Meeting Minutes – January 8, 2025
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 6 PM at 1,000 Heritage Drive, Lake Heritage Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 11 members and 2 guests in attendance. We were treated to a great dinner prepared by Brent and Karen. Dessert was prepared by Lyne. President Wayne introduced our guests from Adams County Special Olympics, David Miller – athlete and Terry Stickles – Manager for SOAC.
Brent offered invocation and Wayne led us in the Pledge to the flag and welcomed all in attendance.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
2. Treasure’s report – Reminder if you have not yet submitted your dues for 2025, please do so asap. Brent will soon be reaching out to members via reminder emails for those who have yet to submit.
3. President’s Report:
- a. Adams County Special Olympics speaker David Miller talked to us about his experiences and accomplishments as an athlete. David is currently working towards being a coach to give back what he feels has contributed to his success not only as an athlete but in his personal life. Terry Stickles position as manager for Special Olympics for Adams County expressed her appreciation for our $1,000 contribution which benefits 120 athletes.
- b. Dan & Daryl are meeting with the wine fest committee to discuss the parking (fundraiser) for 2025.
- c. The food committee sign-up sheet for our 2025 meetings was passed around and is attached as part of the minutes. If you see any openings that work for you please contact me and I will update our sign-up sheet.
Old Business
4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore)
- a. Our first Optimist Basketball date on Saturday 1/4 was attended by approximately 120 youth from K – 6 grades. Dan reported in Brian’s absence.
- b. Volunteers are still needed. Even if you can only do one or two weekends it would be helpful to Ashley and Brian. Help and greet at the door relieves Ashley to be on the basketball court.
5. Little League Baseball (Chair Al Parone)
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
7. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell)
- a. Results from this years ACCF giving spree were forwarded to club members. Our club received donations that go directly into our Activities Fund. We also received donations for our endowment fund and will add another 4 to 5% into our Activities Fund annually. Joe offered his appreciation and thanks to all who helped and contributed to make this our most successful giving spree to date.
8. RIF (Chair Lyne Aurand)
9. Golf Tournament (Chair Daryl & Dan)
- a. Date May 15th (details will be available soon) We are back at “The Links at Gettysburg”
10. The Warrior Way Program ( formerly Stars)
- a. Held 3/27 ??
11. Brain previously suggested a meeting to bring your adult child or friend as a prospective member.
New Business
1. Wayne has proposed working a Fundraiser at Granite Hill Campground. The (4) dates of 5/23, 6/14, 7/5, and 9/6. The fundraiser is (Bingo) and we will need to supply the game of chance license and at least 3 people per event. Wayne is investigating with the owners and most importantly will be our volunteering to help.
2. Importance of new membership discussed.
Upcoming Dates:
- 1/18 Optimist Basketball 9AM – 12PM
- 1/22 Optimist Social 5PM @ Four Score
- 1/25 Optimist Basketball 9AM – 12PM
- 2/5 Optimist Meeting 6PM @ Deatrick Village Community Center, 56 Winding Drive, Gettysburg
- 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22 Optimist Basketball 9AM – 12PM
- 2/19 Optimist Social
- 3/5 Optimist Meeting 6PM @ Deatrick Village Community Center, 56 Winding Drive, Gettysburg
- 5/15 15th Annual Optimist Golf Tournament (Save the Date)
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary