Optimist Club of Gettysburg General Membership Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Mama Ventura’s Restaurant
President Kris called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Grace – Delivered by President Kris, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
Dinner – Was served to 14 members in attendance. Final diner meeting at Mama’s
Treasurers Report – Tom Barako reported that the General account stands at $1,855.61 and the Activities account balance is $8,088.87
Committee Reports – Basketball Program is going very well and will resume on Saturday, February 21, after a break for President’s Day Weekend.
Christmas Magic Show- Doug Miller reported that this year’s event was very successful. Tom Barako reported that the final profit will exceed $4,000.00. This amount will be in excess of the budgeted $3400.00. A round of applause was given for a great job was given to Chairman Doug Miller and Treasurer, Tom Barako.
Golf Tournament – Frank Negro reported that sponsors, door prizes and foursomes are coming in. He has been very active in visiting businesses from Hanover and Gettysburg. Members are encouraged to seek support from local businesses. Forms are on the website and can be printed from there by members. We will be having a banner made to display at the Oyster Feed along with copies of entry forms and marketing information. It was suggested that a separate table be set-up next to the Feed registration desk at the entrance.
Oyster Feed – The Oyster and Shrimp Feed will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. Members are asked to report to the Hall beginning at 9:00 am. Serving will begin at 11:00 am and end at 3:00pm. Lots of clean-up after the event so members should expect to stay until 5:00 pm or until everything is put back in order.
Preparations for the event will begin on Friday evening, February, 27 at 6:00 pm. Members are asked to report and be ready to shuck and pad. Barbecue pork sandwiches will be served. Desserts for the Feed can be brought by on Friday evening or Saturday morning.
Twenty-seven members from the York Optimist Club have reserved tickets on the website along with a number of others. Members are asked to email Chairman Wayne Hill early next week with their ticket sales numbers.
Old Business – None
New Business – The next regular membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, March, 4, 2015 at 6:30 pm. It will be the first meeting at our old/new location in the Refectory at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. This will continue to be our HOME for regular membership meetings until summer. Stacy Bigerstaff will be catering the meetings. YEAH!!!!
Comments – Mark Cropp announced the 2015 Face of America Ride will be held on April 25th and 26th. There will be 140 wounded veterans among the 600 support riders. They will be riding from the Pentagon in Washington D.C. to Frederick and Gettysburg, a distance of 112 miles. Members are welcome to volunteer to assist or come and welcome our Vets at the All Star Complex on Sunday at 12:00 noon.
Meeting adjourned – 7:45 pm
Recorded by Mark Cropp
Gettysburg Optimist Club Honors Judge Kuhn with Respect for Law Award
UncategorizedOn October 7, 2015 the Optimist Club presented the Honorable John Kuhn with the Respect for Law award for his dedication and service in advancing the respect for law. The Club was also joined by Judge Kuhns wife and colleagues in celebration of the achievement. Judge Kuhn has served Adams County for over 30 years as a judge with the Court of Common Pleas. Doug Miller presented the award on behalf of the Optimist Club.
Optimist Club Donation Will Help Feed Hungry Youth
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg presented Jim Dunlap from Ruth’s Harvest Gettysburg with a check for $500 to use towards purchasing food for its mission to feed hungry youth in the Gettysburg community. Ruth’s Harvest Gettysburg is a coalition of area churches and organizations that provide healthy meals and snacks to food insecure children. Backpacks of meals are provided to children in the Gettysburg School District to take home over the weekend. To learn more about the organization, volunteer, or donate email ruthsharvest.gettysburg@ gmail.com.
5 Ways You Can Help the Optmist Club
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg has been an institution in the Adams County area for decades, and a huge part of our success has been incredible community support. To ensure that the Optimist Club is around for future generations, here are some ways you could help the Club to ensure we’re still around to better the lives of youth in the community.
1. BECOME A MEMBER. Probably the number one way to support the Club is to become a member. Membership ensures a working body to plan and host events, and conduct administrative duties.With an aging population and declining membership, many service organizations are having trouble maintaining numbers and keeping a community presence. Ensure the Gettysburg Optimist Club is still around by becoming a member today! Consider coming to a meeting to learn more!
2. SUPPORT CLUB FUNDRAISERS. The Club donates almost $30,000 a year to youth oriented programs in the community. The funds donated are raised through several annual fundraisers, such as a golf tournament, oyster feed, and a holiday magic show.
3. SPREAD THE WORD. You can help by sharing news about the Club with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. Visit our website, or follow us on social media like Facebook or Twitter.
4. PARTNER WITH US. Please contact the Club if you are interested in helping the Club start a new project, or assist with a ongoing one.
5. DONATE. Whether it’s your time or money, if it’s donated to the Gettysburg Optimist Club it will be put to good use!
Optimist Club of Gettysburg Honors Adams County Judge
UncategorizedEach year, the Gettysburg Optimist Club honors a local individual who promotes and exemplifies respect for law enforcement and civic duty in the community. The Gettysburg Optimist Club has been honoring community leaders for years with the Respect for Law award. The recipient of the award is invited to attend and speak at a meeting and is presented with a honorary plaque. The Gettysburg Optimist Club is proud to announce that the 2015 recipient of the Respect for Law award is the Honorable John D. Kuhn. Judge Kuhn will be presented with the award at the Club’s upcoming dinner meeting on October 7, 2015.
