Guests: We had a wonderful presentation from Ivy Schneider with the Adams County Children’s Advocacy Center. She thanked our club for our donation to the 8th Annual Snowflake Gala. The Adams County CAC is one of 13 such centers in the entire state. It is a nationally accredited site which helps heal victims of child abuse. This free and voluntary programs offers a comprehensive set of services including: forensic interviews, medical exams, mental health therapy, and family support all under one roof! The Adams County CAC is one of the premier models for the state. It contributed recommendations to the governor’s task force against child abuse. Over the last year, the Adams County CAC has done so much to serve our community. They have conducted 130 forensic interviews, taught tech savvy programs highlighting risks and prevention of tech crimes, provided education on how to recognize signs of child abuse in their Darkness to Light program, and offered support to non-offending family members. Every third day a new child abuse case is opened in Adams County. The goal of the CAC is to help protect the children of our community and help heal those who have been victimized. You can go to kidsagaincac.org for more information.
Dues: The club members who were present discussed various scenarios for meeting our budgetary goals for the coming year. It was put to a vote and the club decided to maintain our current membership dues. In order to offset costs, members who attend dinner meetings will contribute $5 for their meal. The plan is to reassess this approach in 6 months and the board can make further recommendations at that time.
Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army: With the change in weather we get ready to bundle up and ring the bell for the Salvation Army. Calls have already gone out to members who have volunteered. If you would still like to help please contact [email protected] for more information.
Optimist Christmas Party: The Annual Optimist Christmas Party will again be held at the Seminary Refectory on Wednesday, December 11th at 6pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring a spirit of your choice. If you have not done so, please RSVP [email protected] if you and any of your family members will be attending. Having children in attendance makes this night particularly enjoyable as a special guests always makes his way to the Refectory. If you are bringing a young guest, don’t forget a small, wrapped gift (under $10). Please label it with the child’s name. As in years past, the Gettysburg H.S. Orchestra will be providing live music.
Optimist Magic Show: Donations are coming in and we look forward to reaching our fundraising goal. The event will be held on Friday, December 13th at 7pm at Lincoln Elementary.
Optimist Basketball: Final touches are being put on the program for girls and boys in grades 1-6. Basketball sessions will begin in January in the Gettysburg Middle School gym. Basketball sign-ups are scheduled for Saturday December 7th and 14th from 9-11am at the Gettysburg Middle School cafeteria.
Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed: Wayne had the tickets printed and they were given to members for distribution. The cost will remain very reasonable at $35 per person for All-You-Can-Eat steamed, raw, stewed, and fried oysters along with steamed shrimp. This event will be held on Saturday, March 8th from noon until 3pm. It will be back at the Gettysburg Fire Department. Space will be limited, so if you know someone who wants to attend make sure they get their tickets early! Prepping for this event will begin at 6pm on Friday, March 7th.
Board of Director Meeting: Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm at Tom’s house.
Happy Holidays!! Next regular business meeting: Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s.
Optimist Holiday Party Tonight!
UncategorizedBring your holiday cheer to the Refectory tonight at 6pm. We will start the evening with Cocktails and Hors d’ oeuvres, followed by dinner at 6:30pm.
Optimist Basketball Sign-up
UncategorizedCome sign-up your son or daughter for this year’s Optimist Basketball season on Saturday, December 7th from 9-11am at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria. The program is available for all local children in grades 1-6. The sessions will be broken down by gender and age group. The basketball program will be on Saturdays from 9am-1pm at the Gettysburg Middle School gym beginning January 11th.
If you can’t make it for the first sign-up there will be another opportunity to sig- up on Saturday, December 14th from 9-11am at the same location.
2013 Optimist Family Holiday Party
UncategorizedThe Annual Gettysburg Optimist Family Holiday Party will be held at the Lutheran Refectory on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 6pm. The evening will begin at 6pm with Cocktails and Hors d’ oeuvres, followed by dinner beginning at 6:30pm. Members, their families and guests are invited to attend. Please contact Stacey Green at [email protected] to confirm your attendance. This is a GREAT evening for the entire family so don’t miss this very popular event. Confirm NOW!
The cost is $10 for Optimist Club members and each of their guests. Children under 12 are free. If you are attending with a child, please remember to bring a small, wrapped gift (under $10) with the child’s name attached so that Santa can give them the present!
Important Reminders for Optimists
UncategorizedThere is no regular meeting for the Optimist club this month. Board members will meet at Tom’s at 7pm on Wednesday December 4th.
If you would like to help with the Optimist Basketball sign-ups please be at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria from 9-11am on Saturday December 7th and 14th.
If you are coming to the Optimist Holiday Party on Wednesday December 11th please contact Stacey ([email protected]) to RSVP by Friday December 6th.
The Optimist Magic Show is set for Friday December 13th at 7pm at Lincoln Elementary school. Let’s come out and support this great event.
Happy Thanksgiving!
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg wishes everyone a safe and happy thanksgiving!
