-We had a very enlightening presentation about the Gettysburg Little League Baseball program. This year is the 60th anniversary of Little League in Gettysburg. Approximately 150 youth, ages 7-18 participate in the Spring season and 90 participate in the Fall season. This year, the fee paid per child has increased to $60. In actuality, it costs approximately $150 per child to play a season. This includes approximately 20 games in the spring and 7 or 8 in the fall. No child is ever prohibited from playing based on their ability to pay the fee. That is why fundraising and generous donations help to keep Little League running smoothly. The Optimist Club was able to present our donation to the Gettysburg Little League following the presentation.

Treasurer’s report: Quarterly dues were paid to Optimist International and we received a $100 credit.
Secretary report: Well wishes go out to Walt as he recovers from a broken ankle.
Recent/On-going events: The STARS program was another inspiring event. Water bottles were passed out to the students along with the awards.
Optimist Basketball continues on Saturday mornings from 9-11:45. There are four more sessions left. Reminder: there is no basketball over President’s Weekend. Members are encouraged to lend a hand as the teams begin to scrimmage. We will need more support to help with coaching and refereeing. Any help and experience level would be appreciated!
Upcoming Events: The Annual Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed is fast approaching! Please continue to sell tickets for $30 per person to this All-you-can-eat event. Members are encouraged to help with prep on Friday March 8th at 6:30pm at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg. On Saturday, March 9th setup will begin at 9:30am. Guests are welcome to enjoy the buffet from noon until 3pm.
The Optimist Golf Tournament is still seeking more sponsors. A sign-up sheet was passed around to members in order to organize prospective sponsors. If you have not signed-up, please consider doing so as soon as possible.
The club voted to donate to Alex’s Lemonade stand in hopes of helping to eradicate childhood cancers.
On Tuesday, March 26th, the Optimist of West York will be hosting their annual Pulled-Pork Dinner. Please see Joe for more information if you would like to go.
Jim has volunteered, with the help of his daughter, to get some ideas together for a display that we can use to promote the Optimist Club at each of our events.
Basketball Coach Highlight
UncategorizedIn elementary and middle school Optimist member Mindy Accardi played basketball in a Saturday morning program run by parents and volunteers. It was fashioned very similarly to the Optimist Basketball program. Mindy loved learning basketball skills, exercising, and spending time with her friends outside of the classroom. She used the skills learned during the Saturday morning camps as she continued to play basketball through high school. It was during her high school years
that she first learned what it felt like to give back and volunteer. She committed her Saturday mornings during the basketball season to helping coach a new generation of young basketball players. She found just as much enjoyment in volunteering and watching the kids learn as she did in playing.
When Mindy learned that the Optimist Club of Gettysburg sponsored a Youth Basketball program she became even more excited to join the local Club and she continues to find the volunteer experience very rewarding. We appreciate Mindy’s contributions to the club and the basketball program.
After a weekend break in observance of Presidents Day, play resumes on Saturday, February 23 The schedule is as follows:
Next Meeting Reminder: Wednesday February 20, 2013
UncategorizedHello Fellow Optimists,
This is just a reminder that our next meeting is scheduled for 6:30pm on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at the Refectory. This will be a big night for donations as we give to Reading is Fundamental and the Outdoor Education programs. Lets fill those seats! Looking forward to another great evening of shared optimism!
No Optimist Basketball this weekend
UncategorizedThe Optimist Basketball Program will be taking a break this week due to President’s Day weekend.
Play will resume on Saturday, February 23. We hope you all enjoy the long holiday weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on the courts Saturday, February 23.
Gettysburg Optimist Club is a Proud Sponsor of the Gettysburg Community Theatre Musical Gala
UncategorizedThis year’s Gala event will be Friday, March 15th at 6:30pm.
“That’s Entertainment!” is a Hollywood theme with a professional concert featuring alumni from Gettysburg High School, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg Community Theatre, as well as favorite singers of Gettysburg, performers from NYC, and students of GCT!
