President Kris opened the meeting after a good fellowship session as many members arrived early. There were 17 members present including two new members and two guest speakers from the Salvation Army.
After dinner Jane Scott reviewed the history of the bell ringers and donation pot and thanked the club for its continuing support. The donation pot began in Los Angeles. Pots were often placed at Ferry landing docks for passengers to drop in their change to help the poor. Salvation Army captain Joseph McFee was looking for a way to fund Christmas dinner for the poor. Remembering the dock pots, he placed one at the Oakland Ferry Landing in 1891. He soon had enough money to provide the dinners. The method and Christmas tradition continued and grew and spread across the nationwide organization and around the world.
Today this tradition is in our hands. All Salvation members in Adams county are volunteers. 95% or more of all collections remain in our county. About $40,000. is collected annually and is distributed to needy families and children’s school supplies.
Kris reported that speakers from the Special Olympics will be at our November 19 meeting.
The annual family Christmas Party will be held December 10, 6PM, at the Refectory. Children are free. Adults pay $25.00. Please RSVP Stacey Green for reservations.
January 21st Alex Hayes of the Gettysburg Times will be our speaker.
We are pleased to have Dan Mattern back with us. Dan is a long time member who took a few years away from us. Welcome Dan!
New member Bob Dicken was present. Welcome to the club Bob! Kris called upon us to keep up our efforts to increase our membership.
Kris is working on lining up arrangements for Optimist basketball. January 10th is the proposed starting date.
The social gathering at Battlefield Brewworks was held last Sunday with 10 people attending – a good start for such events.
The trivia winners selected “Ruth’s Harvest” for a $500. donation.
Tom reported our Activities fund contains $11,867.50. The general fund contains $284.70.
Money from the Christmas Magic Show is coming in. Nearly $3000. has been received so far. The show is Dec. 12, 7PM, at Lincoln Elementary. Members are invited to attend and help (no charge).
Bruce reported that about $9000. was made at last year’s golf tournament. The only ways to increase this amount are to get a major sponsor, add additional tee and hole sponsors, and to bring our foursome numbers to 36. November is our key month for soliciting sponsors! Budgets are being prepared for next year and we want to be a part of many new budgets. More info and literature will follow.
Wayne reports the Oyster Feed will be February 28th at the firehall. Mark your calendars!
Daryl thanked all who participated in the Halloween parade. Seems two Gettysped carts were seen racing up Baltimore street, both heavily laden, at speeds exceeding 1mph! NASCAR is considering sanctions.
Next meeting is November 19th. Dinner is 6:30. Come early! Chat and have a beverage of your choice.
Recorded by Joe MacDowell
Optimist Meeting Minutes, Nov. 5, 2014
UncategorizedPresident Kris opened the meeting after a good fellowship session as many members arrived early. There were 17 members present including two new members and two guest speakers from the Salvation Army.
After dinner Jane Scott reviewed the history of the bell ringers and donation pot and thanked the club for its continuing support. The donation pot began in Los Angeles. Pots were often placed at Ferry landing docks for passengers to drop in their change to help the poor. Salvation Army captain Joseph McFee was looking for a way to fund Christmas dinner for the poor. Remembering the dock pots, he placed one at the Oakland Ferry Landing in 1891. He soon had enough money to provide the dinners. The method and Christmas tradition continued and grew and spread across the nationwide organization and around the world.
Today this tradition is in our hands. All Salvation members in Adams county are volunteers. 95% or more of all collections remain in our county. About $40,000. is collected annually and is distributed to needy families and children’s school supplies.
Kris reported that speakers from the Special Olympics will be at our November 19 meeting.
The annual family Christmas Party will be held December 10, 6PM, at the Refectory. Children are free. Adults pay $25.00. Please RSVP Stacey Green for reservations.
January 21st Alex Hayes of the Gettysburg Times will be our speaker.
We are pleased to have Dan Mattern back with us. Dan is a long time member who took a few years away from us. Welcome Dan!
New member Bob Dicken was present. Welcome to the club Bob! Kris called upon us to keep up our efforts to increase our membership.
Kris is working on lining up arrangements for Optimist basketball. January 10th is the proposed starting date.
The social gathering at Battlefield Brewworks was held last Sunday with 10 people attending – a good start for such events.
The trivia winners selected “Ruth’s Harvest” for a $500. donation.
Tom reported our Activities fund contains $11,867.50. The general fund contains $284.70.
Money from the Christmas Magic Show is coming in. Nearly $3000. has been received so far. The show is Dec. 12, 7PM, at Lincoln Elementary. Members are invited to attend and help (no charge).
Bruce reported that about $9000. was made at last year’s golf tournament. The only ways to increase this amount are to get a major sponsor, add additional tee and hole sponsors, and to bring our foursome numbers to 36. November is our key month for soliciting sponsors! Budgets are being prepared for next year and we want to be a part of many new budgets. More info and literature will follow.
Wayne reports the Oyster Feed will be February 28th at the firehall. Mark your calendars!
