East coast supplies of shrimp and oysters will soon diminish as the time for Gettysburg’s most anticipated feasts approaches. The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed has been scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 2013 between noon and 3 pm.
This year the popular event moves to the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg located at 516 Baltimore Street, in Gettysburg. The annual All-U-Can Eat Oyster & Shrimp Feed includes oysters (raw, steamed, stewed, and fried), steamed shrimp, ham, sides, beverage, and dessert for a donation of $30 per person! This year we welcome a new addition to the menu; All U Can Eat steamed shrimp.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg invites the local community to join us for the afternoon. Although we come from all walks of life, Optimist Club Members share in the goal to make a difference in the lives of others, especially youth in our region. The Optimist Oyster & Shrimp Feed is one of several fund raising projects the local club conducts in order to support more than 19 youth related programs throughout the Gettysburg area
“The Oyster & Shrimp Feed is an opportunity for the community to gather and support the youth in our community. We have been hosting the Oyster & Shrimp Feed for over twenty five years, allowing our organization to further the Optimist’s mission of Bringing out the best in Kids” said Wayne Hill, Oyster & Shrimp Feed Chair, of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
This is your opportunity to join the “Friends of Youth” in supporting programs including; Optimist Youth Basketball, Youth Appreciation, Respect for Law, Reading is Fundamental, S.T.A.R.S., GHS Outdoor Education, Adams County School for Musical Theater, Holiday Family Outreach, GHS Musical Ensemble, Dollars for Scholars, Food Kitchen Meals and More, GHS Football, The Gettysburg Arts Council and more. We need the support of the Gettysburg community to continue a 50 year tradition of providing these programs to our local youth!
For questions or to purchase tickets for the 2013 Oyster & Shrimp Feed, please contact the club at (717) 220-3416, at [email protected] or visit our website at, www.gettysburgoptimist.com.
Optimist Basketball – 1/26
Uncategorized2013 Optimist of Gettysburg Basketball Program is scheduled to continue on Saturday, January 26. The girls will remain at Lincoln Elementary School and the boys will return to the Gettysburg Middle School. The 4th through 6th grade boys are scheduled for 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM and K through 3rd grade Boys are scheduled for 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM. The 4th through 6th grade girls are scheduled for 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM with the K through 3rd grade girls wrapping the day up from 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM.
We are still panning on Saturday’s scheduled program. Please note that it is not mandatory that the participants make every session and ask that you do what is best for your family in light of the forecast snowfall.
In the event of a cancellation, please listen to: Radio WGET 1320 AM, WGTY 107.7 FM tomorrow morning, or check Snow Scan on www.wget.com. Coach Matt will also put a message on his answering machine at 717-321-3494 if the games are cancelled.
Club members, family and community volunteers are welcome to attend and support the days activities. To download images from this years basketball program visit our Facebook page for information of recent sessions.
Optimist Youth Basketball Program
UncategorizedThe 2013 Optimist Basketball program will be having their second session of the season this Saturday, January 19. We look forward to seeing everyone Saturday!
Boys grades K through 3 will be at the Gettysburg Middle School from 9:00 am to 10:15 am.
Boys grades 4 through 6 will be at the Gettysburg Middle School from 10:30 am to 11:45 am.
Girls grades 4 through 6 will be at the Lincoln Elementary School from 10:30 am to 11:45 am.
Optimist Meeting Minutes 1-16-13
Uncategorized-We had a wonderful presentation about Alex’s Lemonade Stand by two local youth, Caton Raffensberger and Jared Herr. They told us how the organization began in 2000 as a dream from 4 year old Alex Scott who was suffering from a form of childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. Her wish was to raise money to find a cure for childhood cancer. Overall, this organization has raised more than $60 million towards cancer research. Caton and Jared have been manning a stand in Gettysburg for the last eight years. They personally have raised more than $27,000 for this amazing cause. They plan on having their stand over the 4th of July weekend at 429 Baltimore St. For convenient service, they offer curb-side lemonade pick up! Re-enactors are welcome, and don’t worry they serve both sides!
-Al shared his Optimist moment. He has been a big supporter of the Optimist Basketball program over the years. On one particular Saturday he was asked to do some creative and optimistic thinking by running the practice without basketballs! Apparently, the kids learned several new stretches and showed great shooting form until the balls finally arrived. He also looks forward to seeing three generations of his family participating in the program for the first time this weekend as he and his son will help coach and his grandson will be playing ball.
-The Annual All-Star Magic Show had another successful year. We raised $500 more than our goal which will go to support numerous local youth programs.
