Reminder: Optimist meeting tonight at Mama Ventura’s (13 Chambersburg St. Gettysburg, PA). The meeting begins at 6:30pm. Please allow yourself time to find parking.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is raising funds for its local service projects. The club is now planning the 2014 Oyster Feed. The event will take place on March 8, 2014 at the Gettysburg Fire Hall, 35 N Stratton Street, Gettysburg.
“Our Optimist Club’s number one priority is helping the children of this community. Fundraisers such as this one are essential to putting all of our plans into action,” committee chair Wayne Hill said. “With this fundraiser, we hope to be able to bring more projects to the children of the community who need it most.
Mark your calendars and watch the news for more information and ticket purchase in the coming months.
Reminder: Regular Optimist meetings will now be held at Mama Ventura’s (13 Chambersburg St. Gettysburg, PA). A buffet-style dinner will be provided. Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 16th. Meeting start time is 6:30pm.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is sponsoring the All Star Magic Show on Friday December 13, 2013. For more than 25 years the Gettysburg Optimist have sponsored the event with the funds going to support more than 19 Optimist, youth related programs conducted throughout the year. Magic Show Chairman, Doug Miller has once again planned an evening that the attending youth and their parents will not forget.
Telephone solicitations began throughout the Gettysburg area this past week and complimentary youth tickets are being distributed to Optimist supporters and area organizations. Hundreds of free tickets are available to area youth and $6.00 adult tickets will be available at the door the evening of the performance. The All Star Magic Show will be held at the Lincoln Elementary School on Lefever Street in Gettysburg. The show will begin at 7:00 pm and will conclude with one boy and one girl being presented a brand new bike.
Members who are interested in assisting the evening of the show should contact Doug Miller.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has announced the addition of Fred Darling as a new member of the club. Darling took the oath October 2, 2013 during the Installation Banquet at the Dobbin House. Optimist Member and Sponsor Walt Jones swore in and pinned Darling. Darling has always been committed to youth in the community throughout his life.
“We are looking forward to the contributions that Fred can make in our club, and we’re proud to have him as a member,” out going Club President Craig Sweet said. “But the most fortunate ones are the children who will benefit from his dedication, and that’s what optimism is all about.”
For more photos of the evenings events, visit us here...
Optimist Meeting Minutes 10/2/13
INSTALLATION: The Dobbin House provided excellent service and an excellent venue for our Installation Banquet. We began the Optimist year on a great note as Walt installed new member, Fred Darling. Fred served as an educator in the Hanover school district before spending some time serving youth in Texas. Now that he has returned to the area he looks forward to getting involved in our community.
Also, it looks like Bruce’s friend, Frank who you may remember from some of our summer meetings is looking to join the club as well!
OFFICERS: Club President, Craig Sweet handed the reigns over to incoming President, Kris Accardi. Tom Barako and Mindy Accardi will continue serving as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. The Board of Directors is as follows: Craig Sweet, Daryl Aurand, Marci Cropp, Mark Grazulewicz, and Joe MacDowell.
NOTE FROM FORMER PRESIDENT (CRAIG SWEET): Craig thanked the members of the club for being “integral” in making last year a success. He related how Optimists in and outside the club were always willing to help and offer guidance. He reminded the club that as one year comes to an end and a new one begins it is important make the glass “full” again and you can even let it “overflow” with support and new ideas.
NOTE FROM THE GOVERNOR (KATHLEEN MANCHEC): Kathleen challenged us to recognize all the wonderful things that youth are doing for our community. She also described the thought behind this year’s Optimist pin which is a small circle within a box. She stated that the pin has a double meaning. One, depending on the angle, we can “see things differently”, so we should be open to new suggestions. Two, sometimes we should stick with tradition by staying “in the box”, but it’s also ok to step out of the box to try something that we have not done before. There will be an opportunity for Optimist members to attend leadership training in Baltimore, MD even if you are not a current officer. The district is looking for ways to offset some of the costs to the members. More news to come. Think about packing your bags for Vegas, the site of this coming year’s Optimist Convention. Details to follow.
NOTE FROM THE LT. GOVERNOR (TOM MCGLYNN): Tom expressed appreciation of the work that our club does, making us number 6 out of 49 clubs in our district. He told a personal story of true optimism, describing how getting knocked down can sometimes be the turning point allowing you to win the game and even get the girl! He also encouraged members to consider volunteering for position of Lt. Governor. It is a great way to meet people and see good things that clubs around the area are doing.
