The Gettysburg Optimist Club and Zone Meeting met on Wednesday, August 16 at 6:30 PM at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
President Daryl Aurand called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Guest were introduced and was followed by a excellent dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff. There were 17 total people in attendance.
President’s Report: Daryl shared that a Board of Directors held a meeting on August 7, 2017.
Mark your calendars:
The Officer Installation Banquet will be October 4 at the Refectory
Oyster/ Shrimp Fundraiser will be March 24, 2018
Golf Tournament Fundraiser is May 17, 2018
Daryl reported that Rich F and Bob C are moving the ball forward with the Non Profit 501c3 paperwork.
Daryl reported that the board of directors recommends a $500 donation to Kiwanis Club for the playground equipment project. Tom motioned and Dan M seconded. Motion passed. Dan M reported that he spent several days volunteering on the project. Friday and Saturday August 18 and 19 are community build days and he requested that members volunteer if able. All hands on deck starts at 8:30 and runs through 3:00 pm. It’s great to see the community organizations working together to make a difference.
Daryl reported that the BOD is contemplating a recommended donation to HABPI pending further discussion and fundraising activities.
Additional Dates:
Next meeting September 6 at Lake Heritage Pavilion
September 20 is a general meeting
Secretary’s Report: Minutes approved from last meeting
Treasurer’s Report: Tom reported the balances on General and Activities accounts. He noted that there are approved distributions remaining in the fiscal year.
Speaker: Dallas Smith – Lt Governor conducted the Zone Meeting
Comments: Great fundraising efforts
The Lt Governor position is available. Please consider volunteering.
4th quarter district meeting and convention with Maryland and Delaware district was held in Grantsville Pa.
Recruit a Teacher is extended to September 30. Gettysburg has a new member who falls under this initiative.
The Web Workshop was discussed.
Club within a Club program, PGI and professional development programs were discussed.
Lancaster Club Highlights
Cooking Classes, Bingo and Fishing Derby events were held.
Winner for the oratorical contest was Lucas receiving a $2500 scholarship.
The district camera contest winner of $300 was from the Lancaster club.
East York Highlights
Essay contest winner Anne received a $2500 scholarship
HOBY seminar, game night, Optimist Olympics and Boscov events were held
Gettysburg Highlights
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” Mother Theresa
Skate Board Helmets, playground support, RIF
Trying to reach the greatest number of youth through or efforts.
50/50 Raffle – Congratulations to Dan M and Thank you for the donation.
Member Remarks
Doug reported the magic show will be December 8
The Holiday Party will be December 13 at the Refectory
President Daryl closed the meeting at 7:54 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Marci C.
September 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at the Refectory.
President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 7:07 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a wonderful dinner provided by Stacey Green and Staff.
After dinner President Daryl introduced our speaker for the evening, John Blasius, District Director of the Battlefield District, Boy Scouts of America. John spoke about the general goals and purpose of the Boy Scouts, with the basic objective of teaching morals and values. He mentioned that the Scouts are 107 years old and have undergone many changes over the years. He said that keeping up with the times is very challenging. He described some of the newer programs such as STEM and LIONS and also discussed how the Explorer Program has changed. He covered some interesting statistics about the Scouts such as over 1000 youngsters were served in 2016 and 8871 hours of community service have been performed. John closed by talking about the upcoming Jamboree in West Virginia.
A check for $500 was presented to Mr. Blasius from the Optimist Club.
Tom Barako presented the proposed budget for next year. He discussed various items in the budget, noting any changes from last year. The proposed budget was approved by the club.
Dan Mattern reported on the new playground constructed at Recreation Park. He said that 180 cubic yards of mulch was spread. The ribbon cutting will be September 16.
Joe MacDowell reported about the Nurse-Family Partnership sponsored by Family First.
501c Progress to attain non-profit status: Sam said that everything is proceeding well and should be ready soon.
Daryl presented a proposal by Marci Cropp that more people should be on the Optimist call list. For instance if someone calls about the Oyster Feed they would be connected to the proper person. This was approved.