Daryl thanked all who participated in the Halloween parade. Seems two Gettysped carts were seen racing up Baltimore street, both heavily laden, at speeds exceeding 1mph! NASCAR is considering sanctions.
Next meeting is November 19th. Dinner is 6:30. Come early! Chat and have a beverage of your choice.
Recorded by Joe MacDowell
Gettysburg Optimist Events Nov/Dec 2014
UncategorizedPlease mark your calendars for these important events:
TONIGHT! (Sunday Nov 2nd) Ravens Steelers Game at Battlefield Brewworks – 8PM Join us!
Nov. 5th Regular Meeting Mama Ventura’s 6:30 PM (Come early – enjoy a beverage/brew)
Nov. 19th – Regular Meeting Mama Ventura’s 6:30PM
December 3rd – NO MEETING
December 10th – Family Christmas Dinner with special visitor! at the Refectory 6PM – Please reserve your space(s) with Stacey Green
December 12th – Annual Optimist Christmas Magic Show – Place and time to be announced
December 17th – NO MEETING Merry Christmas!
Optimist Meeting Wednesday
UncategorizedOur regular Wednesday evening meeting will be at Mama Ventura’s November 5th at 6:30PM. Come early and enjoy some good company and a beverage! See you there.
Gettysburg Optimist Club
Optimist Social Event
UncategorizedAre you a Ravens fan? A Steelers fan? Or just an Optimist?
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is hosting a social event on Sunday, November 2nd at 8pm at the Battlefield Brew Works (248 Hunterstown Rd Gettysburg, PA). This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about your local Optimists. So come enjoy the game, some tasty beverages, and a lot of great people. The first round is on us!
Gettysburg Halloween Parade is Postponed!
UncategorizedThank you to all the volunteers who planned to walk/ride with the Optimists tonight at the annual Gettysburg Halloween Parade. Unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating and the parade has been postponed until 10/28/14 with the same start times.
Optimist Meeting Minutes from 10-15-14
UncategorizedGuest speaker: John Blasius, the Senior Executive of the New Birth of Freedom Council of Boy Scouts presented a lot of great information about the local troops. More than 11,000 youth are served per year by this council which is the 4th largest in the state. John focused on the Battlefield District which encompasses Southwestern York and Adams Counties. The Boy Scouts allow those in grades 1-12 to participate. There are also adventure posts for girls and boys to enjoy. The local Boy Scouts have donated more than 6700 volunteer hours through blood drives, shelter drives, and battlefield restoration. An amazing 28 scouts earned the elite, Eagle Scout status. Nationally, the Boys Scouts of America are growing. They have increased by 9000 and are also growing locally. The Boy Scouts are once again appreciative of the donation received from the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
President Report: Kris hopes that everyone enjoyed the Installation Banquet. He is excited to start another great year with the newly elected officers. For the meetings this year he would like to have speakers in addition to the guests who are receiving donations from the club. If you have any suggestions please let Kris know. There were 3 potential new members at this meeting. They all seemed to enjoy the evening and look forward to meeting more Optimist members at upcoming meetings.
Treasurer Report: The club is already having a successful campaign of raising money from the Magic Show. We will be sending out a copy of the approved budget to members. This year’s dues have gone down to $200 per year. Members who attend the meetings at Mamma’s will be asked to give $5 towards the cost of their meal. There will be no additional fee for those attending the outdoor summer meetings.
Halloween Parade: The Optimists will once again be participating in the Gettysburg Halloween Parade. We have contacted Big Brothers Big Sisters to walk with us. Some members will also be riding scooters which were generously donated by Getty Peds. We will be passing out candy that has the Optimist logo. Members who are walking can meet at 6:30pm on Lefever Street. Those who are riding should be at Getty Peds by 6pm. Please contact Daryl if you have any questions.
Christmas Party: Mark your calendars for the annual Christmas party! It has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 10th at the Refectory. Members and guests will pay $25 per person. There will be no cost for children 12 and under.
Upcoming Events:
Halloween Parade: Tuesday, October 21st meet at 6:30pm on Lefever Street (6pm at Gettys Peds if you will be driving)
Next Optimist Meetings: Wednesday, November 5th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s.
Optimist Meeting Tonight
UncategorizedThere is an Optimist meeting tonight at 6:30 pm at Mamma Venturas. Join us as we present the Boy Scouts with a donation.
Optimist return to business this week
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist will hold their first business meeting with the newly electric officers this Wednesday, October 15th at 6:30 pm at Mamma Venturas. A donation will be presented to the Boy Scouts.
Optimist Installation Banquet Tonight at the Dobbin House
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club will gather tonight for the installation of new officers at 6pm at the Dobbin House.
Optimist Installation Banquet at the Dobbin House Tomorrow!
UncategorizedThe Dobbin House will once again host the Gettysburg Optimist Club for the Installation Banquet. We will thank the outgoing officers and welcome in the new. Fellowship begins at 6pm.