NOTE FROM THE INCOMING PRESIDENT (KRIS ACCARDI): Kris has felt right at home with the Optimist club and he is excited to become President. He looks forward to seeing the club continue to grow in members and to improve upon the base activities and fundraisers that are currently in place.
AWARDS: Joe MacDowell continued the tradition started last year by Mark Cropp in which a painting that was presented to the club is given to a member to have for one year’s time. Joe was the first person to be awarded this recognition as a member whose service and dedication went “above and beyond” the Optimist standard. This year Joe decided to present this honor to Kris and Mindy Accardi for their willingness to step into leadership roles and participate in events such as Optimist Basketball, the Oyster and Shrimp Feed, and Soccer Tournament Car Parking. Next year, Kris and Mindy will look to pass the painting on to another member who embodies the Optimist spirit.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Gettysburg Halloween Parade. A handful of members have agreed to participate, but we are looking for more bodies! Please contact Marci ASAP if you plan to attend the parade on Tuesday, October 22nd. Line-up approximately 6pm and step-off will be at 7:30pm from the old Visitor Center Parking Lot on Steinwehr. (Rain date is set for Tuesday, October 29th) The Optimist Club plans to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of York/Adams County for this event. If you would like to participate, but are unable to walk the route we can look into getting the scoot coupes again from Getty Peds.
OTHER NOTES: Tom will discuss the new cost for dues at the coming meeting.
There will be a board meeting following the next regular business meeting.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30pm. A new year brings a new location for meetings! This year’s meetings will be held at Mama Ventura’s (13 Chambersburg St. Gettysburg PA). Street parking is generally available nearby this time of year. A homemade buffet-style meal in the private meeting room will be served. Alcoholic beverages will be made available for purchase by members.
For more photos of the evenings events, visit our facebook page.
We will welcome new members and officers in style during the Installation Banquet tonight at the Dobbin House. Fellowship begins at 6pm and dinner will be served at 6:30pm.
Please RSVP Mark G. ([email protected]) now if you and a guest plan to attend this great evening at the Dobbin House on Wednesday, October 2nd. There is no cost to members. Spouses/guests may join us at a cost of $15 per person. Fellowship begins at 6pm and dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Let’s welcome our new members and officers with a large gathering of Optimists!
Optimist Meeting Minutes 9/18/13
-Mark C. hosted a great gathering for our members with some delicious steaks for our final outdoor meeting of the year. Apologies from the secretary for the missed email reminder the day of this event!
–New Meeting Location: The club was presented with several great options for meeting locations for the upcoming year. The members who were present decided to go with Mama Ventura’s (13 Chambersburg St. Gettysburg PA). We look forward to a homemade buffet-style meal in the private meeting room. Our first meeting at Mama’s will be on Wednesday, October, 16th at 6:30pm.
–Treasurer Report: Tom will discuss member dues next month, but as a result of the increased cost to hold our business meetings, annual member dues will need to be adjusted accordingly.
-Installation Banquet: Please RSVP to Mark G. ([email protected]) ASAP if you (and a guest at a cost of $15) are planning to attend on Wednesday, October 2nd at the Dobbin House. Mingling begins at 6pm and dinner will be provided at 6:30pm. Please keep in mind that if you RSVP and fail to attend you will be responsible for the cost that the club incurs for the meal.
–Halloween Parade: A sign-up sheet went around for the Halloween Parade. Please contact Marci if you plan to participate on Tuesday, October 22nd. Line-up approximately 6pm and step-off will be at 7:30pm from the old Visitor Center Parking Lot on Steinwehr. (Rain date is set for Tuesday, October 29th) The Optimist Club plans to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of York/Adams County for this event. If you would like to participate, but are unable to walk the route we can look into getting the scoot coupes again from Getty Peds.
–Oyster/Shrimp Feed: The Fire hall has been reserved for Saturday, March 8th for this year’s Oyster and Shrimp Feed. Last year we served 225 guests. This year club members will be seating guests at the tables to ensure that we utilize the space appropriately and that we provide the best experience for our patrons.
–Get Well: The club wishes Doug and Marci well as they recover from surgery.
-Next Meeting: Installation Banquet, Wednesday, October 2nd at the Dobbin House.

About Us
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, PA was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. The Club has been in continuous service to the Gettysburg community and its youth.
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