The Optimist Club of Gettysburg meets this Wednesday, January 21st, at Mama Ventuta’s. Dinner is served at 6:30PM.

The Adams County Art Council hosted the Optimist Club of Gettysburg for their first meeting of the new year on Wednesday, January 7th.  The Optimist Club President Kris Accardi (above right) presented a $500 donation to Chris Glatfelter of the ACAC (above left) to help support all the wonderful youth programs offered there.


During the first meeting of the new year the Optimist of Gettysburg added Sam  Isenberger (1st picture on the left) to the prestigious list of Optimist Life Members.  A Life Member has shown years of dedication and commitment to the club and the Optimist way.  Sam has served the club well for more than 20 years.  Congrats Sam!

President Kris Accardi (1st and 2nd picture far right) also had the pleasure of adding two new members to our roster.  Dan Mattern (2nd picture, 2nd from left) has previously served our club  and we are so excited that he has been able to return.  Bob Dicken (2nd picture far left) has numerous years of community service to his credit and he joins his daughter and son-in-law in the club.  Welcome Dan and Bob!



Optimist Club of Gettysburg

Meeting minutes

January 7, 2015

Special meeting location: Adams County Arts Council, S. Washington St.

Attending: 19 members, 1 guest (Chris Glatfelter, Exec. Dir.)

*Annual Dues are due.*  $200 For the full year, or, $50 per quarter. Please make checks payable to:

Optimist Club of Gettysburg, and send to  PO Box 3035, Gettysburg, PA    17325

Or bring them to a meeting.

Thank you!

Stacey (Biggerstaff’s Catering) provided the dinner and dessert.

Chris Glatfelter thanked the club for our regular support and provided an overview of opportunities and activities for 2015. Their mission is to cultivate an arts rich community. Their building is available for rent for small and large groups from formal  dinners to a house full of youngsters with finger paints.

Classes of every variety are available throughout the year. They include painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, art camps, music, cooking, and many more for adults and children. Rotating art and sculpture exhibits are often on display. Check out their web site at  Donations and memberships are always welcome.

President Kris presented a check in the amount of $500. for their work with youth.

Youth basketball starts this Saturday, January 10th, at the Gettysburg Middle School, beginning at 9AM. Helpers are needed – no experience needed. It’s fun!  Join us.

Bruce reported on the Golf Tournament (May 21st) and has scheduled a committee meeting after the next meeting (Jan 21st). Every member should strive to sign up a golf foursome, and, continue to think of area contacts and business people you patronize or know of. Then take the literature Bruce will supply you by email, and make a call. Sign them up as a gold sponsor (preferred) and /or ask them to consider a gift or a gift in kind (food, door prizes of value). Our goal this year is $12,000.

Oyster Feed – our job is to sell tickets!!! We get very few walk-ins  so that pre sale of tickets is our only chance to have a successful fund raiser.

New members Dan Mattern and Robert Dicken were inducted into the club tonight. Congratulations!!

Congratulations also to our long time and faithful member Sam Isenberger who became a life member at the meeting – President Kris presiding.

The STARS breakfast sponsored by the Optimist Club will be January 21st. The start time was unknown (by the club) as of this writing. Members are invited to attend.

The 2nd QTR Zone meeting will be held March 12th at 6:30PM at the American Legion Bldg., in Hummelstown. Joe MacDowell is planning to attend. Others are welcome.

Tom Barako reported the Christmas Play netted about $3800. And was enjoyed by over 300 children of all ages. Kudos to chmn. Doug Miller.

Next meeting January 21st at Mama Ventura’s, dinner at 6:30. Come early and enjoy a beverage and some good company!

Optimistically, Joe MacDowell

Fellow Optimists,

We meet this Wednesday, January 7th, at the Arts Council Building on S. Washington Street at 6:30PM.

Please come for an informative meeting, good fellowship, and a great meal by Biggerstaff’s Catering!

