January 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes

President Bruce Bradshaw convened the January 6,2016 meeting of the Gettysburg Optimist Club, calling the meeting to order at 6:36pm. He welcomed everyone and opened with the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by another delicious dinner provided by Stacey Green and her staff.

1. Recognition – Two guests joined the meeting and our featured speaker, John Johnston, was introduced.

2. Guest Speaker – The speaker for the evening was John Johnston, former Princeton wrestling coach (1964-1993) and the NCAA wrestling champion at PSU in the late fifties. He spoke about drug testing in sports, covering the history of drug testing beginning in 1936. John discussed the regulations and laws regarding drug testing and his involvement in it. He finished by answering some questions from club members about this topic.

3. President’s Report – Bruce spoke about December club activities and plans for the coming year.

4. Secretary’s Report- The Club Roster will be sent to all members, and everyone is asked to review their information, forwarding any corrections, etc. to Fred Darling. An updated roster will then be sent to all members in the near future.

5. Treasurer’s Report- No report.

6. Magic Show- Doug reported that the Magic Show was performed on December 18,7:00pm,at Lincoln Elementary School. He said that the show was excellent and everyone had a great time.

7. Basketball – This Saturday, January 9,will be the first Youth Basketball Games at Gettysburg M.S.,9-1. There are about 110- 120 signed up. Joe encouraged everyone to come out and have a great time.

8. Oyster Feed- Plans are well underway for the feed, March 19,according to Wayne and Stacey. Stacey asked those who plan to sell tickets to contact her. Tickets are $35 per person. Bruce asked members to consider having the regular meeting on March 19 at the fire house, since the regular scheduled meeting (March 16)is so close to the Oyster Feed.

9. Golf Tourney- Frank Negro has been contacting businesses for possible sponsors, and plans are well underway- May 19.

10. Soccer Parking-The location of the club parking area is somewhat undecided due to litigation involving the soccer teams. But we are assured that there will be a parking area for the Optimist Club – May and August.

Member Remarks- Joe mentioned that people who do business with Thrivent can apply for $250 seed money for
community projects twice a year. They can go online and look up “action teams”. Joe said that both he and Daryl Aurand have gotten projects approved for Optimist needs.

Bruce called for everyone to recite the Optimist Creed and ended the meeting at 8:05pm.

Submitted by Fred Darling