Sign-ups scheduled for 2016 Optimist Basketball
UncategorizedPlanning for the 2016 Optimist Basketball Season is underway! Signups will be held on December 5th and December 12th, both Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. @ the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria. Be sure to check back for more info!
Mark your Calendars! Date set for 2015 Christmas Magic Show!
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club will host it’s annual Christmas Magic Show on Friday, December 18, 2015, at Lincoln Elementary School. The show will start at 7 p.m.
Gettysburg Optimist Club donates $1000 to Gettysburg Fire Department
UncategorizedNext meeting on 9/16 features guest speaker and donation
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg will meet on Wednesday, September 16, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. at the Refrectory at the Lutheran Seminary on Seminary Ridge. The meeting will feature guest speaker Brandy Crago from the Shining Stars Therapeutic Riding Program. The Club will also make a donation to the Gettysburg Volunteer Fire Department. Dinner and refreshments provided by Biggerstaff Catering! If you are interested in attending a meeting to learn more about the Optimist Club, enjoy delicious food and great fellowship, or to hear from local community leaders, we encourage you to reach out to our members and come to a meeting!
Help “Bring Out the Best in Kids” at the Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed
UncategorizedThe Annual Gettysburg Optimist Club Oyster and Shrimp Feed will soon be here! Gettysburg’s Premier Seafood event will take place this Saturday, February 28, 2015 between noon and 3 pm.
The popular event will be held at the Gettysburg Fire Hall located at 35 North Stratton Street, in Gettysburg. The annual All U Can Eat Oyster & Shrimp Feed includes oysters (raw, steamed, stewed, and fried), steamed shrimp, ham, steak fries, beverages, and desserts for a donation of $35 per person!
“The Oyster & Shrimp Feed is an opportunity for the community to gather and support the youth in our community. We have been hosting the Oyster & Shrimp Feed for over thirty years, allowing our organization to further the Optimist’s mission of “Bringing out the best in Kids” said Wayne Hill, Oyster & Shrimp Feed Chair, of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg. “Fundraisers such as this one are essential to putting all of our plans into action,” Wayne continued. “With this fundraiser, we hope to be able to bring more projects to the children of the community who need it most.”
Member preparation will begin Friday evening, February 27 at 6:00 pm. at the Fire Hall. The doors will open on Saturday, February 28, beginning at 11:00 am and continue through 3:00 pm. For questions on how you can volunteer to help the Optimist Club of Gettysburg or to purchase tickets for the 2015 Oyster & Shrimp Feed, please contact the club. Tickets are going fast so order yours today!
Gettysburg Optimist Meeting Minutes Feb. 18, 2015
UncategorizedOptimist Club of Gettysburg General Membership Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Mama Ventura’s Restaurant
President Kris called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Grace – Delivered by President Kris, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
Dinner – Was served to 14 members in attendance. Final diner meeting at Mama’s
Treasurers Report – Tom Barako reported that the General account stands at $1,855.61 and the Activities account balance is $8,088.87
Committee Reports – Basketball Program is going very well and will resume on Saturday, February 21, after a break for President’s Day Weekend.
Christmas Magic Show- Doug Miller reported that this year’s event was very successful. Tom Barako reported that the final profit will exceed $4,000.00. This amount will be in excess of the budgeted $3400.00. A round of applause was given for a great job was given to Chairman Doug Miller and Treasurer, Tom Barako.
Golf Tournament – Frank Negro reported that sponsors, door prizes and foursomes are coming in. He has been very active in visiting businesses from Hanover and Gettysburg. Members are encouraged to seek support from local businesses. Forms are on the website and can be printed from there by members. We will be having a banner made to display at the Oyster Feed along with copies of entry forms and marketing information. It was suggested that a separate table be set-up next to the Feed registration desk at the entrance.
Oyster Feed – The Oyster and Shrimp Feed will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. Members are asked to report to the Hall beginning at 9:00 am. Serving will begin at 11:00 am and end at 3:00pm. Lots of clean-up after the event so members should expect to stay until 5:00 pm or until everything is put back in order.
Preparations for the event will begin on Friday evening, February, 27 at 6:00 pm. Members are asked to report and be ready to shuck and pad. Barbecue pork sandwiches will be served. Desserts for the Feed can be brought by on Friday evening or Saturday morning.
Twenty-seven members from the York Optimist Club have reserved tickets on the website along with a number of others. Members are asked to email Chairman Wayne Hill early next week with their ticket sales numbers.
Old Business – None
New Business – The next regular membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, March, 4, 2015 at 6:30 pm. It will be the first meeting at our old/new location in the Refectory at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. This will continue to be our HOME for regular membership meetings until summer. Stacy Bigerstaff will be catering the meetings. YEAH!!!!
Comments – Mark Cropp announced the 2015 Face of America Ride will be held on April 25th and 26th. There will be 140 wounded veterans among the 600 support riders. They will be riding from the Pentagon in Washington D.C. to Frederick and Gettysburg, a distance of 112 miles. Members are welcome to volunteer to assist or come and welcome our Vets at the All Star Complex on Sunday at 12:00 noon.
Meeting adjourned – 7:45 pm
Recorded by Mark Cropp