Gettysburg Area School Orchestra performed. Biggerstaff’s provided a tasty meal. And Santa made an appearance for kids of all ages and shared a few jokes!  View more photos here.

The season begins on Saturday, January 07, 2017 and runs through February 25, 2017 at the Gettysburg Area Middle School, Lefever Street in Gettysburg.

Couldn’t make the advanced registration? Complete the online registration form and email it to [email protected].

We look forward to seeing everyone there!                                                                                                                                           2017 Optimist Hoops Registration Form

The 2017 Holiday All Star Magic Show will be held on Friday, December 9, 2016 at 6:30 pm in Lincoln Elementary School Cafeteria.

Children’s tickets are complimentary and are redeemable on the date of the performance at the admission entrance 30 minutes prior to show time.  Seating is limited, and is on a first come, first serve basis. Coupons cannot be applied toward an adult ticket.  Adult tickets will be available at the entrance for $6.00.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has been sponsoring the youth basketball program for more than 40 years.  The free program is open to all youth in grades 1st through 6th regardless of the level of individual talent.

Sign ups are scheduled for Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 9-11 am at the Gettysburg Area Middle School Cafeteria.

The season begins in January 2017 at the Gettysburg Area Middle School, Lefever Street in Gettysburg.

For more information, click here!