We had a very successful 4th Quarter Zone Meeting/Pig Roast at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. One member from the Hummelstown Club and eleven members from the East York Club, including Lt. Governor Tom Mcglynn made the trip.
From the Lt. Governor:
-After his own “Battle of Gettysburg” with the BBQ sauce Tom went on to talk about all the good things happening in Zone 7, including the fact that our Zone ranks #1 of eight, our Zone has maintained its total membership since the beginning of the year, and we have some very active clubs serving our communities.
-Mark and Joe were presented with Personal Growth & Involvement Awards for their commitment to our club.
-Although Tom has enjoyed his time serving as Lt. Governor he would love to have a volunteer come forward to fill this role.
Club news:
-Craig attended the District Convention here in Gettysburg and he acquired information for the incoming officers. A group of children from the Adams County School of Musical Theatre provided some entertainment for the event and they were very well received.
-The Refectory will no longer be available for our meetings due to scheduling conflicts. Please pass along any ideas for potential new meeting locations to Kris ([email protected]) and he will look into various options and make a decision with the board.
-Parking for the soccer tournament is this weekend. Thanks to the members who are volunteering. You should have beautiful weather!
-A potential new member, Fred, who is a former educator and who has been very active in serving the youth in his community joined us for the evening. Fred will be sponsored by Walt.
Click here to see pictures from the event!
September meetings:
-Wednesday, September 4th a 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
-Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30pm at Mark’s house. This would be a great opportunity to bring a potential new member!
Final Outdoor Meeting Of Optimist Year
UncategorizedThe final outdoor meeting of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg will be held on Wednesday, September 18, at 6:30 pm. The meeting marks the closing of one administrative year and opens the promise of another year of Optimism. In the spirit of “Clyde’s Cabin”, the meeting will be held at the residence of Optimist member, Mark Cropp, located at 275 Montclair Road, Gettysburg.
The traditional menu will include grilled steak and accompaniments. Members who are planning on attending are encouraged to contact Mark at [email protected] prior to the meeting night in order to make the steak purchase as economical as possible.
This is a fun evening and a great opportunity to introduce Optimism to a prospective member so attendees are encouraged to bring a guest.
Optimists We Need Your RSVPs!
UncategorizedOptimists we have some great events coming up! Please take a moment to respond to the invitations below so that proper accommodations can be made.
First up, our final outdoor meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30pm at the Cropp’s home. This is always an enjoyable meeting with great food and fellowship. Consider bringing along a potential new member. Please contact Mark at [email protected] ASAP if you and/or a guest plan to attend.
Our following meeting will be the Installation Banquet on Wednesday, October 2nd at the Dobbin House. The evening begins at 6pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Dinner for members will be covered by the club. The charge for spouses/guests is $15 per person. Please contact Mark G. at [email protected] ASAP if you plan to attend.
We look forward to a good turn out to close out one year and start a new one!
Optimist Meeting Minutes 9-4-13
UncategorizedWe had our final meeting of the year at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Much was accomplished as we enjoyed the beautiful weather. The 2013-2014 budget proposed by Tom unanimously passed. We discussed potential future meeting locations and began to prepare for some of our big Optimist events for the coming year.
Old business: Don thanked everyone who volunteered for the Soccer Tournament Parking this year. Unfortunately, despite it being a great weekend for soccer, the number of teams for the tournament was slightly down and subsequently only five fields were used by the Historical Society lot. There was also another group parking cars next door so only a total of 163 cars were parked over the weekend. During the coming year we’ll look for new ways to encourage parking at our lot and we will also look to expand upon current fundraising efforts to help best serve the youth of our community.
Upcoming Events: The Installation Banquet will be held Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:30pm at the Dobbin House. Please RSVP to Mark G. ([email protected]) ASAP if you plan to attend. Spouses/guests are welcome to attend for $15 per person.
Mark your calendars and start planning your costumes for the Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 22nd. Line-up approximately 6pm and step-off will be at 7:30pm from the old Visitor Center Parking Lot on Steinwehr. (Raindate is set for Tuesday, October 29th) The Optimist Club plans to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of York/Adams county for this event.
The Firehall has been reserved for Saturday, March 8th for this year’s Oyster and Shrimp Feed. Last year we served 225 guests. This year we will be seating guests at the tables to ensure that we utilize the space appropriately and that we provide the best experience for our patrons.
Tom will be looking into a potential new fundraising opportunity with the Majestic Theater. More information to come.
Options for a new meeting location will be voted on during our next gathering. If there are any further suggestions please contact Kris ([email protected])
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30pm at the Cropp’s house. Steak will be on the menu! This will be a great opportunity to bring a potential new member! Please RSVP Mark C. ([email protected]) ASAP if you (and/or a guest) will be attending
Meeting Reminder
UncategorizedOptimist Meeting tonight at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavillion.
Upcoming Meetings
UncategorizedWishing everyone a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend! Reminder: The next Optimist Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Septemeber 4th at 6:30pm. This will be our last meeting of the year at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for our final outdoor meeting of the year at the Cropps’ house on Wednesday, September 18th.
