The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on November 16, 2016 at the Refectory.
Bruce Bradshaw opened the meeting at 6:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and an invocation prayer. An outstanding dinner was served by Stacy Green and her staff.
After dinner Bruce proceeded to present two very informative videos. The first video dealt with childhood cancer and focused on a couple with a child who was a patient at the Childhood Cancer Treatment Center at Penn State Hershey. They were being assisted by the Four Diamonds program at the center. Four Diamonds provides direct support to about 600 children with cancer. The organization has been able to assist more than 3700 children and families since 1972.
The second video dealt with children who have autism. It featured a family who had a child with autism and how they worked with their daughter over several years. Eventually, as she grew older, her condition improved to the point where she reached the stage of “inner voice out” , improving dramatically.
Youth Basketball – Mindy and Kris reported that Youth Basketball sign-ups will be 12/3 and 12/10 , at Gettysburg Middle School 9-11.
Bell Ringers- The Salvation Army is looking for Christmas Bell Ringers. An email will be sent to everyone in order to determine who might be interested.
Magic Show- Doug reported that the show will be 12/9 , 7:00pm , at Lincoln Elementary. Tom reported that $ has already been received.
Secretary- Please note that February 11 is a Youth Basketball Day. Please add it to your calendars.
Treasurer’s Report- Tom Reported
Christmas Party- The annual Optimist Club Christmas Party will be Wednesday, December 14, 6:00pm at the Refectory.
Tom said that since our club has excellent financial condition. The charge for the dinner may be reduced to $20.00.
Members- Brian Skidmore thanked the club for the nice basket sent to him after his recent operation.
Bruce Bradshaw closed the meeting at 7:40pm with a recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by: Fred Darling
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