June 7th Meeting

Fellow Optimists!

A soggy good morning!!!

We are having a prospective members meeting on June 7th at the pavilion at Lake Heritage with the festivities beginning around 6:00.  We are hoping that all of you will put on your thinking caps and bring a friend/business associate/relative to the meeting.  It promises to be a great meeting with the presentation of checks to the RIF (Reading is Fundamental) folks, great food (Stacey is catering), adult beverages, and I am promised …..a pontoon ride on Lake Heritage after the meeting in Len Ferrara’s SHIP.  (Does that bring back memories with Clyde’s cruises around the lake?)  It was super seeing everyone at the Golf Tournament last week but that shows us that we need more “worker bees”!  I think our club is the best in the zone/district but we need to expand our ranks with new blood….maybe younger blood……more leadership!!!

So, bring a prospective member or two (or three….who says we cannot be optimistic!?).  Maybe you could respond to Daryl or myself so we have enough food?


 Optimistically, as always,