Good evening Gettysburg Optimists
Join us this Wednesday for an evening of fellowship and good times at the Seminary Refectory. This will be our only meeting in November.
President Brian will be looking for volunteers for our December 20 Salvation Army Bell Ringing for the holidays. Check your busy schedules for a time that will work for you.
We have some upcoming dates posted for you to mark in your calendars.
See you all this Wednesday, 6PM social, 6:30PM dinner.
Secretary, Daryl
November 2018
11/7 Regular Meeting / @ Refectory
11/21 No meeting
December 2018
No regular meetings
12/1 Youth Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S. 9-11
12/7 Magic Show, 7pm, Lincoln Elementary
12/8 Youth Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S. 9-11
12/12 Christmas Party @ Refectory
12/20 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedGood evening Gettysburg Optimists
Join us this Wednesday for an evening of fellowship and good times at the Seminary Refectory. This will be our only meeting in November.
President Brian will be looking for volunteers for our December 20 Salvation Army Bell Ringing for the holidays. Check your busy schedules for a time that will work for you.
We have some upcoming dates posted for you to mark in your calendars.
See you all this Wednesday, 6PM social, 6:30PM dinner.
Secretary, Daryl
November 2018
11/7 Regular Meeting / @ Refectory
11/21 No meeting
December 2018
No regular meetings
12/1 Youth Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S. 9-11
12/7 Magic Show, 7pm, Lincoln Elementary
12/8 Youth Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S. 9-11
12/12 Christmas Party @ Refectory
12/20 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
October 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on October 17,2018,at LaBella Restaurant in Gettysburg. President Brian Skidmore opened the meeting at 6:30 pm and invited everyone to enjoy a delicious pizza dinner.
After dinner Brian covered the following business items:
1. Secretary’s Report. No report.
2. Treasurer’s Report. No report.
3. President’s Report:
4. Bell Ringing The club participates in the annual Salvation Army Bell Ringing on December 20. Brian will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.
5. Magic Show Doug Miller is planning this annual event on December 7,7:00pm,at Lincoln Elementary.
6. Youth Basketball Kris and Mindy Accardi are coordinating this. Kris said that plans are proceeding well. Sign-ups will be December 1 and 8.
7. Oyster Feed March 15 and 16. Wayne Hill reported that plans are proceeding. The charge will be $40 per person again.
8. Golf Outing Bruce Bradshaw reported that plans are progressing very well. A letter will be sent soon. May 16.
Closing remarks: No one had any closing comments.
President Brian closed the meeting at 7:50 pm with a recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Optimistically submitted Fred Darling
Next Meeting October 17, 2018
UncategorizedGood afternoon Gettysburg Optimist Club. This week is our October 17 meeting and it will beheld at La Bella Restaurant. It will be a pizza party. Please RSVP to our new President Brian Skidmore by phone or email. Bring your appetite and be ready for an enjoyable evening of fellowship.
Optimistically, Daryl Aurand / secretary
RSVP to: Brian Skidmore / President
Meeting Minutes October 3, 2018
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. A delicious chicken and ham dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering. President Dan Mattern welcomed (20) members and (5) guests. Dan opened the evening and led the pledge and Joe gave the invocation.
Business Meeting:
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Installation Banquet 2018
UncategorizedOctober 3rd Officer Installation Banquet @ the Refectory 6PM, guests $10
Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 for our annual “Respect for Law” meeting at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory.
President Dan Mattern welcomed 16 members and 2 guests in attendance. We opened the evening with the invocation and all members reciting the pledge of allegiance. A great dinner was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey.
Evening Agenda:
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Installation Banquet Reservations – Oyster Feed Save the Date
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimists:
Please adjust your calendar : OPTIMIST OYSTER FEED — SATURDAY MARCH 16TH 2019, SET UP FRIDAY MARCH 15. Change of date was beyond our control.
I had one response to the installation banquet. We need a count so Stacey can properly prepare the meal. Members are no charge and guest is $10.00. Please reply to me by September 27.
Thank You Optimistically, Dan Mattern
September 19 Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimists:
Just a reminder our next meeting is this evening, Wednesday, September 19 at the Refectory.
Thank You, Optimistically.
Meeting Minutes September 5, 2018
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at the “Lake Heritage Pavilion”.
President Dan Mattern welcomed 21 members attending the meeting. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Wayne Hill giving the invocation. A steak dinner was prepared by the hands of Optimists and enjoyed by all.
Evening Agenda:
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Optimist Parking for Wine & Music Festival
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will be parking cars during this year’s Wine and Music Festival this Saturday and Sunday September 7 & 8, 2018 at Gateway Theater. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is a 501c3 that strives to “bring out the best in kids” by providing local activities for youth.
Donations are being accepted. All proceeds go directly to our activities fund for programs like the Christmas Magic Show, Optimist Basketball program, Reading is Fundamental and Outdoor Education. We look forward to seeing everyone there!