President Daryl mentioned that all officers positions for next year have been filled except President:
Vice President Brian Skidmore
Secretary Daryl Aurand
Treasurer Tom Barako
Next Meeting September 20 at Mark Cropp’s House
Officer Installation Banquet 10/4 @Refectory Tom said that tickets will be $10 per person
Oyster/Shrimp Feed 3/24 2018
Golf Tournament 5/17 2018
President Daryl closed the meeting at 8:10 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred Darling
Kris Accardi was recognized for his Club Contributions. Thank you Kris!
September 20, 2017 Meeting
UncategorizedBREAKING NEWS: The September 20 meeting will be at Mark Cropp’s home featuring grilled steaks cooked by Chef Mark.
9/6/2017 Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedDue to the possibility of inclement weather tomorrow night, September 6, 2017, the Gettysburg Optimist Club meeting location has been changed from the Pavilion to the Refectory.
Same time 6:00 pm
September 6, 2017 Meeting
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, September 6, 6:00pm, at the Lake Heritage pavilion.
Our speaker for the evening will be John Blasius, District Supervisor of the Boy Scouts of America.
Please join us for great fellowship and a terrific dinner !
An update on GARAs Playground
First and foremost I would like to thank you and the Optimist Club for the wonderful donation to the Playground Project. It is so nice to see service clubs working together. I have to say…..Dan M.has been absolutely wonderful. We could not have asked for a more hard working and dedicated volunteer! His time and effort has been invaluable! Walt J. also lended us a hand before he went on vacation. You truly have a great group of people in your club. I wanted to let you know that we will be having the official Ribbon Cutting on Monday, September 18 at noon. The York/Adams Early Intervention children will be having their play date at the new playground from 12-2 that day so we thought what a terrific time to have a ribbon cutting…..right before their play date. You and anyone else who would like to attend from the Optimist Club are most welcome. By the end of the day this Friday the playground should be 100% complete. The wood carpet gets delivered Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Very exciting!
Thanks again for everything and I will be in touch. Maureen
Zone Meeting Minutes August 16, 2017
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club and Zone Meeting met on Wednesday, August 16 at 6:30 PM at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
President Daryl Aurand called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Guest were introduced and was followed by a excellent dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff. There were 17 total people in attendance.
President’s Report: Daryl shared that a Board of Directors held a meeting on August 7, 2017.
Mark your calendars:
The Officer Installation Banquet will be October 4 at the Refectory
Oyster/ Shrimp Fundraiser will be March 24, 2018
Golf Tournament Fundraiser is May 17, 2018
Daryl reported that Rich F and Bob C are moving the ball forward with the Non Profit 501c3 paperwork.
Daryl reported that the board of directors recommends a $500 donation to Kiwanis Club for the playground equipment project. Tom motioned and Dan M seconded. Motion passed. Dan M reported that he spent several days volunteering on the project. Friday and Saturday August 18 and 19 are community build days and he requested that members volunteer if able. All hands on deck starts at 8:30 and runs through 3:00 pm. It’s great to see the community organizations working together to make a difference.
Daryl reported that the BOD is contemplating a recommended donation to HABPI pending further discussion and fundraising activities.
Additional Dates:
Next meeting September 6 at Lake Heritage Pavilion
September 20 is a general meeting
Secretary’s Report: Minutes approved from last meeting
Treasurer’s Report: Tom reported the balances on General and Activities accounts. He noted that there are approved distributions remaining in the fiscal year.
Speaker: Dallas Smith – Lt Governor conducted the Zone Meeting
Comments: Great fundraising efforts
The Lt Governor position is available. Please consider volunteering.
4th quarter district meeting and convention with Maryland and Delaware district was held in Grantsville Pa.
Recruit a Teacher is extended to September 30. Gettysburg has a new member who falls under this initiative.
The Web Workshop was discussed.
Club within a Club program, PGI and professional development programs were discussed.
Lancaster Club Highlights
Cooking Classes, Bingo and Fishing Derby events were held.
Winner for the oratorical contest was Lucas receiving a $2500 scholarship.
