The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on April 5, 2017 at the Refectory.
President Daryl opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. This was followed by another scrumptious dinner provided by Stacey and Staff.
After dinner President Aurand introduced our guests for the evening: Chad Allen Carr, Director of the Gettysburg Community Theater and several guests that he brought from the theater. Chad Allen described the function of the theater stressing that it is nonprofit and includes diverse members of the community. The theater offers various programs such as summer camp, classes, and volunteer opportunities. Chad introduced a musical offering including some members singing various songs. The club presented the theater with a $1500 donation.

Secretary Report: Fred reported that the Board of Directors met on March 24 and a summary of that meeting will be included with the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom noted that the club cleared a nice profit from the Oyster Feed.
President’s Report: Daryl said that there will be no soccer parking on Memorial Day. He also said that we need a representative from the club to attend the opening day of Gettysburg Little League on April 22. Please contact Daryl if interested.
Golf Tournament: May 18 Bruce and Daryl reported that we need more sponsors and foursomes and asked club members to assist with this. Bruce said that a “status list” of sponsors will be sent soon. He also said that a person at the Links is donating a time share in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a week. The club needs to produce a matching $2600 for this ,and Bruce suggested an auction with bids to accomplish this.
Dollars for Scholars: May 24, 7:30pm, at Gettysburg High School. Darryl said that essays for this are being received and will be judged soon.
Member Comments
Bruce said that, at this point , the club would clear $5000-$6000 from the Golf Tournament. In the past we have cleared $10000.
Walt mentioned that the High School Senior Self-Improvement Award Breakfast will be May 4 at Gettysburg Senior High School Technical School. All members are welcome. Call Walt if interested.
Tom said that the STARS organization donated $100 to the club.
Submitted by Fred
Board of Directors Meeting
The Gettysburg Board of Directors met on March 24, 2017, 6:00pm at the Appalachian Brewing Co. A summary of the meeting follows:
Plans were discussed regarding the upcoming Golf Tournament on May 18 at the Links.
Procedures for changing the club to a 501C3 nonprofit status were reviewed. Everything should be completed by September 30.
The official communication language of the club will be by email.
Contributing to the cost of paying someone to maintain the flowers on the square was discussed. It was determined that this is no longer necessary.
There was a discussion about nomination of officers for next year.
Wayne Hill offered to have the July meeting at his house on July 26.
The various groups to which we contribute funds was discussed.
Submitted by Fred
2017 Golf Tournament
UncategorizedThe Annual Gettysburg Optimist Golf Tournament is set for Thursday, 18 May, 2017 with tee off scheduled for 1:00 pm at the Links at Gettysburg. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg invites the local community to join us for the afternoon.
This annual Golf Tournament features contests including a Scramble format, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Green of Gold, and Putting contests with awards to the top three finishing foursomes.
Please phone or arrive the day of the event. Contact is Bruce Bradshaw at 717-359-7620.
Golf Auction Closing May 18
UncategorizedExperience Seven days at the Grand Luxxe Nuevo Vallarta in Puerto Vallarta Mexico with three other couples or your large extended family. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, in conjunction with their Seventh Annual Golf Tourney, are auctioning off a seven day vacation of your lifetime. If you win you would relax in the Five Diamond Awarded, Grand Luxxe Nuevo Vallarta 4 bedroom suite with over 5000 sq feet and views of the ocean that are breathtaking.
Enjoy 16 free rounds of golf at the Jack Nicklaus Golf Course, swim in the multitude of stunning pools or Aqua Park with a Lazy River and participate in activities for the whole family. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Sierra Madre Mountains, Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta is a tropical beach paradise.
Get your bid in TODAY! For information call 717-359-7620 or 717-357-5784 as bidding closes on 18 May 2017.
UncategorizedSome Reminders
There will be no meeting on Wednesday, May 17 due to the golf outing on May 18.
The next meeting will be June 7 at the PAVILION. Members are encouraged to bring a guest who might be a potential new member. As this meeting draws closer I will be asking for a head count.
The June 21 meeting will be at the Lake Heritage Community Center.
