Optimist Meeting Notes 5/15/13
Governor Kathleen Manchec was present for our first outdoor meeting. She handed out governors’ pins to all the members who were present. She talked about the inspiration for the sneaker pin design. She shared her experience training for marathons and how all the people along the way, family, friends and complete strangers supported her through her journey, hence the “Together We Succeed” Motto.

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg received a framed print for our donation to Optimist International which President Craig Sweet received.

Former President, Mark Crop received recognition, along with former Secretary Joe Macdowell and (not pictured) past/current Treasurer Tom Barako because the Optimist Club of Gettysburg reached “honor” status last year .

Kathleen also updated us about the upcoming 4th Quarter District Meeting aka the “Optimist Convention” that is slated for August 16-18 at the Eisenhower Hotel. She is looking for some local youth groups to help with the entertainment. With the convention right in our back yard we are hoping for a strong showing of members from the Optimist of Gettysburg!
April began the 26 week membership marathon which will run through the end of the year. Let’s all think of potential members that we can invite to future meetings.
Golf Tournament News: We have approximately 16 sponsors for the event which is up from last year. We are shooting for approximately 100 golfers. Interested golfers are still welcome to sign-up. They may also show up at the Links on the day of the event Thursday, May 23rd.
Parking Lot News: The slots for May 25th and 26th are full. Great job! There are still 6 spots open for the August 24th and 25th. Please think about taking a spot or filling an additional slot if you have already signed up. Please let Don Davis know if you can help.
Other News: The club approved a donation to the Gettysburg Hospital Foundation for the production of journals for the upcoming Road to Freedom program which helps to fight childhood obesity. The Optimist Logo will go on the back of the journal which will be distributed through the Adams County Library System.
The Dollars for Scholars program will be Wednesday, May 29th at 7pm at the Gettysburg HS Auditorium. If you would like to attend/participate please meet in the auditorium between 6:30 and 6:45pm.
There are 4 home games left for our Optimist-sponsored Little League team. They play at the Rec Park on Field 1 on the following dates: Tuesday 5/21/13 @ 6pm, Tuesday 5/28/13 @ 6pm, Saturday 6/1/13 @ 1pm, and Tuesday 6/4/13 @ 6pm.
There is still one date open for an Optimist Chef(s) for our outdoor meeting on August 7th. Please let Kris know if you would like to show us your cooking prowess.
The 3rd Quarter District Meeting will be held from 8-4pm on 6/1/13 in Reading. Please notify Craig if you would like to join him.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion with dinner provided by Kris and Mindy.
Optimist Meeting Notes 6-5-13
UncategorizedPresident Report: The Optimists of Gettysburg are the 6th ranking district in our zone. Our zone 7 is the top zone in our area.
Consider making yourself available for the 4th Quarter Meeting which is here in Gettysburg 8/16-18.
Golf Tournament News: This year, the number of sponsors was up, although the number of golfers was a little down compared to previous years. The club raised approximately $4900 to serve local youth. We look forward to expanding on this popular event next year.
Soccer Tournament Parking: Due to the decreased number of soccer fields for this year’s tournament, the income from the parking was down compared to previous years, but we hope to see a better weekend for the tournament in August. We raised approximately $3875 with this event.
Dollars for Scholars: The Optimist presented two $1000 scholarship awards to one boy and one girl graduating from GAHS.
Other notes: The Treasurer, Secretary, and Board of Directors are willing to continue to serve in their respective positions next year. They are willing to step aside if someone else would like to fill their role. The Vice President position is available. Please contact Kris Accardi if you have any nominations or would like to fill a position next year. Elections are planned for August.
The journals for the Roads to Freedom project are available through the Adams County Library. This project which the Optimist Club helped to sponsor is seeking to combat childhood obesity.
The Optimist-sponsored Little League team played their last game on Tuesday. The kids really seemed to enjoy themselves and the coaches were very enthusiastic and motivational. See the Optimist Facebook page for pictures.
The only meeting in July will be held at Wayne Hill’s house on the 17th.
Mark your calendars for the much-loved All-Star Magic Show! It will be held 12/15/13. Details to follow.
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 6:30pm, Lake Heritage Pavilion. Sam and Bill will be the guest chefs. There will be a board of directors meeting afterwards.
Meeting Reminder/Last Game for the Optimist-Sponsored Little League Team.
UncategorizedThe Little League team sponsored by the Gettysburg Optimist will play their final game of the season on Tuesday 6/4/13 at 6pm. Lets show some support and cheer them on. They will play on Field 1 at the Gettysburg Rec Park.
The next Optimist meeting will be on Wednesday 6/5/13 at 6:30pm. Dinner will be provided by Kris and Mindy at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. We will have some old and new business to review along with discussions regarding officer nominations for next year.
