The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is hosting the Annual All Star Magic Show to be held on December 14, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Lincoln Elementary School. The local “Friends of Youth” have sponsored the entertainment each December for more than 20 years and look forward to the show again this year! Come out and Enjoy the show!
The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Family Christmas Party will be held at the Refectory on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 6pm. Cocktails/Hors d’ oeuvres followed by dinner beginning at 6:30pm. Members, their families and guest are are invited to attend by contacting Stacey Green at [email protected].
The cost is $10 for Optimist members and each of their guests. Children under 12 are free. Remember to bring a small gift (under $10) with a child’s name so that Santa can give them the present!
Reminder: The first registration for the 2013 year Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Program will be held on Saturday, December 8th at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Youth in grades 1-6 are invited to participate free of charge. We hope to see you there!
President Report:
-The next zone meeting will take place on Monday, December 10th in York at Alexander’s restaurant. It will be $15 per person. Craig will be attending; anyone else is welcome to join him.
-There will not be a regular business meeting for the month of December.
Secretary Report:
-The Optimist will not be joining this year’s Holiday Parade. However, we will keep the Halloween Parade in mind for next year.
-Wayne will be looking into pricing for oysters/shrimp. A date is TBD.
Treasurer Report:
-Despite consideration, it was decided not to invest in the Powerball 🙂
-The Optimist Magic Show appears to be exceeding expectations for donations already!
-We have two sponsors confirmed so far for the Optimist Golf tournament. Please continue to seek out local businesses for support.
Upcoming Events:
-Optimist Hoops registration will take place on Saturday, December 8th and 15th from 9-11am in the Gettysburg Middle School gym.
-Optimist Christmas Party is set for Wednesday, December 12, 2012. Mingling and appetizers to begin at 6pm with dinner set for 6:30pm. Prime rib, crab imperial, and chicken tenders (for our young guests) will be on the menu. Please RSVP Stacey at [email protected] if you plan on coming. Santa will be stopping in, so if you are bringing a child as a guest please remember a small gift with their name on it. Feel free to bring a bottle of wine to share with your fellow Optimists.
-The annual Optimist Magic Show will take place on Friday, December 14th at 7pm at the Lincoln elementary school.
The next Optimist business meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 6:30pm at the Refectory.
Important topics for discussion include: Gettysburg Holiday Parade, Optimist Christmas Party, and the Optimist Magic Show.
Hello Fellow Optimist!
I don’t mean to fly past the Thanksgiving holiday, however the Optimist Chrismas Party will be here before we know it! Stacey is in the planning stage, so please RSVP to: [email protected] with the number of guests at your earliest convenience.
Here are the important details:
The party is at the Refectory on Wednesday, December 12, 2012. 6pm. Cocktails/Hors d’ oeuvres followed by dinner beginning at 6:30pm.
The cost is $10 for Optimist members and each of their guests. Children under 12 are free
Registration for the Annual Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Program will be held on Saturday, December 8th and Saturday, December 15th at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The popular youth program will begin in January 2013 and run on Saturday mornings through March. Sessions are scheduled for:
- January 12th
- January 19th
- January 26th
- February 2nd
- February 9th
- February 23rd
- March 2nd
- March 9th
There will be no sessions on Presidents Day Weekend in February
Flyers and registration forms will be available at the various Gettysburg Area Elementary and Middle Schools prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday break. Age related groupings of participants and schedules will be prepared and distributed after completion of the registration process. Matt Sheads, Optimist Club Project Chairperson, will be organizing this project. For more information as it becomes available, please visit the clubs Basketball webpage.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg Basketball Program has been offered to the youth of the Gettysburg area for more than 30 years and is one of the nineteen youth related programs supported by the Optimist Club of Gettysburg. The program is open to all boys and girls in grades 1st through 6th.
Optimist Meeting Minutes 11/7/12
11/28/12 (Wednesday) Next meeting at the Refectory beginning at 6:30pm with a board meeting to follow.
12/1/12 (Saturday) Gettysburg Holiday Parade at 7pm. *Volunteers needed
12/8/12 and 12/15/12 (Saturday) Optimist Hoops registration 9-11a at Gettysburg Middle *Volunteers needed
12/12/12 (Wednesday) Optimist Holiday Party at the Refectory.
President Report:
– We continue to keep our thoughts with our fellow Optimist who have undergone recent surgery.
-Eight Optimist members are invited to a Boyscout gathering on Thursday 11/29/12 at 6:30pm at the Links as a Thank you for our donation. Contact Craig for more information.
Treasurer Report:
-$2000 has been donated to the Holiday Outreach Program.
-We are well on our way to our fundraising goal from the Magic Show.
Secretary Report:
-The new Optimist phone number (717) 220-3416 is already ringing. The number is available on Facebook and the Optimist website. It currently forwards calls to Marci and Mark Cropp, and myself. If anyone else would like to be added please let me know.
-Unfortunately, the Gettysburg Halloween Parade was cancelled due to the effects of Superstorm Sandy. The Christmas Holiday Parade is scheduled for Saturday December 1, 2012 at 7pm. It will begin at the old Visitor Center. Don’t miss your chance to wear Santa hats and Reindeer antlers. Volunteers are needed to pass candy and carry the banner. We are registered for this event, so please contact Mindy if you would like to participate.
-GASD approved the use of the school for Optimist Hoops. Volunteers are needed for registration on Saturday, December 8th and 15th at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria from 9 – 11am. The dates for the various sessions will be January 12th, 19th, 26th, February 2nd, 9th, 23rd, March 2nd, and 9th. (We do not have a session over Presidents’ Weekend). Further details to come after registration is complete. Please think about participating in this great program even if you can’t make it every week.
-The Optimist Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 12th at the Refectory. More information to come, but the cost of adults and children over 12 will be $10. Feel free to bring a bottle of wine and a gift costing less than $10 for any of your guests that will be visiting Santa.
Due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, the next regularly scheduled meeting will take place on Wednesday November 28, 2012 at 6:30pm at the Seminary Refectory. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.
Reminder Optimist members and interested parties: our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 6:30pm at the Seminary Refectory. Please contact the Optimist phone number, (717) 220-3416 with any questions.
Happy voting!

About Us
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, PA was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. The Club has been in continuous service to the Gettysburg community and its youth.