The only meeting in July will be July 26 at Wayne Hill’s house.
Volunteers are still needed for the Golf Outing on May 18. Please contact Daryl or David.
If you are interested in serving as a club officer (President, VP, Secretary) next year please contact Daryl.
Golf Auction to Raise Funds for Gettysburg Youth
UncategorizedGolf Auction to Raise Funds for Gettysburg Youth
Experience Seven days at the Grand Luxxe Nuevo Vallarta in Puerto Vallarta Mexico with three other couples or your large extended family. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg, in conjunction with their Seventh Annual Golf Tourney, are auctioning off a seven day vacation of your lifetime. If you win you would relax in the Five Diamond Awarded, Grand Luxxe Nuevo Vallarta 4 bedroom suite with over 5000 sq feet and views of the ocean that are breathtaking.
Enjoy 16 free rounds of golf at the Jack Nicklaus Golf Course, swim in the multitude of stunning pools or Aqua Park with a Lazy River and participate in activities for the whole family. Dinning in the 20 world-class restaurants, though not included is available. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Sierra Madre Mountains, Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta is a tropical beach paradise. Miles of wooden pathways connect five resort hotels to an endless array of amenities!
For information call 717-359-7620 or 717-357-5784 as bidding starts on 1 May 2017 and closes on 18 May 2017.
The minimum bid to start will be $3000 with increases at intervals of $50. Scheduling of this spectacular vacation is subject to availability.
2017 Golf Auction
May 03, 2017 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at the Refectory. President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 6:30pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
This was followed by a superb dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff.
President’s Report: Daryl reported that Stacey Greene has been recognized as ” Small Business Person of the Year”. Congratulations to Stacey !
Also he said that the club will be 60 years old next year and we should be planning some sort of special event recognizing this. If anyone is interested in being involved with this, please contact Daryl.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported– General Fund and Activity Fund
Membership: June 7 will be “Prospective New Members” meeting. Bring someone to the meeting who might be interested in joining the club. Our speaker for that meeting will be a representative from Reading is Fundamental. THIS WILL BE THE FIRST MEETING OF THE YEAR AT THE LAKE HERITAGE PAVILION.
Dollars for Scholars: This meeting will be at Gettysburg High School, May 24 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend.
Golf Outing: Bruce reported that he sent an email about the outing indicating that more foursomes are needed. There are presently 23 and 30 are needed. Pictures made money last year and would like to see maybe $500 this year. Bruce spoke about the condo in Puerto Vallarta to be raffled. It is a 7-day time share. Bruce will be sending detailed information about this to everyone and there will also be an AD on Facebook.
Volunteers are needed for the golf outing. Contact Daryl or Bruce. The outing is May 18.
Joe suggested that we should have newspaper coverage about our support for the RIF program. Also we may not have the pavilion for the June 21 meeting. If not, we will meet at the Lake Heritage Community Center.
Don said that maybe we should consider a special luncheon for prospective new members, maybe on a Saturday.
Wayne suggested that we might have a pontoon ride around the lake for new members.
Next Meeting June 7 at the Pavilion.
President Daryl closed the meeting at 7:45pm with the recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred
May 3, 2017 Meeting Announcement
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, May 3 at 6:00pm in the Refectory.
Please note: This will be the only meeting in May since the Golf Tourney is May 18, 2017
Also note: The only meeting in July will be July 26 at Wayne Hill’s house.
April 19, 2017 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 6:00 pm.
President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and an Inspirational Reading. This was followed by an excellent dinner provided by Stacey Greene and staff.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported
Membership: Daryl reported Jean has resigned from the club.
Some members suggested possible ways that the club might increase membership:
Wayne- Possibly have a special “membership night” inviting prospective members to the meeting.
Dan- Have applications available at the Golf Tourney.
Bruce- Have “greeters” at each of the greens at the Golf Tourney expressing our appreciation for their support.
Non-Profit 501c3 status: Sam reported that everything is proceeding well and should be ready by September/October.
Upcoming Schedule:
Next Meeting is May 3 at the Refectory.
