The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has been sponsoring the youth basketball program for more than 40 years.  The free program is open to all youth in grades 1st through 6th regardless of the level of individual talent.

The last in person Sign up is scheduled December 12 from 9-11 am at the Gettysburg Area Middle School Cafeteria.

The season begins on Saturday, January 09, 2016 and runs through March 05, 2016 at the Gettysburg Area Middle School, Lefever Street in Gettysburg. February 06 will be held at Lincoln Elementary school.

For more information, click here!

Appreciate all of the Optimist Club members that participated Salvation Army Bell ringing at Walmart on 4 Dec.   My 12:00 to 1:30 pm time slot was not too cold but the shade made it colder than I thought.   I bet the late night ringers were a little cold!!    Again Thank you so much.      Bruce Bradshaw
Salvation Army 2Salvation Army 1

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has been sponsoring the youth basketball program for more than 40 years.  The free program is open to all youth in grades 1st through 6th regardless of the level of individual talent.

Sign up is scheduled for December 05 and December 12 from 9-11 am at the Gettysburg Area Middle School Cafeteria.

The season begins on Saturday, January 09, 2016 and runs through March 05, 2016 at the Gettysburg Area Middle School, Lefever Street in Gettysburg. February 06 will be held at Lincoln Elementary school.

For more information, click here!

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will hold it’s next regular club meeting on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, at 6:30 p.m., at the Lutheran Seminary located on Seminary Ridge.  Dinner will be provided by Stacey Greene and Biggerstaff Catering. Hope to see everyone there!

The Gettysburg Optimist Club hopes everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be helping to collect food donations for Ruth’s Harvest during the annual Halloween Parade tonight.  Please help us support this wonderful cause by bringing your donations.

If you don’t have any plans for Tuesday night (10/27/2015 @ 7 p.m.), head to downtown Gettysburg for the annual Halloween Parade!  This year, the Optimist Club of Gettysburg will be teaming up with Ruth’s Harvest to help collect food items for distribution to local students to take home with them on the weekends.  The Club has a long tradition of participating in the Halloween Parade.  The Optimist Club is excited to continue it’s tradition of walking in the Halloween Parade, and is proud to team up with a community partner that works to bring out the best in kids!  Hope to see you at the parade, and be sure to cheer extra loud when you see the Optimist Club!



Thank you to everyone who attended the Optimist Installation Banquet on Wednesday, October 14th.  We look forward to seeing how the Optimist Club of Gettysburg continues to grow and support the community with the leadership of incoming officers: President Bruce Bradshaw, VP Darlene Brown, Treasurer Tom Barako, and Secretary Fred Darling.  Special recognition was given to Optimist for Life Member Mark Cropp for his persistent dedication to the mission of the club.   Tom Barako was given the Outstanding Service Award for his eight years as Treasurer and continued embodiment of Optimist ideals.  Outgoing President Kris Accardi was  acknowledged for his two years of successful guidance of the club.  Many thanks to the Dobbin House, guest speaker Judge Todd R. Platts, and Lt Governor Dallas Smith who all helped to make  it a successful evening.

It’s never too early to start planning your golf schedule for the upcoming season!  The Gettysburg Optimist Club will hold it’s sixth annual Golf Tournament at the Gettysburg Links on May 19, 2015, at 1 p.m.  All proceeds from the event are donated to youth-oriented programs aimed at “Bringing out the Beset in Kids,” such as Little League Baseball, Reading is Fundamental, Gettysburg S.T.A.R.S., Dollars for Scholars, Gettysburg High School Orchestra, Environmental Education, Gettysburg Community Theatre, Adams County Art Council and Meals and More.  Be sure to mark your calendar and check back for more details!


On October 14, 2015, the Gettysburg Optimist Club will hold it’s annual Installation Banquet at the Dobbin House. It’s the time of year when Club members come together to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year, to recognize those members who have showed distinguished service, and induct the Club’s new leaders for the upcoming year.  This year’s banquet will feature the Honorable Todd R. Platts as guest speaker.  Social hour starts at 6 p.m., and dinner will begin at 6:30.