The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30pm on Wednesday November 7, 2012, at the Seminary Refectory.
Welcome to new officers. President: Craig Sweet. Vice President: Kris Accardi. Treasurer: Tom Barako. Secretary: Mindy Accardi.
A thank you note was received for the money that went to Dollars for Scholars which will help local students attend college or a trade school.
A request for a donation was received from Alex’s Lemonade Stand. This is not in the current budget, but will be up for discussion.
As a result of our recent donation to the local Boy Scouts, up to eight Optimist members are welcome to join them for a gathering on November 8th at the Links. Please contact Craig Sweet for more info.
A check will be sent out for Holiday Outreach program.
Money is now being collected for the Magic Show.
Act fast if you would like to be a chicken for a day! The Reading is Fundamental program will be giving books away to children K-5 at James Gettys elementary school this Friday October 19th from 9a-2p. If you would like to participate or even dress up as the infamous chicken please contact Marci Cropp ([email protected]) so she can give your name to the office ahead of time.
The Halloween parade is fast approaching. It will be held Tuesday, October 30th with a rain date of October 31st. We would love to have some more Optimists walking to pass out candy. Or come ride on a scooter or scoot coupe which are generously donated by GettyPeds (check them out at Riders meet at GettyPeds (on Washington St. behind Agway) at 6pm and let Marci know what you would like to ride ([email protected]). Walkers meet at the old Visitor’s Center at 6:30pm. The parade is to kick off at 7pm. Feel free to dress in costume!
Have you heard Christmas bells ring yet? You will soon! The bell ringing for the Salvation Army begins the first weekend in November. If you would like to sign up for a 1 ½ hr time slot at the Gettysburg Wal-mart between noon and 9pm please contact Craig ([email protected]) or Mark Cropp ([email protected]). If you have already signed up, Ellie Sheen will be contacting you to schedule a time.
Please start thinking of businesses you would like to ask to sponsor the golf tournament. Optimistically, if each person is able to contact 3-4 businesses we will be very successful! A list of local businesses is being compiled. We would like to have people sign up for the businesses they will be in touch with in order to monitor progress and avoid repeat soliciting.
Thinking ahead: Christmas parade: Saturday December 1, 2012 (more info to come)
Christmas party: Wednesday December 12, 2012 (more info to come)
2013 Optimist Golf Tournament
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club is planing the 2013 Annual Golf Tournament.
It will be held at the Links at Gettysburg on Thursday, May 23, 2013.
A scramble format will tee Off 1:30pm. Cost is $85 per player or $300 per foursome. Contests include longest drive, closest to pin, green of gold, putting contest, and a hole in one. Dinner along with wine, hard cider and soft drinks are included with the purchase of a play. Beer is available for purchase the day of the event.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Co-branded tournament event for $1,000 includes a sign at check-in, on the first tee, and in the dining area and a four players play. Tee/Green sponsors for $500 includes one sign on a green or tee around the course. Beverage sponsor for a minimum of $200 will receive a sign on the beverage cart. All sponsorship opportunities will list the sponsor logo on the Optimist Club Our Sponsor webpage for a minimum of two months and link to the sponsors selected webpage.
To participate as a sponsor or player, please fill out the entry form below and return it to a member or by sending to the Optimist Club.
Come out and join in the fun to support the Optimist in their efforts to bring out the best in kids.
Golf Poster
Sponsorship oppourtunites-1
Sponsorship and Entry Form
Gettysburg Halloween Parade Cancelled
UncategorizedDue to Hurricane Sandy, the 2012 Gettysburg Halloween Parade has been cancelled for this year.
The Annual All Star Magic Show
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg is hosting the Annual All Star Magic Show to be held on December 14, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Lincoln Elementary School. The local “Friends of Youth” have sponsored the entertainment each December for more than 20 years. Representatives of the Club have begun the annual phone solicitation drive this week and will continue through late November.
In exchange for a donation, youth tickets can be mailed to an address of your choosing or donated to your favorite youth organization. Some tickets will be available free to young attendees the night of the event.