Little League Opening Day is 4/20. Call Daryl if interested.
High School Senior Self-Improvement Award Breakfast will be May 4,7:30 am , at Gettysburg High School Technical School. All members are welcome. Please call Walt if interested.
Golf Tourney: May 18 at The Links at Gettysburg.
Dollars for Scholars will be at 7:pm at Gettysburg High School , May 24. The club will be donating $1000. Essay judging will be soon. If interested, call Daryl.
Golf Tournament: May 18 at The Links Gettysburg. Bruce reported that there are now 8 regular foursomes and 4 gold. More are needed. Our profit still looks to be about $6000. Bruce explained about the Puerto Vallarta time share to be raffled including circulating information about the resort. Bruce will be sending this information to everyone.
Members Comments
Daryl said that he will have information about the helmets for the Rec Park kids’ skateboard rink at the next meeting.
Mark mentioned that the “Face of America” bike event will be April 29/30. One group will be riding from Philadelphia to Gettysburg and another group from Arlington to Gettysburg arriving at the square around 1:30.
Submitted by Fred
April 19, 2017 Upcoming Meeting
UncategorizedTaxes are done and now time to relax. A good way to do that would be to attend the Gettysburg Optimist Club meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 6:00 pm.
April 5 Meeting Minutes and March 24 Board Minutes
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club met on April 5, 2017 at the Refectory.
President Daryl opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. This was followed by another scrumptious dinner provided by Stacey and Staff.
After dinner President Aurand introduced our guests for the evening: Chad Allen Carr, Director of the Gettysburg Community Theater and several guests that he brought from the theater. Chad Allen described the function of the theater stressing that it is nonprofit and includes diverse members of the community. The theater offers various programs such as summer camp, classes, and volunteer opportunities. Chad introduced a musical offering including some members singing various songs. The club presented the theater with a $1500 donation.
Secretary Report: Fred reported that the Board of Directors met on March 24 and a summary of that meeting will be included with the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom noted that the club cleared a nice profit from the Oyster Feed.
President’s Report: Daryl said that there will be no soccer parking on Memorial Day. He also said that we need a representative from the club to attend the opening day of Gettysburg Little League on April 22. Please contact Daryl if interested.
Golf Tournament: May 18 Bruce and Daryl reported that we need more sponsors and foursomes and asked club members to assist with this. Bruce said that a “status list” of sponsors will be sent soon. He also said that a person at the Links is donating a time share in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a week. The club needs to produce a matching $2600 for this ,and Bruce suggested an auction with bids to accomplish this.
Dollars for Scholars: May 24, 7:30pm, at Gettysburg High School. Darryl said that essays for this are being received and will be judged soon.
Member Comments
Bruce said that, at this point , the club would clear $5000-$6000 from the Golf Tournament. In the past we have cleared $10000.
Walt mentioned that the High School Senior Self-Improvement Award Breakfast will be May 4 at Gettysburg Senior High School Technical School. All members are welcome. Call Walt if interested.
Tom said that the STARS organization donated $100 to the club.
Submitted by Fred
Board of Directors Meeting
The Gettysburg Board of Directors met on March 24, 2017, 6:00pm at the Appalachian Brewing Co. A summary of the meeting follows:
Plans were discussed regarding the upcoming Golf Tournament on May 18 at the Links.
Procedures for changing the club to a 501C3 nonprofit status were reviewed. Everything should be completed by September 30.
The official communication language of the club will be by email.
Contributing to the cost of paying someone to maintain the flowers on the square was discussed. It was determined that this is no longer necessary.
There was a discussion about nomination of officers for next year.
Wayne Hill offered to have the July meeting at his house on July 26.
The various groups to which we contribute funds was discussed.
Submitted by Fred
April 5 2017 Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, April 5, 6:00pm at the Refectory.
Please join us for a pleasant evening and wonderful dinner.
Our guest for the evening will be Chad-Alan Carr from the Gettysburg Community Theater. He will also be bringing some guests from the theater who will be presenting a program for us.
See you there!