-Members who pay their dues in full by the end of the month will receive a $10 discount. You can contact Tom to arrange payment.
-We received a Thank-you note from the James Gettys PTO for our support of the Reading is Fundamental program. With the help of our donation, the children met their goal of reading more than 2000 books between Thanksgiving and the first week of January.
–Optimist Basketball continues this Saturday from 9-11:45. For the remainder of the season the boys will be in the Gettysburg Middle School and the girls will play at Lincoln Elementary. Please see the schedule for specific times by age group.
-The planning for the Golf Tournament is in full swing. We are actively looking for sponsorship. Now is the time for members to start making contact with potential sponsors. Be on the lookout for an email detailing ways you can help the club make this another successful year or click the above link to find registration forms and information.
-Details have been confirmed for the All you can eat Oyster and Shrimp Feed. This year will bring a new location. The event will be held at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg from noon until 3pm on Saturday, March 9, 2013. Along with the typical raw, stewed, fried, and steamed oysters there will also be steamed shrimp featured this year! Members are encouraged to help with prep on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Please contact Stacey ([email protected]) if you would like to help. In order to track ticket sales please keep Wayne ([email protected]) up-to-date with tickets sold or if you need more.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday February 6th at 6:30pm at the Seminary Refectory.
Same time, new location for the next Optimist meeting on January 16th
UncategorizedThe next regular Optimist business meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30pm at the Deatrick Village Community Center located at 56 Winding Drive in Gettysburg. We will have a presentation by a group of youth supporting Alex’s Lemonade Stand. We look forward to seeing a strong turn out to discuss some important upcoming events, including the Oyster & Shrimp Feed and the Golf Tournament.
The Feast Begins March 9, 2013
UncategorizedEast coast supplies of shrimp and oysters will soon diminish as the time for Gettysburg’s most anticipated feasts approaches. The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed has been scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 2013 between noon and 3 pm.
This year the popular event moves to the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg located at 516 Baltimore Street, in Gettysburg. The annual All-U-Can Eat Oyster & Shrimp Feed includes oysters (raw, steamed, stewed, and fried), steamed shrimp, ham, sides, beverage, and dessert for a donation of $30 per person! This year we welcome a new addition to the menu; All U Can Eat steamed shrimp.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg invites the local community to join us for the afternoon. Although we come from all walks of life, Optimist Club Members share in the goal to make a difference in the lives of others, especially youth in our region. The Optimist Oyster & Shrimp Feed is one of several fund raising projects the local club conducts in order to support more than 19 youth related programs throughout the Gettysburg area
“The Oyster & Shrimp Feed is an opportunity for the community to gather and support the youth in our community. We have been hosting the Oyster & Shrimp Feed for over twenty five years, allowing our organization to further the Optimist’s mission of Bringing out the best in Kids” said Wayne Hill, Oyster & Shrimp Feed Chair, of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
This is your opportunity to join the “Friends of Youth” in supporting programs including; Optimist Youth Basketball, Youth Appreciation, Respect for Law, Reading is Fundamental, S.T.A.R.S., GHS Outdoor Education, Adams County School for Musical Theater, Holiday Family Outreach, GHS Musical Ensemble, Dollars for Scholars, Food Kitchen Meals and More, GHS Football, The Gettysburg Arts Council and more. We need the support of the Gettysburg community to continue a 50 year tradition of providing these programs to our local youth!
For questions or to purchase tickets for the 2013 Oyster & Shrimp Feed, please contact the club at (717) 220-3416, at [email protected] or visit our website at, www.gettysburgoptimist.com.
Optimist Youth Basketball Begins 2013 Program
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Program has been conducted annually for more than 25 years and is one of the 19 youth related programs supported by the Optimist Club of Gettysburg. The popular program will begin this Saturday, January 12, and continue through March 9. The boys activities will begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 10:45 with the girls program getting underway at 10:30 and will finish at 11:45 am. Both sessions will be held at the facilities located on the Middle School Campus of the Gettysburg Area School District.
Weekly Saturday morning sessions are scheduled for: January 12, January 19, January 26, February 2, February 9, February 23, March 2, and March 9th. There will be no sessions on Presidents Day Weekend in February. Parents who want to enroll their youngsters in this year’s Optimist of Gettysburg Youth Basketball Program may complete registration prior to the start of activities this Saturday morning. Participation is open to all Gettysburg area boys and girls between grades 1 through 6.
Optimist Club members and interested volunteers are welcomed and encouraged to attend each session.
