August 1, 2018 Meeting Minutes

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Due to inclement weather we met at the Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary Refectory.

President Dan Mattern welcomed (14) members. We opened the evening with all members reciting the pledge of allegiance and Dan giving the invocation. A lasagna dinner was enjoyed by all, thank you Stacey.

Evening Agenda:

  1. First order of business was the nomination and election of officers. Our officer slate for 2018 thru 2019 will be:
  2. President – Brian Skidmore
  3. Vice President — Marci Cropp
  4. Treasurer —  Tom Barako
  5. Secretary —  Daryl Aurand
  6. Committee Reports:
  7. Golf – Our golf tournament was a success and a special thanks to chairman Bruce Bradshaw for his leadership and all members for your help. This project is of huge importance for our budget.
  8. Wine Festival – The Gettysburg Optimist Club will be parking cars on September 8th and 9th. Brian Skidmore is chairman of this fundraiser and will be sending out the time schedule that we have volunteered to help.

Upcoming Dates:

  • August 15th Zone Meeting at Lake Heritage, pulled pork dinner, please RSVP to Dan
  • September 8th and 9th , Wine Festival Parking fund raiser
  • September 19th meeting is our “Respect for Law”
  • December 7th is our Christmas magic show

Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary