The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at the Refectory. There were a total of 28 people in attendance (members and guests).
President Dan Mattern opened the meeting at 7:05 pm with an Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
This was followed by another excellent dinner provided by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
After dinner President Dan introduced the speakers for the evening.
Dr. Walt Jones introduced the first speaker who was Tony Floyd who spoke about the Gettysburg Outdoor Education Program. He described the various programs and activities provided to our young people by the program. The club gave him a donation of $2000 for the program.
Next were several speakers from various schools in the area (James Gettys, Franklin Township, Lincoln, St. Francis) as well as representatives from the Head Start Program. They all spoke about the Reading is Fundamental Program (R.I.F.) which provides materials and programs to young people aimed at enhancing the love of reading. The club donated $6000 to these groups to be divided equally.

President’s Report: President Dan asked that the minutes from the last meeting be approved. He mentioned that he attended the Zone meeting on March 8.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom provided the treasurer’s report.
On May 11 the Optimist Olympics will be held in York and the opening night of Gettysburg Little League is April 13. Anyone interested in attending please contact Dan.
Congratulations to Stacey Green and Wayne Hill for a very successful Oyster Feed. And thank you to everyone who helped.
The Gettysburg Kiwanis has invited us to attend a summer picnic in June. This will be in place of the June 20 meeting. Date TBD.
Oyster Feed – Thanks to everyone for making this a very successful day! Tom Barako reported that we will make at least $4000.
Golf Tourney – May 17 Bruce reported that we still need foursomes and hole sponsors as well as gifts. Thank you to Wayne for the corporate sponsor of C.E. Williams Sons, Inc.
Membership – The June 6 meeting will be utilized for members to bring possible NEW members. All are welcome!
Meetings – The April 18 meeting will be at ORorke’s with the Gettysburg Little League.
President Dan Mattern closed the meeting at 8:20 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed
Optimistically submitted Fred Darling
April 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at the Refectory. There were a total of 28 people in attendance (members and guests).
President Dan Mattern opened the meeting at 7:05 pm with an Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
This was followed by another excellent dinner provided by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
After dinner President Dan introduced the speakers for the evening.
Dr. Walt Jones introduced the first speaker who was Tony Floyd who spoke about the Gettysburg Outdoor Education Program. He described the various programs and activities provided to our young people by the program. The club gave him a donation of $2000 for the program.
Next were several speakers from various schools in the area (James Gettys, Franklin Township, Lincoln, St. Francis) as well as representatives from the Head Start Program. They all spoke about the Reading is Fundamental Program (R.I.F.) which provides materials and programs to young people aimed at enhancing the love of reading. The club donated $6000 to these groups to be divided equally.
President’s Report: President Dan asked that the minutes from the last meeting be approved. He mentioned that he attended the Zone meeting on March 8.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom provided the treasurer’s report.
On May 11 the Optimist Olympics will be held in York and the opening night of Gettysburg Little League is April 13. Anyone interested in attending please contact Dan.
Congratulations to Stacey Green and Wayne Hill for a very successful Oyster Feed. And thank you to everyone who helped.
The Gettysburg Kiwanis has invited us to attend a summer picnic in June. This will be in place of the June 20 meeting. Date TBD.
Oyster Feed – Thanks to everyone for making this a very successful day! Tom Barako reported that we will make at least $4000.
Golf Tourney – May 17 Bruce reported that we still need foursomes and hole sponsors as well as gifts. Thank you to Wayne for the corporate sponsor of C.E. Williams Sons, Inc.
Membership – The June 6 meeting will be utilized for members to bring possible NEW members. All are welcome!
Meetings – The April 18 meeting will be at ORorke’s with the Gettysburg Little League.
President Dan Mattern closed the meeting at 8:20 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed
Optimistically submitted Fred Darling
April 4, 2018 Membership Meeting
UncategorizedHello Members, please attend the Apr 4 Optimist mtg. We have 6 presenters from the Outdoor Ed and RIF programs: middle school, James Gettys, Franklin Twp, Lincoln, St. Francis, and Headstart. Let’s show our appreciation for the people that provide these opportunities for the children in our community. Thank you. Daryl
2018 Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed a Success
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club wants to THANK the Gettysburg community and the surrounding area for their support of our Oyster and Shrimp Feed held on March 24, 2018. Once again, we sold out and filled the Gettysburg Fire Hall to capacity. It was great to see our patrons, friends, family, and members enjoying the day. Again, another WOW on a wonderful day of fellowship! 100% of the proceeds will be used for youth activities in our community. THANK YOU all for turning out and helping make this event a success!
Please check out some great photos from our Optimist friend George!
Event Photos
Optimist Oyster Feed
UncategorizedCalling all Gettysburg Optimists,
Friday March 23, 6PM is preparation evening. Setting tables, banners, padding oysters, and all miscellaneous needs will be handled. For all first time and new members we are usually done by 8PM.
Saturday March 24 is the big day. If you can be available from 9AM until 5PM we can use your help. We are planning on serving around 200 patrons.
We are asking members to bring a desert, cakes work great.
The word is SELL OYSTER TICKETS!!! Be sure to collect the money and mark paid on the ticket. If you need tickets email or call Daryl or Stacey.