Optimists Sponsor “Roads to Freedom”
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club is a proud sponsor of the WellSpan Health program “Roads to Freedom”. This is a program that was formed in 2012 to help fight childhood obesity. In Adams County, an estimated 32% of children in K-6 are considered overweight or obese. This program was created to get kids moving. Children participating in this program will follow clues for an outdoor “scavenger hunt” in the Adams County area. At each clue, the child will find a unique rubbing to add to a journal which will log their miles traveled. Last year, more than 1600 miles were covered.
Books can be located at each Adams County Public Library branch and also at the Historic Train Station in downtown Gettysburg starting Saturday, June 1st. The program will run through Labor Day, September 2. Completed books are then returned to any library branch by Friday, September 9th to be eligible for prizes.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg is excited to be apart of this years program. Best of Luck to the “Roads to Freedom” participants.
Parking Fundraiser
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Blue Gray Soccer Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg will be providing parking at the Gettysburg Collage soccer field. All day, come and go, parking passes for $10.00 is available on both days of the events. 100% of the money collected will be donated back to youth activities in the community.
The James Gettys Elementary soccer fields have been relocated to Biglerville High School. Therefore the Optimist Club of Gettysburg will not be providing parking at the James Gettys location.
Non-members who would like to learn more about this important fund raising project or other club events can do so by visiting the Optimist Club of Gettysburg website.
5/15/13 Meeting Notes
UncategorizedOptimist Meeting Notes 5/15/13
Governor Kathleen Manchec was present for our first outdoor meeting. She handed out governors’ pins to all the members who were present. She talked about the inspiration for the sneaker pin design. She shared her experience training for marathons and how all the people along the way, family, friends and complete strangers supported her through her journey, hence the “Together We Succeed” Motto.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg received a framed print for our donation to Optimist International which President Craig Sweet received.
Former President, Mark Crop received recognition, along with former Secretary Joe Macdowell and (not pictured) past/current Treasurer Tom Barako because the Optimist Club of Gettysburg reached “honor” status last year .
Kathleen also updated us about the upcoming 4th Quarter District Meeting aka the “Optimist Convention” that is slated for August 16-18 at the Eisenhower Hotel. She is looking for some local youth groups to help with the entertainment. With the convention right in our back yard we are hoping for a strong showing of members from the Optimist of Gettysburg!
April began the 26 week membership marathon which will run through the end of the year. Let’s all think of potential members that we can invite to future meetings.
Golf Tournament News: We have approximately 16 sponsors for the event which is up from last year. We are shooting for approximately 100 golfers. Interested golfers are still welcome to sign-up. They may also show up at the Links on the day of the event Thursday, May 23rd.
Parking Lot News: The slots for May 25th and 26th are full. Great job! There are still 6 spots open for the August 24th and 25th. Please think about taking a spot or filling an additional slot if you have already signed up. Please let Don Davis know if you can help.
Other News: The club approved a donation to the Gettysburg Hospital Foundation for the production of journals for the upcoming Road to Freedom program which helps to fight childhood obesity. The Optimist Logo will go on the back of the journal which will be distributed through the Adams County Library System.
The Dollars for Scholars program will be Wednesday, May 29th at 7pm at the Gettysburg HS Auditorium. If you would like to attend/participate please meet in the auditorium between 6:30 and 6:45pm.
There are 4 home games left for our Optimist-sponsored Little League team. They play at the Rec Park on Field 1 on the following dates: Tuesday 5/21/13 @ 6pm, Tuesday 5/28/13 @ 6pm, Saturday 6/1/13 @ 1pm, and Tuesday 6/4/13 @ 6pm.
There is still one date open for an Optimist Chef(s) for our outdoor meeting on August 7th. Please let Kris know if you would like to show us your cooking prowess.
The 3rd Quarter District Meeting will be held from 8-4pm on 6/1/13 in Reading. Please notify Craig if you would like to join him.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion with dinner provided by Kris and Mindy.
Optimist Meeting Reminder: See you at Lake Heritage!
UncategorizedTonight’s meeting will begin at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. We will be hosting the Boy Scouts this evening.
The Optimist of Gettysburg, Third Annual Golf Tournament
UncategorizedThe Third Annual Optimist Club Of Gettysburg Golf Tournament will be held at the Links of Gettysburg on Thursday, May 23, 2013. A scramble format will tee Off 1:30 pm. Cost is $85 per player or $300 per foursome. Contests include longest drive, closest to pin, green of gold, putting contest, and a hole in one. Sun Motor Cars of Mechanicsburg will be providing a 6 month lease on a brand new E-Class Mercedes Benz for the Hole in One Contest winner.