This year’s concert is being sponsored by the Optimist Club of Gettysburg and our own member Wayne Hill will be putting on another outstanding performance!
Starring: Chad-Alan Carr, Pamela Cooper-White, Mary George, Kyleigh Grim, Wayne Hill, Marquis Johnson, Jane Johnston, Sean Mott, Kate Moyer, Ed Riggs, Carrie Trax, Greg Trax, and students of GCT!
The event also includes Hors ‘doeuvres, Cash Bar, and a fabulous Silent Auction.
All proceeds will go to Gettysburg Community Theatre not-for-profit 501c3 organization.
Tickets go on sale to the public February 15th. They can be purchased online at www.GettysburgCommunityTheatre.org or by calling the theatre at 717-334-2692.
Come out and enjoy the show!
East York Optimist Club Fundraiser
UncategorizedThe East York Optimist Club has announced their upcoming Fundraiser.
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Location: UAW Local 1872 Union Hall, 3562 Gillespie Drive York, PA
Ticket price: $40.00
Dinner: 6:30 pm.
Meal includes roast pork, barbecue pork, chicken, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, coleslaw, rolls, dessert. Beer will be on tap and soda will be provided for your BYOB.
Tickets will be pulled for a variety of prizes.
5th to last ticket call wins $100
4th to last ticket called wins $200
3rd to last ticket called wins $300
2nd to last ticket called wins $400
The last ticket called wins $500
Come out and enjoy the Optimist Club of York for a fun evening. To purchase tickets, contact Treva at [email protected] or 717-487-5138
Generations Of Optimism
UncategorizedAl Parone first became aware of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg several years ago when he signed his son Shawn up for the Gettysburg Optimist Basketball Program and decided to volunteer as a coach. Enjoying the experience, he decided to become a member of the local club and has been involved in “Bringing Out The Best In Kids” ever since.
This year Al returned to coach the Optimist Basketball Program but this time it is his grandson Anthony
that is receiving the attention. Anthony is enrolled in the 8 year old group and plays basketball with friends in his age group every Saturday morning at the Gettysburg Middle School. When not coaching his grandson, Al continues his more than 15 year association with the Optimists by supporting the Club’s projects that help sponsor more than 19 youth related programs in the Gettysburg area throughout the year.
The next fundraising event is the Annual Optimist Club Oyster & Shrimp Feed to be held on Saturday, March 9. To purchase tickets for this popular event, contact Al Parone or contact the club.
The 2013 Optimist Club of Gettysburg Basketball Program will continue on Saturday, February 9. The girls will remain at Lincoln Elementary School and the boys will play at the Gettysburg Middle School. The K through 3rd grade boys are scheduled for 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM and 4th through 6th grade Boys are scheduled for 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM. The K through 3rd grade girls are scheduled for 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM with the 4th through 6th grade girls wrapping the day up from 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM.
Club members, family and community volunteers are encouraged to attend and support the days activities.
Optimist Meeting Notes 2-6-13
-We had a very enlightening presentation about the Gettysburg Little League Baseball program. This year is the 60th anniversary of Little League in Gettysburg. Approximately 150 youth, ages 7-18 participate in the Spring season and 90 participate in the Fall season. This year, the fee paid per child has increased to $60. In actuality, it costs approximately $150 per child to play a season. This includes approximately 20 games in the spring and 7 or 8 in the fall. No child is ever prohibited from playing based on their ability to pay the fee. That is why fundraising and generous donations help to keep Little League running smoothly. The Optimist Club was able to present our donation to the Gettysburg Little League following the presentation.
Treasurer’s report: Quarterly dues were paid to Optimist International and we received a $100 credit.
Secretary report: Well wishes go out to Walt as he recovers from a broken ankle.
Recent/On-going events: The STARS program was another inspiring event. Water bottles were passed out to the students along with the awards.
Optimist Basketball continues on Saturday mornings from 9-11:45. There are four more sessions left. Reminder: there is no basketball over President’s Weekend. Members are encouraged to lend a hand as the teams begin to scrimmage. We will need more support to help with coaching and refereeing. Any help and experience level would be appreciated!