Optimist Zone Meeting Minutes from 8/21/13
UncategorizedWe had a very successful 4th Quarter Zone Meeting/Pig Roast at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. One member from the Hummelstown Club and eleven members from the East York Club, including Lt. Governor Tom Mcglynn made the trip.
From the Lt. Governor:
-After his own “Battle of Gettysburg” with the BBQ sauce Tom went on to talk about all the good things happening in Zone 7, including the fact that our Zone ranks #1 of eight, our Zone has maintained its total membership since the beginning of the year, and we have some very active clubs serving our communities.
-Mark and Joe were presented with Personal Growth & Involvement Awards for their commitment to our club.
-Although Tom has enjoyed his time serving as Lt. Governor he would love to have a volunteer come forward to fill this role.
Club news:
-Craig attended the District Convention here in Gettysburg and he acquired information for the incoming officers. A group of children from the Adams County School of Musical Theatre provided some entertainment for the event and they were very well received.
-The Refectory will no longer be available for our meetings due to scheduling conflicts. Please pass along any ideas for potential new meeting locations to Kris ([email protected]) and he will look into various options and make a decision with the board.
-Parking for the soccer tournament is this weekend. Thanks to the members who are volunteering. You should have beautiful weather!
-A potential new member, Fred, who is a former educator and who has been very active in serving the youth in his community joined us for the evening. Fred will be sponsored by Walt.
Click here to see pictures from the event!
September meetings:
-Wednesday, September 4th a 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.
-Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30pm at Mark’s house. This would be a great opportunity to bring a potential new member!
Meeting Reminder: 4th Quarter Zone Meeting aka Pig Roast tonight at Lake Heritage Pavilion!
UncategorizedThe 4th quarter Zone meeting aka “Pig Roast” is scheduled for tonight at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. The meeting begins at 6:30pm. The menu will include: pulled pork, baked beans, potato, salad, dessert and beverages. Members throughout Optimist Zone 7 are invited to attend. Member spouses and guests are also welcome.
Optimist Soccer Parking Project
UncategorizedThe Annual Summer Youth Soccer Tournament Parking Project will be held this coming weekend, August 24 and 25, 2013. This is the second soccer parking event for the Optimist Club of the year and is a major source for funding for the Gettysburg Optimist Club Programs conducted throughout the year. Don Davis has announced that the parking will take place at the Adams County Historic Society property located on the Biglerville Road. Here is the members sign-up sheet for those who have already scheduled for this weekends event. If you have not already done so and would like to volunteer to help please contact Project Chairman Don Davis.
Gettysburg Optimist To Host Zone Meeting
UncategorizedOnce again the Optimist Club of Gettysburg will be hosting the fourth quarter Zone meeting, traditionally referred to as the “Pig Roast”, on Wednesday, August 21, at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. The popular annual event will kick off with a traditional meal of pulled pork, baked beans, potato, salad, dessert and beverages. Members throughout Optimist Zone 7 are invited to join members of the Gettysburg Club in an evening of information and fellowship. Member spouses and guests are also welcome to attend. The meeting will begin at 6:30 and conclude at the end of business.
Come on out and join us in celebrating our efforts “To Bring Out The Best In Kids.”
Optimist Meeting Minutes 8-7-13
UncategorizedOur pizza dinner went over well, although Joe is starting a movement for mushrooms next time!
Speaker: Tonight we had a presentation about the Boy Scouts of America. We learned that we are in the 3rd largest council in PA with more than 11,000 youth from 6 counties participating in events. Our district, the Battlefield District boasted 40 new Eagle Scouts which is the largest number to reach this honor in several years.
The scouts participate in numerous service projects, including collecting items for food banks and shelters, assisting with the Reenactments, and placing American flags in the Gettysburg Cemetery. The Boy Scouts offer an Explorer program which exposes youth to various potential career paths. The hope for next year is to offer programs in nursing and law enforcement. In September, there will be a Camporee at Spangler Farm on the battlefield. The scouts will be participating in a service project that coincides with the National Park Service.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom has a proposed budget for the upcoming year which begins in September. We will discuss this at our first meeting in September.
Upcoming events: Don is well-staffed for the soccer parking which will take place on August 24th and 25th at the Historical Field Lots. Unfortunately the tournament will not be utilizing the James Gettys Fields. Don will be sending out a reminder email shortly with time slots that members volunteered for.
-The Gettysburg Halloween Parade is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22nd with a start time of 7:30pm. Rain date is October 29th. We need to determine ahead of time if we will have enough volunteers to make a showing. There is some talk that there will be a limited number of groups that can walk the parade and there may also be a fee this year. We do have candy with the Optimist logo that is available to use, but again we need volunteers to help Marci with planning and volunteers for the day of the event so let’s check our calendars.
Next meeting: Zone Meeting Pig Roast Wednesday, August 21 at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Bring a spouse or a guest!
Looking ahead, on Wednesday, September 18th we will have our final outdoor meeting of the year at the Cropp’s house. This will be a steak dinner and another great opportunity to bring a potential new member!