Different Location for January 16 Meeting
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg will be conducting their January 16, 2013 regular membership meeting at a different location. The move is necessary due to a scheduling conflict at the Lutheran Seminary Refectory. For this one evening the Club will meet at the Deatrick Village Community Center located at 56 Winding Drive in Gettysburg. Biggerstaff’s Catering will provide the meal and on February 6, the meetings will move back to the Refectory.
Young people representing Alex’s Lemonade Stand will be the feature presentation on January 16, the meeting will get underway at 6:30 pm.
Optimist Meeting Minutes 1/2/13
UncategorizedThe club was welcomed back to a regular business meeting by President Craig Sweet.
He reported that the Annual All-star Magic Show on December 14th was a great success. A record number of members participated in the event along with more than 50 youth from the local community.
We also had one of our largest turnouts for the Annual Optimist Christmas Party. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. We must give a special thank-you to Santa for stopping in! Marci Cropp was able to capture some great photos of the event. You can see them on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/OptimistClubofGettysburg).
In response to our donation, the Boy Scouts placed a prominent Optimist logo on a program that they handed out during their recent event.
Preparation has begun for the Annual Oyster Feed. This year we will look to entice a larger audience by initiating the first, Oyster and Shrimp Feed. Due to the anticipated larger crowd, the plans are to move the event to the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg which is located on Baltimore St. We have a tentative date set for Saturday March 9, 2013. Further details will come at the next meeting.
The Golf Tournament is also fast approaching. If possible, we would like to have a meeting with the golf committee, or anyone interested in helping with the event after the next Optimist business meeting on Wednesday January 16th.
Treasurer’s report:
Our tax forms have been submitted.
Dues are being collected for the 2013 year. Tom sent out invoices to all members. Please respond to this message or Tom ([email protected]) if you did not receive his email.
Optimist Basketball will begin on Saturday January 12, 2012. Volunteers are encouraged to come out to assist with this great program regardless of your basketball prowess. For this first day, all participants will be playing at the Gettysburg Middle School gym. Boys in grades 1-6 will run from 9-10:15am. Girls in grades 1-6 will run from 10:30-11:45am. For the remaining dates the boys will stay in the middle school and the girls will move to the Lincoln Elementary gym.
Next meeting: Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30pm at the Deatrick Village community center – 56 Winding Drive, Gettysburg PA.
It’s Back To The Business of Optimism
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg will get back to the business of Optimism on Wednesday, January 2, at the clubs first meeting of the new year. The club will be wrapping up the final fund raising project of 2012 with a report on the Optimist Magic Show. Members have not met in a regular business meeting since November, having focused on the Optimist Family Holiday Party and the registration for the Clubs Youth Basketball Program in the month of December.
A busy winter season awaits Club members. The Optimist Youth Basketball Program begins at 9:00 am on Saturday, January 12. Chairman, Matt Sheads and his corps of supporters are planning for another successful year and, while early registration has come to a close, youngsters can still sign up for a season of fun filled Saturday mornings. Those who wish to join the others may still register via the Optimist Club website at http://gettysburgoptimist.org, click on “News” and select the 2013 Optimist Youth Basketball page to reveal the registration form and project information. Completed forms can be returned via email on the website contact page or delivered on the first day of the event.
The Optimist Annual Oyster and Shrimp Feed will be a topic of discussion at this week’s meeting. The Project Chairman, Wayne Hill, is making final arrangements for this popular, long running project. He and Stacey Green will be looking for members ideas and suggestions on the details of the project. Some significant changes and improvements are on the horizon for 2013, so don’t miss this opportunity to advance your Optimistic opinion.
President Craig is putting together a busy meeting schedule for the club and is looking for the support of all members as he continues with his administrative year of Optimist serving the youth of Gettysburg. The meeting will be held at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Refectory on Wednesday, January 2, beginning at 6:30 pm. The meal will be prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.
Come on out and join us in serving our community as “Friends of Youth”.
Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Registration
UncategorizedThe final registration for the 2013 year Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Program will be held on Saturday, December 15th at the Gettysburg Middle School Cafeteria from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. All Gettysburg area youth in grades 1-6 are invited to participate free of charge.
If you are unable to attend the final public registration but your child is interested in participating, complete the Optimist Hoops Registration form here and email the completed form to us at [email protected].
The Gettysburg Optimist Youth Basketball Program has been conducted annually for more than 25 years and is one of the 19 youth related programs supported by the Optimist Club of Gettysburg. The popular program will begin in January 2013 and run on Saturday mornings through March. Sessions are scheduled for:
There will be no sessions on Presidents Day Weekend in February
Register your youth today and come on out and enjoy the fun!