Optimist Club of Gettysburg Christmas Celebration Party December 13, 2017
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. The Refectory was decorated in the Christmas spirit.
A fantastic Christmas dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed (31) members and guests along with (8) children. Wayne Hill opened the evening with the invocation. Dinner was served.
Evening Agenda:
Members of our Gettysburg HS Orchestra provided us with beautiful Christmas music before dinner. Dan presented the orchestra with a check for ($500.00)
After dinner Kris and Mindy Accardi provided a craft table for all children.
President Dan then announced if we would sing out loud enough we might be able to lure Santa Claus to visit with us. Wayne then jumped at the opportunity to lead all the children and adults in singing Christmas Carols. To our surprise Santa Claus appeared and all of our children had the chance to sit on Santa’s knee and received a gift. It was a great night for all.
Upcoming Dates:
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing 12/21/17
- Next Optimist meeting @ Gettysburg Seminary Refectory 01/03/2018
- Optimist Basketball starts 01/06, see our website for registration information
- 3/24/18 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall, call Stacey for tickets
- 5/17/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Christmas Celebration Party
UncategorizedOptimist Club of Gettysburg Christmas Celebration Party December 13, 2017
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory. The Refectory was decorated in the Christmas spirit.
A fantastic Christmas dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed (31) members and guests along with (8) children. Wayne Hill opened the evening with the invocation. Dinner was served.
Evening Agenda:
Members of our Gettysburg HS Orchestra provided us with beautiful Christmas music before dinner. Dan presented the orchestra with a check for ($500.00)
After dinner Kris and Mindy Accardi provided a craft table for all children.
President Dan then announced if we would sing out loud enough we might be able to lure Santa Claus to visit with us. Wayne then jumped at the opportunity to lead all the children and adults in singing Christmas Carols. To our surprise Santa Claus appeared and all of our children had the chance to sit on Santa’s knee and received a gift. It was a great night for all.
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Online Optimist Basketball Sign-ups
UncategorizedWe play at the Gettysburg Middle School gym. Our basketball season begins Saturday January 6th and will run every Saturday until February 24th. Please see the following schedule link for start times: PDF – 2018 Basketball Schedule
Questions? You can reach us via our Facebook page, email: [email protected] or by phone: 717-220-3416.
2018 Optimist Holiday Magic Show
UncategorizedOn Friday, December 8, 2018, the Optimist Club of Gettysburg presented the annual Holiday Magic Show at Lincoln Elementary School. All youth tickets remained free this year and the cafeteria was packed. Seeing the smiles on all the youth’s faces is what we aim to see each and every year. Thank you to all of our local businesses and individual supporters who made this show possible. What a magical evening!
2nd Optimist Basketball sign up
UncategorizedSaturday December 9th the Gettysburg Optimist will host our second Optimist Basketball sign ups. Come join us at the Gettysburg Middle School cafeteria from 9-11am.
2017 Holiday Party
UncategorizedNo Optimist meeting this week.
The annual Gettysburg Optimist Christmas Dinner will be Wednesday December 13 at the Gettysburg Seminary Refectory. Social at 6 PM with dinner 6:30 PM. Calling all members to not miss out on this gala evening and all children and grandchildren are invited. President Dan has been told we may have a special jolly guest join us for the evening.
Please RSVP Tom Barako with your reservation for this evening.
Other dates to mark in your calendar for the month of December are :
(1) Friday December 8th Optimist Magic Show 6:30 PM @ Lincoln Elementary
(2) Saturday December 9th Optimist basketball signup 9-11 AM @ Gettysburg Area Middle School cafeteria.
(3) Thursday December 21st Salvation Army Bell Ringing.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Signups for Optimist Youth Basketball
UncategorizedDon’t forget that signups for youth basketball will be held Saturday, December 2, 2017, at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The basketball program is open to all Gettysburg area students grades first through sixth. The program is free and all participants get a free t-shirt. Please spread the word and hope to see you this weekend!
Meeting Minutes November 15, 2017
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Valentine Hall. A delicious pulled pork dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff Catering.
President Dan Mattern welcomed the members and guests. Dan opened the meeting with the invocation and pledge of allegiance. Dinner was served.
Business Meeting:
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Meeting Place Change Notice
UncategorizedGood evening Optimists,
For Wednesday, November 15, 2017 our meeting place has been changed to Valentine Hall Room 206.
Have a great evening.
November 15, 2017 Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedJoin the Gettysburg Optimist Club this Wednesday 11-15-2017, 6:00 PM Social, 6:30 PM Dinner @ the Gettysburg Seminary Refectory.
Join us in hearing Speaker Ruth Topper, representing “Gettysburg Stars GASD and Holiday Outreach”.
November 15, 2017 Optimist Meeting
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimists:
Just a reminder Wed. Nov. 15 meeting with Ruth Topper at the Refectory.
Ruth will represent the STARS and Holiday Outreach programs. Hopefully we can have a great turn out to present our donation to these programs.
Thanks Optimistically
Dan Mattern