March 7, 2018 Meeting Minutes

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory.  A delicious lasagna dinner was prepared by Biggerstaff’s Catering.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (16) members and (2) guests, Tom and Jane Collins. Dan opened the evening with the invocation and pledge. Dinner was served.

Evening Agenda:

  1. Our guest speaker was Tom Collins representing Gettysburg Area Dollars for Scholars a non-profit tax exempt foundation. The youth receiving scholarships from (GADS) create their profile on line and can receive scholarships for merit and financial-need. To date 569 graduating seniors have received over $800,000.00. With our 2018 contribution of $2,000.00 the Optimist Club of Gettysburg has contributed $24,000.00. For more information on Dollars visit
  2. Reports: President’s report given by Dan recognizing Kris and Mindy Accardi for chairing another successful Optimist basketball season involving over 130 girls and boys from our community. Dan also stressed the importance for all members to be selling those oyster/shrimp tickets.
  3. Secretary’s minutes for the February 21, 2018 meeting and Treasure’s report given by Tom Barako were approved.
  4. Committee Reports:
    1. Basketball (Kris and Mindy) – kudos to Kris and Mindy as chairpersons for our 2018 season and thank you all members who helped with this great program.
    2. Oyster / Shrimp Feed (Wayne and Stacey) – Calling for all hands on deck. Friday March 23, 6PM is preparation evening. Setting tables, banners, padding oysters, and all miscellaneous needs will be handled. For all first time and new members we are usually done by 8PM.

Saturday March 24 is the big day. If you can be available from 9AM until 5PM we can use your help. We are planning on serving around 200 patrons. We are asking for members to bring a desert, cakes work great.

Our website and Facebook is receiving positive response and Marci reported reservations have been made.

The word is SELL OYSTER TICKETS!!! Be sure to collect the money and mark paid on the ticket. If you need tickets email or call Daryl or Stacey.

  1. Golf (Bruce) – We’re out of the gate and have a major sponsor for our Eighth Annual Golf Tournament. This year will be the “Clyde Williams Memorial Tourney”. E. Williams Sons, Inc. is the major sponsor with a ($2,500.00) major sponsorship. Clyde Williams was a charter member of the Gettysburg Optimist Club. You can visit our website for more information.

Every member is being asked to help get sponsors and foursomes. If all 33 Optimist members  get a $500.00 sponsor the Optimist Golf Tournament will be a huge success!!!!

If you prefer Daryl or Bruce will phone potential sponsors, just email name and phone number.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 3/24/18 Oyster/Shrimp Fundraiser @ Gettysburg Fire Hall, call Stacey or Daryl for tickets
  • 4/13/18 5PM little league baseball ceremony
  • 5/17/18 Golf Tournament Fundraiser @ The Links at Gettysburg
  • 4/18/18 Meeting will be at O’Rorke’s Restaurant in the upstairs room.

Respectfully Submitted,

Daryl Aurand, Secretary