The majority of the evening was devoted to electing officers for the upcoming year. Kris has agreed to lead us as President next year along with a Vice President who will be able to serve as President in 2016. The Gettysburg Optimist Club has many great potential leaders, the next one could be you! Tom has graciously agreed to continue to master our budget as Treasurer. Joe will be reprising the role of Secretary. The Board of Directors will include: Kris, Tom, Joe, Walt, Mindy, and a VP to be named. As there will not be a “past President” to sit on the board we will add one additional seat to the Board of Directors. Please contact Kris (267-391-7834 or [email protected]) if you are interested in the V.P. or Board of Directors position.
Treasurer Report: Our activities fund (source for our donations) is looking good as a result of our fundraising efforts. However, our general fund (fund for OI and districtdues, dinners, ect.) will need to see a boost of revenue to accommodate for rising expenses. Tom has outlined several options in order to maintain our budget next year. He will review these with the Board of Directors and then the options will be presented to the Club for a vote.
Fourth Quarter Zone Meeting: Our Club will again host this Pig Roast/Zone meeting. It will be on Wednesday, August 20th at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Our Governor, Kathleen Manchec will be in attendance along with John Breidenbach the A&A report chair, so let’s have a strong showing!
Soccer Parking: Round two of the Soccer Tournament Parking is set for Saturday, August 23rd and Sunday, August 24th. Thank you to all the volunteers. Contact Don Davis if you need a refresher on your scheduled time.
Chamber of Commerce: There will be a Membership Mixer on Thursday, August 21st from 5-7pm at the Gettysburg YWCA. If interested RSVP by 8/14/14 to 334-8151 or
Golf Tournament: The date is set for next year’s Tournament. The Links will again host the event on Thursday May 21st. The Club looks to get into the swing of planning very soon.
-Pig Roast/Zone Meeting: Wednesday, August 20th at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
-Soccer Parking August 23rd and 24th
-“Wayne-a-Palooza”: all members are encouraged to come out for this night of camaraderie on Wednesday, September 3rd at the Hill residence
-Installation Banquet: October 1st
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