Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2024

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 13 members in attendance including our newest member Connor Smith.  Additionally, guest Bill Monahan, former Optimist member and past president, was the evening’s speaker.  President Wayne called the meeting to order, and Vice President Joe MacDowell opened with the invocation.  Wayne Hill then treated us all to brats, beans, coleslaw, and the biggest pies I’ve seen.

After the meal, Wayne introduced guest speaker Bill Monahan. Bill Monahan reminisced about some of his experiences as a formers Optimist member.  Particularly the World Weightlifting championship the club helped host.  He followed that up by talking about the recent trends in the family funeral business. He fielded several questions from membership regarding the business.  All in all, an informative and sometimes humorous discussion.


Business Meeting:

  1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
  2. Treasure’s report:
  3. President’s Report:
    • Our newest member Connor Smith was introduced to the club. He gave a brief history of himself and what was happening in his life.
    • Wayne reminded membership that the Christmas Party was planned for Tuesday, December 10, at the Gettysburg Fire Hall. A sign-up sheet was passed around.  If you were not in attendance, please RSVP by email to Daryl ASAP.  Be sure to include the number of guests and children under 18.  Members and children under 18 are free.  Spouses and guests are $30.00 each.  (Please pay Brent at the party.)
    • Wine Fest Parking/Bingo: Wayne explained that the Optimist parking at the Granite Hill Wine Fest in the future was questionable.  Rich Winkleman, Granite Hill owner, suggested to Wayne that there may be an opportunity for the Optimist to assist in running the campsite’s Bingo in the future.  We could conceivably raise a similar amount of money as the parking.  Wayne will follow up with Rich for additional details.

Old Business

  1. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore): Brian reported that the Middle School gym has been secured for January and February weekends. The program will begin Jan 4th  following the same plan as last year.   Registration will begin in December.  Ashley will once again be helping with the planning and scheduling of the sessions.   Volunteers are needed each weekend to help set up/tear down, coach and sign kids in.  Not necessary for you to be there all 8 weeks, but please help when you can.
  2. Salvation Bell Ringing (Chair Brian Skidmore): Brian shared that the club will be responsible for ringing the bell on December 12. Starts at 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM.  Time slots are 1.5 hours each and normally two bell ringers each.  Brian passed a sign-up sheet and will be following up with an email.  Please let Brian know when you can help.
  3.  Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell):   Joe gave a brief update on the Giving Spree.  He is taking a $7,000 check from the Optimist to donate on 11/7/24 for:
    • Holiday Family Outreach                                $1,500
    • Gettysburg Community Theatre                    $1,000
    • Ruth’s Harvest – Gettysburg                          $1,000
    • Special Olympics PA Team Adams                 $1,000
    • Gettysburg Area Recreation Association       $1,000
    • Adams County Arts Council                            $1,500

New Business

  1. Discussion about continuing Chamber membership: Brent noted that the Chamber Membership annual fee was due. There has been some previous discussion about whether it makes sense to continue this membership.  After a brief discussion, the matter was tabled until the next meeting.  Members are asked to give this some thought and offer their thoughts at the next meeting.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 11/7 Adams County Giving Spree
  • 11/20 Optimist Social
  • 12/10 Optimist Family Christmas Party: Gettysburg Fire Department
  • 1/8 Optimist Meeting, location: Lake Heritage Community Center

Respectfully Submitted, Brent Smith, Treasurer