Upcoming Events: The Annual Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed is fast approaching! Please continue to sell tickets for $30 per person to this All-you-can-eat event. Members are encouraged to help with prep on Friday March 8th at 6:30pm at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg. On Saturday, March 9th setup will begin at 9:30am. Guests are welcome to enjoy the buffet from noon until 3pm.
The Optimist Golf Tournament is still seeking more sponsors. A sign-up sheet was passed around to members in order to organize prospective sponsors. If you have not signed-up, please consider doing so as soon as possible.
The club voted to donate to Alex’s Lemonade stand in hopes of helping to eradicate childhood cancers.
On Tuesday, March 26th, the Optimist of West York will be hosting their annual Pulled-Pork Dinner. Please see Joe for more information if you would like to go.
Jim has volunteered, with the help of his daughter, to get some ideas together for a display that we can use to promote the Optimist Club at each of our events.
Optimist Meeting Reminder for Wednesday February 6th 2013
UncategorizedHi Everyone,
Now that the football season is finished, baseball is just around the corner! At our meeting this Wednesday, February 6th at 6:30pm back at the Refectory we will have guest speakers Ken Hassinger and Fred Cosden tell us about the Little League Baseball program and how we may be able to be of assistance.
Please be prepared to share your count for any tickets sold for the Oyster and Shrimp Feed along with any sponsors that you may have acquired for the Golf Tournament. We all know how important it is to stay motivated to keep our fundraisers successful so that we can continue to make such a big impact on our local youth.
Optimist Membership – A Life-long Commitment
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg began its efforts to “Bring out the Best in Kids” in Gettysburg in 1958 and while Charter members from that first year are getting hard to find, some current and long standing Optimists Club members have had a life long relationship to the youth supporting organization. The Optimist Basketball program got its start in 1959 and to this day continues to have a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of Gettysburg youngsters. Wayne Hill, a Gettysburg Optimist Club member for nearly 38 years got his optimistic start as a member of one of the original Optimist Basketball teams, the Lehigh Engineers, in 1959. Since than Wayne has continued his service to the community’s youth through his membership in the Optimist Club of Gettysburg, most notably through his leadership of the Annual Optimist of Gettysburg Oyster and Shrimp Feed. Wayne will guide this popular event again this year on Saturday, March 9, between noon and 3:00 pm at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg. The Feed is one of several Optimist fund raising projects that support more than nineteen youth related programs throughout the Gettysburg area, including The Optimist Basketball Program. The club is extremely proud and thankful for Wayne’s continued dedication to the organization and for his ongoing efforts to “Bring out the Best in Kids”
The 2013 Optimist of Gettysburg Basketball Program will continue on Saturday, February 2. The girls will remain at Lincoln Elementary School and the boys will return to the Gettysburg Middle School. The K through 3rd grade boys are scheduled for 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM and 4th through 5th grade Boys are scheduled for 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM. The K through 3rd grade girls are scheduled for 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM with the 4th through 6th grade girls wrapping the day up from 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM. Club members, family and community volunteers are welcome to attend and support the days activities.
For those not in attendance last week, T-shirts will be available Saturday morning.
To download images from this years basketball program visit our Facebook page for information of recent sessions.
Gettysburg Optimists Support STARS
UncategorizedThree members of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg attended the 2013 STARS Program Breakfast at the Gettysburg Area High School (GAHS) on Tuesday, January 29. Mark Cropp, Darlene Brown and Mike Boller represented the Club at this year’s event.
The STARS Program is coordinated by Caryl Schmitz and recognizes students for their individual achievements and improvements in the areas of academics, Tech Prep and personal growth. Each student was presented a GAHS insulated cup and was treated to breakfast. The STARS Program is one of more than 19 youth related programs supported by the Optimist Club of Gettysburg which seeks to “Bring Out the Best in Kids.” Student photos are available at https://www.facebook.com/OptimistClubofGettysburg.