Gettysburg Optimist Club to Make Special Announcement at this Year’s Oyster & Shrimp Feed
UncategorizedOptimist Club of Gettysburg
Contact: Gettysburg Optimist Club Tel: 717-220-3416 Optimist
Email:[email protected] Website: www.gettysburgoptimist.com
Gettysburg Optimist Club to Make Special Announcement at this Year’s Oyster & Shrimp Feed
Each spring in Gettysburg a popular tradition of good food, beverage and comradery takes place. The Gettysburg Optimist Club Oyster & Shrimp Feed (Feed) is an annual event that causes hundreds of seafood lovers from the surrounding area to gather together to enjoy a wide selection of seafood offerings with friends and family. The Feed is held on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. The all you can eat menu includes oysters (steamed, raw, stewed and fried), steamed shrimp, baked ham and a large variety of beverages, desserts and accompaniments. Tickets are selling fast but are still available online or from any Optimist Club member. The cost is $40.00 per person with all proceeds going to support the more than 15 Gettysburg Optimist Club youth projects that are offered though out the community each year.
This year’s Feed is being held in memory of Clyde E. Williams Jr., who for more than fifty years dedicated his time, efforts and talents to “Bringing out the Best in Kids” through Optimism. From the very beginning of the Clubs Charter in 1958, Clyde worked with his fellow members to support the youth of this community through the more than 15 Optimist Club youth programs. He was a respected friend, mentor and an inspiration to his community and his fellow Club members.
At this year’s Feed, the Gettysburg Optimist Club will announce a special memorial dedication to Clyde in recognition to his long-time service on behalf of generations of Gettysburg youth.
Wayne Hill, Sr. Oyster & Shrimp Feed Chairperson says, “The Annual Optimist Club Oyster & Shrimp Feed has been a favorite event for members and their hungry supporters for decades. The proceeds from this very popular event are essential to continuing the important work of the Optimist Club throughout the year in Gettysburg. I encourage everyone to come out on Saturday, March 24, to support this event and The Optimist Club of Gettysburg.”
To purchase or reserve your ticket contact any Gettysburg Optimist Club member or visit our website at WWW.gettysburgoptimist.com or call us at 717.220.3416.
About The Optimist Club of Gettysburg
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg was chartered in 1958 as an affiliate of Optimist International. Optimist International and its thousands of world-wide affiliates are dedicated to provide hope and positive vision to countless youth throughout communities across the United States and around the world. Their volunteers purpose is to develop optimism as a philosophy of life utilizing the tenets of the Optimist Creed; to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire respect for the law; to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people; to aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life and the world. Optimist International and their local affiliates are recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.
March 7, 2018 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. A delicious lasagna dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed (16) members and (2) guests, Tom and Jane Collins. Dan opened the evening with the invocation and pledge. Dinner was served.
Evening Agenda:
Saturday March 24 is the big day. If you can be available from 9AM until 5PM we can use your help. We are planning on serving around 200 patrons. We are asking for members to bring a desert, cakes work great.
Our website and Facebook is receiving positive response and Marci reported reservations have been made.
The word is SELL OYSTER TICKETS!!! Be sure to collect the money and mark paid on the ticket. If you need tickets email or call Daryl or Stacey.
Every member is being asked to help get sponsors and foursomes. If all 33 Optimist members get a $500.00 sponsor the Optimist Golf Tournament will be a huge success!!!!
If you prefer Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
March 7, 2018 Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg meeting will be this Wednesday March 7th. We will be meeting at the Gettysburg Seminary Refectory, social 6PM and meeting 6:30 PM.
We will have representatives joining us from Dollars for Scholars and will be receiving ($2,000.00) for scholarships.
This will be our only formal meeting for the month of March as we will need all hands on deck for our Oyster-Shrimp Feed. March 23 is our prep evening and Saturday March 24 is the day of our annual fund raising oyster feed. Sell those oyster tickets!!!
Plan to join us for an evening of Optimist Fellowship.
Daryl Aurand / Secretary
February 7, 2018 Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimist :
Reminder our meeting for Wednesday Feb 7 will start at 645pm at the Refectory with speaker Alex Hayes attending.
Beat the winter blues and the Patriots loss or the Eagles win by socializing with fellow optimist.
Hope to see you there.
February 7, 2018 Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedReminder to all Optimists,
Please note the time change for our next meeting on Wednesday evening February 7th. We will be meeting at the Gettysburg Seminary Refectory at 6:45 PM. Dinner will be served.
Our guest speaker for the evening will be Alex Hayes, managing editor of the Gettysburg Times.
Plan to join us for an evening of fellowship.
Optimistically, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
January 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. A delicious shrimp pasta dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed (16) members and (2) guests. Dan opened the evening with the invocation and pledge. Dinner was served.
Evening Agenda:
Chris has decided to become a member of our club. Welcome aboard Chris, as a member of the “Optimist Club of Gettysburg.”
Secretary’s report emailed by Daryl was approved and Treasure’s report given by Tom.
The word is START SELLING TICKETS NOW!!!! Be sure to collect the money and mark paid on the ticket.
3. Golf (Bruce) Every member is being asked to help get sponsors and foursomes. If all 33 Optimist members each get a $500.00 sponsor the Optimist Golf Tournament will be a huge success!!!! If you prefer Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number
4. Fundraiser – Further discussion about parking cars at the Gettysburg Wine and Music Festival, Saturday and Sunday, September 8th & 9th sponsored by the Gettysburg Adams Chamber of Commerce continued. We will be following up on the feasibility of our club handling this opportunity.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary