President Report: The Optimists of Gettysburg are the 6th ranking district in our zone. Our zone 7 is the top zone in our area.
Consider making yourself available for the 4th Quarter Meeting which is here in Gettysburg 8/16-18.
Golf Tournament News: This year, the number of sponsors was up, although the number of golfers was a little down compared to previous years. The club raised approximately $4900 to serve local youth. We look forward to expanding on this popular event next year.
Soccer Tournament Parking: Due to the decreased number of soccer fields for this year’s tournament, the income from the parking was down compared to previous years, but we hope to see a better weekend for the tournament in August. We raised approximately $3875 with this event.
Dollars for Scholars: The Optimist presented two $1000 scholarship awards to one boy and one girl graduating from GAHS.
Other notes: The Treasurer, Secretary, and Board of Directors are willing to continue to serve in their respective positions next year. They are willing to step aside if someone else would like to fill their role. The Vice President position is available. Please contact Kris Accardi if you have any nominations or would like to fill a position next year. Elections are planned for August.
The journals for the Roads to Freedom project are available through the Adams County Library. This project which the Optimist Club helped to sponsor is seeking to combat childhood obesity.
The Optimist-sponsored Little League team played their last game on Tuesday. The kids really seemed to enjoy themselves and the coaches were very enthusiastic and motivational. See the Optimist Facebook page for pictures.
The only meeting in July will be held at Wayne Hill’s house on the 17th.
Mark your calendars for the much-loved All-Star Magic Show! It will be held 12/15/13. Details to follow.
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 6:30pm, Lake Heritage Pavilion. Sam and Bill will be the guest chefs. There will be a board of directors meeting afterwards.
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