Optimist Club proceeds from the phone solicitation effort are dedicated to supporting more than 19 youth related programs throughout the Gettysburg area each year.
Marching with the Youth of Gettysburg
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg will once again be participating in the Gettysburg Halloween Parade scheduled for Tuesday, October 30, 2012. Members and youth will be riding Scoot Coups and motor scooters donated by GettyPeds of Gettysburg and will meet at their store located at 39 N. Washington Street (located behind the Flower Boutique) at 6:00 pm. Riders will be fitted with safety apparel and be given operating and safety instructions concerning the equipment.
Due to construction activity at the Lefever Street Middle School campus, this year’s parade will form at the old National Park Visitors Center parking lot located between Steinwehr Avenue and Taneytown Road beginning at 6:00 PM. The parade will begin with a motorcycle escort at 7:00 pm and a performance by The Lancers on Lincoln Square at 7:10. The remainder of the parade units will step off from the parking area at 7:30 pm.
Participants are reminded to wear warm clothing suitable for the season. A rain date is scheduled for Wednesday, October 31. There is plenty of “Scooter Fun for Everyone” and opportunities for additional members, their guests and family to participate in this popular annual event. If you are interested in participating with the youth of Gettysburg and our club, please contact us at [email protected]
October 17 Meeting Minutes
UncategorizedThe next meeting is scheduled for 6:30pm on Wednesday November 7, 2012, at the Seminary Refectory.
Welcome to new officers. President: Craig Sweet. Vice President: Kris Accardi. Treasurer: Tom Barako. Secretary: Mindy Accardi.
A thank you note was received for the money that went to Dollars for Scholars which will help local students attend college or a trade school.
A request for a donation was received from Alex’s Lemonade Stand. This is not in the current budget, but will be up for discussion.
As a result of our recent donation to the local Boy Scouts, up to eight Optimist members are welcome to join them for a gathering on November 8th at the Links. Please contact Craig Sweet for more info.
A check will be sent out for Holiday Outreach program.
Money is now being collected for the Magic Show.
Act fast if you would like to be a chicken for a day! The Reading is Fundamental program will be giving books away to children K-5 at James Gettys elementary school this Friday October 19th from 9a-2p. If you would like to participate or even dress up as the infamous chicken please contact Marci Cropp ([email protected]) so she can give your name to the office ahead of time.
The Halloween parade is fast approaching. It will be held Tuesday, October 30th with a rain date of October 31st. We would love to have some more Optimists walking to pass out candy. Or come ride on a scooter or scoot coupe which are generously donated by GettyPeds (check them out at Riders meet at GettyPeds (on Washington St. behind Agway) at 6pm and let Marci know what you would like to ride ([email protected]). Walkers meet at the old Visitor’s Center at 6:30pm. The parade is to kick off at 7pm. Feel free to dress in costume!
Have you heard Christmas bells ring yet? You will soon! The bell ringing for the Salvation Army begins the first weekend in November. If you would like to sign up for a 1 ½ hr time slot at the Gettysburg Wal-mart between noon and 9pm please contact Craig ([email protected]) or Mark Cropp ([email protected]). If you have already signed up, Ellie Sheen will be contacting you to schedule a time.
Please start thinking of businesses you would like to ask to sponsor the golf tournament. Optimistically, if each person is able to contact 3-4 businesses we will be very successful! A list of local businesses is being compiled. We would like to have people sign up for the businesses they will be in touch with in order to monitor progress and avoid repeat soliciting.
Thinking ahead: Christmas parade: Saturday December 1, 2012 (more info to come)
Christmas party: Wednesday December 12, 2012 (more info to come)
Starting It All Over Again
UncategorizedWe start a new season of Optimism this Wednesday, October 17, at 6:30 pm in the Lutheran Seminary Refectory located directly across from the Seminary Chapel on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg. We have a new team of officers which include; President Craig Sweet, Vice President Kris Accardi, Secretary Mindy Accardi, and Treasurer Tom Barako. A fine dinner with soft beverages and beer is planned by Stacey Green of Biggerstaff’s Catering accompanied by a casual but entertaining program. So please come and join us as we kick off a new year as “Friends of Youth”.
