The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021 via zoom due to hurricane Ida. We had 11 members in attendance.
Business Meeting:
- Secretary’s Report: Approved
- Treasure’s Report: Approved
General Account: Reported
Activities Account: Reported
- President’s Report:
- Voted in the two new officers: Gary Rappoldt, as president, and Randy Smith as treasurer effective October 1.
- Still need an officer for vice president, and we need (2) new board of director members to replace Stacey and Darlene who have served their terms.
Old Business:
- Voted to approve the budgets for next year. Dues will be $140 per year
- Agreed to have the installation banquet on 10/6 at the Mansion House. Buffet menu was provided, and the club can pick up the $22 per person cost. Cash bar.
- Parking volunteers still needed to fill the open slots. See attached sign-up sheet.
- Christmas dinner on Dec 8 – Stacey to confirm if she can do it at the fire hall.
- Basketball Committee Report
The first Optimist Summer Basketball Clinic was a success! Approximately, 50 girls and boys grades K – 5th attended the clinic held on Sunday, August 29 from 12:30-3:00 p.m. at Rec Park Firemen Pavilion and 2 basketball courts. The basketball committee consisted of Brian, Chris, Marci, Stacy, Daryl, and Lyne. The following is the wonderful group of Optimist volunteers that helped with set up, pre-registration, late registration, sign up of parent coaches for winter, and dispersed Optimist member pamphlets, beverages, and snacks: Wayne, Dan, Walt, Fred, Brandon, and Al. The clinic stations were organized by the GHS Girls Basketball Coach, Jeff Bair, and Boys Basketball Coach, Marc McLean. Approximately, 12 GHS girls’ and boys’ basketball players supervised each station. Most parents watched the clinic sitting on lawn chairs and blankets at Rec Park. Media was done via Peach Jar GASD, the coaches Twitter, and a front-page article written by Adam Michael. Due to the success of the program, the Optimist Club will consider offering the free clinic during the summer of 2022.
New Business:
- Voted to require dual signatures for checks, and all officers will have signature capability
Upcoming Dates:
- 9/11-12/2021 Wine and Music Festival
- 10/6/2021 installation banquet at the Mansion House.
- 11/3/2021 Meeting location TBA
- 12/8/21 Holiday Dinner more info to follow
- 3/26/2022 Oyster & Shrimp Feed
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
63 Years of Service
UncategorizedWhat’s so important about the number 63? Gettysburg Optimist Club Members have been donating their time and energy to bringing out the best in kids through local fundraising projects and youth activities since 1958. We need you to continue the tradition. Have time? Join our club! Have the means to support our goals financially? Donate Now or Join us at the Giving Spree on November 5! We appreciate your support as we continue to bring out the best in kids throughout our community with programs and activities like the Optimist Basketball Program and Reading Is Fundamental.
Our Creed: Promise Yourself…
We believe in the Optimist Creed:
“Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.”
Student Achievement Recognition
UncategorizedThe local high school recognizes youth who have made a significant improvement in their school performance through the STARS program, Success Through Academic Recognition. The Optimist Club of Gettysburg sponsors this quarterly program which awards students in 3 different categories, Shining Star, Rising Star and North Star. Additionally, the organization contributes and supports the Dwight D. Eisenhower Senior Self Improvement Award for students who have overcome significant obstacles to make dramatic improvement in their attendance, behavior, attitude, academic performance and community/school service. A cash award and achievement plaque is awarded to each of the thirty students nominated from the six high schools in Adams County. We are proud to support students’ academic achievement!
Optimist Club Basketball Program
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg traditionally operates a free youth basketball program open to boys and girls in grades K-6, serving more than 150 students annually. The community-based program that emphasizes the fundamentals of basketball runs for 8 weeks and has a great all-play program. The members of the Gettysburg Optimist Club select the coaches, arrange for local logistics, and provide supplies for the program. This year, the basketball program had to evolve due to Covid. The organization held a one day clinic that was adored by everyone that participated or volunteered. The tireless efforts of our members ensures that this amazing tradition continues. This is one of many ways our volunteers strive to continuously help bring out the best in kids, no matter what obstacles are put in place. #adamscountygivingspree #donateonnov5
#givingspree #67
UncategorizedGiving Spree Reminder #67. November 5, 2021.
