Gettysburg Optimist Club Meeting November 3 20021
The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, November 3,2021,at Dunlap’s Restaurant. President Gary Rappoldt opened the meeting with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a social time from 6:00-6:30. The Business session was called to order by Gary after dinner at 6:30.
Business Session
President Rappoldt moved that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved. This was done.
Treasurer’s Report: Randy Smith reported on funds. Randy also proposed contributing funds to certain specific organizations. This was approved. Also $ was approved for the Gettysburg Fire Company.
Joe Macdowell reported final information regarding the Giving Spree.
Wine Festival- Was a successful fundraiser. Great job Brian Skidmore and all who participated.
Oyster Feed 3/12 Wayne Hill reported that there will be an increase in ticket prices.
Holiday Party – Guest tickets will be $10. Dan Mattern will be Santa.
Basketball Chris Bender/Marci Cropp Signups will be December 11, 9-11, Lincoln Elementary.
Member Discussion
A location is needed for our next meeting in January. Various ideas and suggestions were discussed .
Gary mentioned that the annual STARS event will be held in April.
Doug Miller is working on a program for the Respect for Law Program.
11/5/2021 Giving Spree
12/7/2021 Holiday Party RSVP Stacy
December 16 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
1/8/2022 Optimist Basketball and all Saturdays thru January and February
3/12/2022 Oyster and Shrimp Feed
5/19/2022 Golf Tournament
Next Meeting 12/7/21 Holiday Party
President Gary ended the meeting at 8:10pm with a recitation of the Optimist Pledge.
Optimistically submitted, Fred Darling
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