Salvation Army Kettle Campaign
UncategorizedThe Salvation Army’s annual Kettle Campaign is scheduled to get underway the first weekend of November at the Gettysburg Wal-Mart. As in past years, The Optimist Club of Gettysburg membership has been contacted to help “Ring the Bell” and help staff some of the one and a half hour long sessions that are available from noon to 9:00 pm each day up to Christmas.
Club members, along with their family and friends who wish to volunteer their time can sign-up by submitting their name, phone number and email to Craig Sweet at [email protected], Mark Cropp at [email protected], or by placing their name on the Optimist Members sign-up sheet which will be available at the regular membership meeting on Wednesday, October 17. Family members and friends are encouraged to participate.
Members who volunteer will be contacted in the coming weeks by Ellie Sheen to determine a convenient time slot for volunteers to “Ring the Bell”.
Optimist Members Recognized
UncategorizedSeven Optimist of Gettysburg Club members were recently singled out for special recognition for their service to the youth of Gettysburg. Outgoing Board members Don Davis,
At left, Don Davis accepts his Board of Directors Plaque from Club President, Craig Sweet.
Darlene Brown, Stacey Green and Brent Smith received their Board of Director Plaques in recognition of their many year’s of service to the local organization. Tom Barako, Treasurer, was the recipient of the Presidents Choice Award for his many years of dedication to the Optimist Club of Gettysburg
Tom Barako, right, receives The Presidents Choice Award from Mark Cropp.
and Marci Cropp, Junction Creative Solutions, was honored for her recent work on, the Club’s newly redeveloped website.
Outgoing Club President, Mark Cropp presented long time member Joe MacDowell with the newly established Gettysburg Friend of Youth Award. The award, a framed artist rendering depicting three Optimist youth, was given to Joe in recognition of his outstanding service to the community’s youth and other Optimist Club members.
Left, Joe MacDowell is presented the “Gettysburg Friend of Youth Award by outgoing President, Mark Cropp.
The tradition will continue next year when Joe, the current award holder, will select and present another Club member to receive the award.
The Gettysburg Optimist Club begins their 55th year of service to the community by supporting more than 19 youth related programs in the Gettysburg area. The Club’s next meeting will be held at the Lutheran Seminary Refectory building on Wednesday, October 17, beginning at 6:30 pm.
Optimist Club of Gettysburg Inducts Two New Members
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club inducted two new members during the Clubs Annual Installation Banquet on Wednesday, October 3. The club welcomes Jim and Brenda DeYoung as the newest members of The Friends of Youth! The duo who were sponsored by current member J. Mark Cropp received the oath of membership from Tom McGlynn, Optimist District Lt. Governor.
Shown from left to right; Brenda Young, J. Mark Cropp, sponsor, Jim DeYoung and Tom McGlynn, Optimist District Lt. Governor.
Gettysburg Optimist Have New Officers
UncategorizedAt the 54th Annual Installation Banquet held at The Dobbin House Restaurant in Gettysburg. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg installed new officers for the 2012-2013 administrative year. Current Club President, J. Mark Cropp handed off the Optimist gavel and bell to Craig Sweet, the newly elected President.
At left, J. Mark Cropp passes the gavel and bell to newly elected President, Craig Sweet.
The gavel and bell has been traditionally used to call Optimist Club functions to order for more than 50 years.
Tom McGlynn, Optimist District Lt. Governor, presented Craig and his new team of officers with the oaths of installation. Included in receiving the oaths were Kris Accardi – Vice President, Tom Barako – Treasurer and Mindy Accardi – Secretary. The newly installed officers will be joined
Shown left to right; Kris Accardi, Mindy Accardi, Craig Sweet and Tom Barako.
by the Club’s new Board of Directors; Mark Grazulewicz, Marci Cropp, Daryl Aurand, Joe MacDowell and J. Mark Cropp, and together will be responsible for guiding the organization through the coming 2012-2013 year.