Dinner along with wine, hard cider and soft drinks are included with the purchase of a play. Beer is available for purchase the day of the event.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Co-branded tournament event for $1,000 includes a sign at check-in, on the first tee, and in the dining area and a four players play. Tee/Green sponsors for $500 includes one sign on a green or tee around the course and a four players play. All sponsorships include a free listing of the sponsors logo on the Optimist Club Our Sponsors webpage and link to the sponsors selected webpage.
“This is a major Optimist Club fund raising project which helps support more than 19 youth related programs throughout the year in the Gettysburg area”, says Craig Sweet, Optimist Club President. “It is a great opportunity for local businesses, families and Optimist program participants to show their support of the local Optimist Club and have a good afternoon of golf fellowship”.
To show your support as a sponsor or participate as a player, please complete the entry form below and return it to a Club member, email to it [email protected] or call (717) 220-3416 for additional information. Come out and join in the fun to support the Optimist in their efforts to bring out the best in kids.
Golf Poster
Sponsorship oppourtunites-1
Sponsorship and Entry Form
Optimist Meeting Reminder: 1st Outdoor Meeting of the Year at Lake Heritage!
UncategorizedThe next Optimist Meeting is schedule for Wednesday, May 15th at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Dinner will be provided by Joe and Mark G. We will be hosting the Boy Scouts and hopefully not too many mosquitos yet!
Soccer Tournament – Optimist Parking Project
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Blue Gray Soccer Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg will be providing parking at the Gettysburg Collage soccer field and the James Getty soccer field located on Biglerville Road in Gettysburg. All day, come and go, parking passes are $10.00. Proceeds support more than 19 Optimist Club of Gettysburg youth related programs and activities each year.
Volunteer opportunities are still available for members who have not yet signed up to participate. Members should contact Don Davis to volunteer for open time slots. Morning and afternoon slots are still available at both parking areas. Non-members who would like to help with this important fund raising project can do so by visiting the Optimist Club of Gettysburg website.
Optimist Meeting Minutes 5-1-12
Uncategorized-Guests: We had a presentation from Judy Alder of the Gettysburg Hospital Foundation with a proposal for an Optimist sponsorship of the “Roads to Freedom” program. This is a program that was formed in 2012 to help fight childhood obesity. In Adams County, an estimated 32% of children in K-6 are considered overweight or obese. Children participating in this program will follow clues for an outdoor “scavenger hunt”. At each clue, the child will find a unique rubbing to add to a journal which will log their miles traveled. Last year, more than 1600 miles were covered. By supporting this program the Optimist logo would be displayed on the back cover of the journals dispensed to the children.
-Golf Tournament: Please contact Daryl ([email protected]) if you can be of assistance on the day of the event. We have nearly 15 sponsorships at the moment. A great goal would be to reach a record 20 sponsors, so keep seeking sponsorships! There are also openings available for foursomes who would like to golf.
-Car Parking: On May 25th and 26th Don Davis still has 10 spots to fill. For August 24th and 25th he still has 8 spots to fill. Please contact Don ([email protected]) if you haven’t signed up or if you can fill an additional spot.
-Optimist Baseball: Here is the schedule of local games for our sponsored Little League team. If anyone is interested in getting a group together to cheer on our team please reply to [email protected] and I will let the club know which date(s) has the most interest.
Game (Visitor vs. Home) :
Thu 5/2/13 6pm
AOS vs. Optimist
LL Field 2, Gb
Thu 5/9/13 6pm
Optimist vs. Rotary
LL Field 1, Gb
Tue 5/14/13 6pm
AOS vs. Optimist
LL Field 1, Gb
Sat 5/18/13 3:30pm
Rotary vs. Optimist
LL Field 1, Gb
Tue 5/21/13 6pm
Rotary vs. Optimist
LL Field 1, Gb
Tue 5/28/13 6pm
Berm. Green Machine vs. Optimist
LL Field 1, Gb
Sat 6/1/13 1pm
Optimist vs. AOS
LL Field 1, Gb
Tue 6/4/13 6pm
Optimist vs. AOS
LL Field 1, Gb
-We will begin having our outdoor meetings starting with our next meeting. We generally have volunteers sign up to provide meals. We are in need of volunteers for the June 19th, August 7th, and September 4th meetings. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to take one of these dates.
-Saturday June 1st is the 3rd Quarter District Meeting in Reading. Craig will be going. Let him know if you would like to attend as well ([email protected]).
-The 4th Quarter District meetings will be held in Gettysburg, at the Eisenhower Hotel August 16-18. Details to follow. Look at your calendars because it would look great have a strong turnout of Gettysburg Optimists for this local event.
-Next meeting: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 6:30pm at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. Joe and Mark G. will be providing the meal and we will be hosting the Boy Scouts.