Optimist Meeting Minutes 11/21/13
UncategorizedGuests: We had a wonderful presentation from Ivy Schneider with the Adams County Children’s Advocacy Center. She thanked our club for our donation to the 8th Annual Snowflake Gala. The Adams County CAC is one of 13 such centers in the entire state. It is a nationally accredited site which helps heal victims of child abuse. This free and voluntary programs offers a comprehensive set of services including: forensic interviews, medical exams, mental health therapy, and family support all under one roof! The Adams County CAC is one of the premier models for the state. It contributed recommendations to the governor’s task force against child abuse. Over the last year, the Adams County CAC has done so much to serve our community. They have conducted 130 forensic interviews, taught tech savvy programs highlighting risks and prevention of tech crimes, provided education on how to recognize signs of child abuse in their Darkness to Light program, and offered support to non-offending family members. Every third day a new child abuse case is opened in Adams County. The goal of the CAC is to help protect the children of our community and help heal those who have been victimized. You can go to kidsagaincac.org for more information.
Dues: The club members who were present discussed various scenarios for meeting our budgetary goals for the coming year. It was put to a vote and the club decided to maintain our current membership dues. In order to offset costs, members who attend dinner meetings will contribute $5 for their meal. The plan is to reassess this approach in 6 months and the board can make further recommendations at that time.
Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army: With the change in weather we get ready to bundle up and ring the bell for the Salvation Army. Calls have already gone out to members who have volunteered. If you would still like to help please contact [email protected] for more information.
Optimist Christmas Party: The Annual Optimist Christmas Party will again be held at the Seminary Refectory on Wednesday, December 11th at 6pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring a spirit of your choice. If you have not done so, please RSVP [email protected] if you and any of your family members will be attending. Having children in attendance makes this night particularly enjoyable as a special guests always makes his way to the Refectory. If you are bringing a young guest, don’t forget a small, wrapped gift (under $10). Please label it with the child’s name. As in years past, the Gettysburg H.S. Orchestra will be providing live music.
Optimist Magic Show: Donations are coming in and we look forward to reaching our fundraising goal. The event will be held on Friday, December 13th at 7pm at Lincoln Elementary.
Optimist Basketball: Final touches are being put on the program for girls and boys in grades 1-6. Basketball sessions will begin in January in the Gettysburg Middle School gym. Basketball sign-ups are scheduled for Saturday December 7th and 14th from 9-11am at the Gettysburg Middle School cafeteria.
Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed: Wayne had the tickets printed and they were given to members for distribution. The cost will remain very reasonable at $35 per person for All-You-Can-Eat steamed, raw, stewed, and fried oysters along with steamed shrimp. This event will be held on Saturday, March 8th from noon until 3pm. It will be back at the Gettysburg Fire Department. Space will be limited, so if you know someone who wants to attend make sure they get their tickets early! Prepping for this event will begin at 6pm on Friday, March 7th.
Board of Director Meeting: Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm at Tom’s house.
Happy Holidays!! Next regular business meeting: Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s.
Optimist Meeting Tonight!
UncategorizedThere is an Optimist Meeting tonight at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s. We will have a presentation from the Child Advocacy Center and we will discuss our upcoming events, which include the Magic Show and Optimist Basketball. Come join in!
Optimist Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedThe next Optimist meeting will be on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30pm at Mamma Ventura’s. We will hear a presentation from the Child Advocacy Center. This will be our last full business meeting of 2013. Don’t miss out!
Gettysburg Optimist Installs New “Friend of Youth”
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg, “Friend’s of Youth”, announces the addition of Frank Negro as a new member of the club. Negro took the oath of membership on November 6, 2013 during the regular membership meeting held at Mamma Ventura’s Restaurant. Optimist Member and Sponsor Bruce Bradshaw gave the oath and welcomed Negro, a man who has committed his life to supporting youth. He was employed as a full time teacher for 36 years and has coached cross country and track & field for over 30 years. He presently is a substitute teacher for three area high schools and serves as a PIAA Track and Field official for middle schools, high schools and colleges. His dedication to supporting the youth of the community has been a mainstay in his life.
“We are looking forward to the contributions that Frank can make in our club, and we’re proud to have him as a member,” stated Club President Kristopher Accardi.
From Left to Right; Club President Kristopher Accardi, New Member Frank Negro and Sponsor Bruce Bradshaw.
2014 Optimist Family Holiday Party
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimist!
I don’t mean to fly past the Thanksgiving holiday, however the Optimist Family Holiday Party will be here before we know it! Stacey is well into the planning stage, so please RSVP your attendance to: [email protected] and be sure to include the total number of guests attending in your family.
As in past year’s the event will be held at the Lutheran Seminary Refectory on Wednesday, December 11, 2013. The evening will begin at 6pm with Cocktails and Hors d’ oeuvres followed by dinner beginning at 6:30pm. The cost is $10 for Optimist members and each of their guests. Children under 12 are free.