Also, please email Stacey ([email protected]) or Kris ([email protected]) right away if you are coming. We need a good count.

Hope to see you there. Guests are always welcome.

If you missed the Optimist Basketball sign ups don’t worry there is still time for your child to be a part of this great program!  Below are the registration forms.   Once completed please email to [email protected] or send via mail to 5a Bonniefield Circle Gettysburg PA 17325 before January 1st so that we can have as many children placed on teams ahead of time.  Play begins on Saturday, January 10th at the Gettysburg Middle School gym.


9-10am Boys Grades K-3rd

10-11am Girls Grades K-3rd

11-12pm Boys Grades 4th-6th

12-1pm Girls Grades 4th-6th


basketball registration 2015

Basketball Schedule 2015



Optimist Basketball sign-ups are this Saturday, December 6th from 9-11am at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria.  This program is available for local boys and girls in grades K-6.  We look forward to another great season!

Reminder, there are no regular meetings in December. Please note President Kris’s email regarding the Christmas Party on Wednesday 10th. Hope to see you there!


The Optimist Club of Gettysburg will once again sponsor a youth basketball program for boys and girls in grades K-6.  The seven week program which takes place on Saturdays will begin in January.  Come sign-up your child at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria on Saturday, December 6th or 13th from  9-11am .  We look forward to seeing you on the court!

President Kris called the meeting to order and introduced guests for the evening:

Lt. Governor Dallas Smith

Special Olympics guests, Ms. Terry Sickles, Program Director, Alex Harner, and Ms. Bailey.

Invocation: Sam Isenberger

There are 150 athletes involved in the Special Olympics program in Adams County (40% under age 18).The mission is year around sports training for those who are intellectually impaired (not necessarily physically impaired). All activities of the participants choosing are free. However, the Special Olympics Organization pays the fees, transportation, lodging (if they go onto state, national , world events). There is an obvious need for funding.

There will be a Specal Olympics “golf challenge” at the Bridges golf course in the Spring. There will be a need for sponsors, golfers, and volunteers.

Benefits: Encourages independence building, self confidence, gives families a support network, gives athelete and parents a respite from relationship which is of value to both. There are 12 sports available. Bowling, swimming, golf,kayaking, bocci, volleyball to name a few. Coaches are needed – even with minimal experience.

Summer games are at Penn State, Fall games at Villanova, Winter games in Johnstown. States are at Penn State.

Alex Harner, Special Olympian, spoke about his experiences since age 8 (now 23). Social developement and making friends is a great benefit. He attended World Games in Greece – a life long memory.  We sang happy Birthday to Ms. Bailey and gave her a small cake and candle.

Lt. Gov. Dallas Smith from the East York Club (all York clubs have merged) commended Gettysburg for its great programs.   A framed print was presented to President Kris for Club support of the Optimist Foundation ($500/yr for about 10 years). The next Zone meeting will be Monday Nov. 24th at Alexander’s restaurant at 6:30.


Treasurer – General Fund $425.17; Activities Fund $10,330.93   Tom has taken care of tax preparation for this year. The Magic Show is doing well and is exceeding expectations. At special thank you goes to the Eagles Club for their $500. donation.

Bruce Bradshaw had his knee surgery and is at home and doing well. Send him an email!

Magic Show – Dec. 12, 7PM at Lincoln Elementary. Thanks for your good work Doug!

Mindy reports basketball sign ups will be December 7th and 14th from 9-11 AM at the Gettysburg Middle School cafeteria. The season will be 7 weeks long with no practice on Jan 31st.

Oyster Feed will be Saturday Feb.28th with prep Friday nt, at 6PM at the Firehall.

Optimist Christmas Party will be December 10th at 6:30PM at the Refectory. Members and guests are $25. each,  and children under ten are free. BYOB. Presents “from Santa” should be brought by parents and placed under the tree. Mindy may have a photo op for children in antler ears, Santa’s cap, etc. Good Fun!

No regular meetings in December!!

Recorded by Walt Jones