The district camera contest winner of $300 was from the Lancaster club.
East York Highlights
Essay contest winner Anne received a $2500 scholarship
HOBY seminar, game night, Optimist Olympics and Boscov events were held
Gettysburg Highlights
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” Mother Theresa
Skate Board Helmets, playground support, RIF
Trying to reach the greatest number of youth through or efforts.
50/50 Raffle – Congratulations to Dan M and Thank you for the donation.
Member Remarks
Doug reported the magic show will be December 8
The Holiday Party will be December 13 at the Refectory
President Daryl closed the meeting at 7:54 pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Marci C.
Zone Meeting August 16
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will host our fourth quarter zone meeting Wednesday, August 16, 6:00 PM at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. We welcome all members who can make this event and encourage you to bring your spouse, significant other, and friends.
Our meeting will be catered by our own Stacey’s (Biggerstaff’s Catering) she’ll be serving a barbecue pulled pork dinner with all the fixings.
* If you can RSVP to help us with a head count it would be greatly appreciated.
Optimistically, Daryl
GARA Playground Equipment
UncategorizedGood day Optimist and Community Members —
We are forwarding an opportunity to help with the construction of the new GARA children’s playground. Our speaker at this evenings meeting, “Maureen Johnson” has forwarded the dates needed and her contact information. If you or someone you know can help with this most important project please call Maureen ASAP.
This playground will be available for many years for our youth, children, and grandchildren.
Hello Daryl,
I want to thank you and the Optimist Club for your hospitality this evening. It was very nice to meet everyone and have a chance to share this project with you. If anyone has any further questions about the Playground Project, please tell them to feel free to contact me any time. I will be more than happy to answer their questions to the best of my ability.
The following dates are when we are still looking for volunteers in helping with the “Community Build”.
Monday, August 7 – be at the rec park between 8-8:30 (Footer Team stakes location of the playground equipment….should only take a few hours)
Tuesday, August 15 – Thursday, August 17 – 10:00am-3:00pm each day (Preassemble some of the playground equipment)
Friday, August 18 – 9:00am – 2:00pm (Community Build Day) Lunch will be supplied on this day.
Thank you again,
Maureen Johnson
[email protected]
August 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 7:05 pm with Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Everyone then enjoyed a wonderful dinner supplied by Stacey Green and staff.
President Daryl then introduced our speaker for the evening, Maureen Johnson, representing the Kiwanis Playground Committee. She said that the Gettysburg Adams Kiwanis Club is partnering with the Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority to raise funds in order to build a new playground at the Southwest corner of the Charles Sterner Recreation Building. This will be an all-inclusive, wheelchair accessible playground offering a safe place where children of all physical abilities can come together and play. It is hoped that the entire community will join together to support this worthwhile endeavor. Maureen presented a drawing of the playground and described how individuals or groups may contribute. If interested Maureen’s email address is [email protected].
President’s Report: There will be a BOD meeting on Monday, August 7, 6:00pm, at Tom Barako’s home.
Brian Skidmore has agreed to serve as club VP next year. The office of President and Secretary need to be filled. Contact Daryl if interested.
There will be no parking for soccer this summer.
Treasurer: Tom reported on activity and general funds. Tom mentioned that there is money to be dispersed yet.
Secretary: I will be issuing an updated roster with any changes, etc. that have been received.
Committee Report: The 501c3 non profit status is progressing. Bob Campbell will be completing the paperwork.
Oyster Feed: Wayne a definite date will be forthcoming.
Dates: August 16 will be the next meeting hosting the zone meeting and Pig Roast at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
Comments: Walt Jones said that he supports the idea of our club working together with other clubs on joint projects.
Wayne Hill said that we should keep up efforts to recruit new members.
Welcome to our new member Lynne Aurand !!
President Aurand closed the meeting at 8:00pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred
August 2, 2017 Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, August 2, 6:00pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
We have Maureen Johnson speaking at our next meeting with regard to new playground equipment for GARA and a capital campaign in action.
This should be an informative and fun meeting for all members who can join us.