2021 ACCF Giving Spree Announcement
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club is overjoyed and privileged to participate in the single largest day of giving in Adams County hosted by the Adams County Community Foundation (ACCF) – The GIVING SPREE – November 5, 2021!
What is the Giving Spree?
The Giving Spree is a way to connect donors to groups and organizations that match their charitable intentions through the coordination of the ACCF and individual non-profits. Everyone in the community is encouraged to learn about local nonprofits and support them.
Do you give to local charities like SCAAP or Recue Mission? – there are 88 others!
If you hold your donations until the giving Spree you can increase your donation significantly, and still take your tax exemption, and, designate your gift(s) to whom ever you wish. Its simple, here’s how>
There are three ways to give:
The Community Foundation has donors who give to the entire program, called the “stretch pool” by giving extra money to each charity. If SCAAP gets 1% of all designated funds, they get 1% of the stretch pool. Last year the stretch pool totaled over $200,000.
Total donations for last year topped $2,000,000 of which the Optimist Club received over $2000.
No matter the size, your impact is GREAT for the youth of our community! Thank you for supporting the Optimist Club of Gettysburg in the 2021 Giving Spree.
Giving Spree – Mark Your Calendars
UncategorizedThe Gettysburg Optimist Club is honored to be included in Adams County’s Day of Giving! At the Giving Spree, everyone in the community is encouraged to come together to learn about local nonprofits, like ours, and to support them. Like many local organizations still striving to support the community through these challenging times, we’ve had to evolve the way some of our fundraisers were held in our mission to better the community. We are working hard to think outside the box and bring new and exciting fundraisers to light. For example, even though our basketball program was changed into an outdoor clinic, we were still able to put together an amazing event that was loved the kids, staff, and parents alike. We hope that you will consider donating to our organization through the Giving Spree on November 5!
Optimist Parking Fundraiser
UncategorizedGettysburg Wine and Music Festival Parking
Gateway Gettysburg
Saturday, September 11 and Sunday, September 12, 2021
Parking on site at the event is free however the Optimist Club of Gettysburg is happy to accept donations for youth in Adams County. All proceeds go directly to the organizations activities fund for programs like the Optimist Basketball program, Reading is Fundamental, Ruth’s Harvest, Holiday Outreach, Dollars for Scholars, STARS, and Outdoor Education.
If able, please consider donating to the organization when parking. Or why not volunteer? Anyone who volunteers for two hours will get into the event for free! Email Us with availability!
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Gettysburg Wine and Music Festival 2021!!!
Meeting September 1, 2021 Minutes
UncategorizedThe Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021 via zoom due to hurricane Ida. We had 11 members in attendance.
Business Meeting:
General Account: Reported
Activities Account: Reported
Old Business:
The first Optimist Summer Basketball Clinic was a success! Approximately, 50 girls and boys grades K – 5th attended the clinic held on Sunday, August 29 from 12:30-3:00 p.m. at Rec Park Firemen Pavilion and 2 basketball courts. The basketball committee consisted of Brian, Chris, Marci, Stacy, Daryl, and Lyne. The following is the wonderful group of Optimist volunteers that helped with set up, pre-registration, late registration, sign up of parent coaches for winter, and dispersed Optimist member pamphlets, beverages, and snacks: Wayne, Dan, Walt, Fred, Brandon, and Al. The clinic stations were organized by the GHS Girls Basketball Coach, Jeff Bair, and Boys Basketball Coach, Marc McLean. Approximately, 12 GHS girls’ and boys’ basketball players supervised each station. Most parents watched the clinic sitting on lawn chairs and blankets at Rec Park. Media was done via Peach Jar GASD, the coaches Twitter, and a front-page article written by Adam Michael. Due to the success of the program, the Optimist Club will consider offering the free clinic during the summer of 2022.
New Business:
Upcoming Dates:
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
Basketball Clinic Reminder
UncategorizedTomorrow, the Optimist Club of Gettysburg is hosting a basketball clinic for K-6 graders.