Meeting Reminder for March 04, 2020

Location: Refectory

Time: 6 PM Social  6:30 Dinner

Come join us for a lovely evening with Optimistic Members.  This week we are recognizing the basketball coaches and their family members.  Come show appreciation and enjoy time with good people.  We hope to see you there.


Basketball on Court

Reminder: The Final 2020 Optimist Basketball session will be held this Saturday, February 29, 2020. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

Images from last week’s session can be viewed on facebook!

Thank you to all of the participants. It has been a wonderful 2020 Season!

All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link.  Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.

The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday,February 19, at the Refectory. President Marci Cropp opened the meeting at 6:30PM with Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer given by Joe MacDowell.

This was followed by another delicious dinner provided by Stacey Green and Biggerstaff Catering. Twelve members were in attendance at this meeting.

Treasurer’s Report  – Tom Barako reported the General Account and Activities Account balances.

President’s Report – Marci reported about the Photo Contest.  Anyone interested in Chairing, please contact her.

Old Business

Basketball update – Chris reported that everything is going well. He said that we might consider some changes next year regarding how team photos are taken.

9/28 Oyster Feed Stacey reported that plans are proceeding very nicely.  A sign-up sheet was circulated to indicate times that members will be able to help.

5/21 Golf Tournament Tom said that plans are proceeding well for the tournament. He mentioned that CE Williams donated $2500. More sponsors are needed.

9/12-13 Wine and Music Festival Parking Brian reported that plans are proceeding well. Hope for good weather !

New Business

There was some discussion about considering  a new meeting place for the club. No decision has been made as yet.

Upcoming Dates

2/22 Optimist Basketball
3/4 Next Meeting Basketball Coach Recognition
3/28 Oyster Feed
5/21 Golf Tournament
9 /12-13 Wine and Music Festival Parking

Closing Remarks

At the February 5 Meeting the club donated $2000 to the STARS Program and the Outdoor Environment Education Program.

President Marci closed the meeting at 7:35pm with recitation of the Optimist Creed

Optimistically submitted   Fred Darling

Basketball on Court

Reminder: The Optimist Basketball season continues this Saturday, February 22, 2020. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link.  Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.

My apologizes for any confusion. Please find a date correction with tonight’s meeting information.

Meeting Reminder for February 19, 2020

Location: Refectory

Time: 6 PM Social  6:30 Dinner

Come join us for a lovely evening with Optimistic Members. Learn what we do and enjoy time with good people.  We hope to see you there.


Meeting Reminder for February 19, 2020

Location: Refectory

Time: 6 PM Social  6:30 Dinner

Come join us for a lovely evening with Optimistic Members. Learn what we do and enjoy time with good people.  We hope to see you there.


Basketball on Court

Reminder: The Optimist Basketball season continues this Saturday, February 08, 2020. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

Photo orders by Brienna Richelle Photography not picked up last week will be available this week.

All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link.  Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.

Gettysburg Optimist Club Meeting – February 5, 2020

The Gettysburg Optimist Club met at the Refectory on Wednesday, February 5, 2020. President Marci Cropp opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with Pledge of Allegiance and homily by Joe Macdowell.

Everyone then enjoyed a delicious dinner provided by Stacey Green.

Program: After dinner Marci introduced our guest speaker Mr. Anthony Floyd. Anthony spoke about the Outdoor Camp and the activities provided to children there. Club members presented a check to Tony for continuing program efforts.

Treasurer’s Report  – Tom Barako reported our present balances and that the club is in great financial condition.  Please submit dues payments at your earliest convenience.

President’s Report – Five of the club members attended the STARS Program at Gettysburg Area High School held on January 29.

Marci and Fred attend a luncheon held by the Chamber of Commerce on February 5 at the Hanover Country Club. The Optimist Club was given an appreciation award recognizing 10 years of support.

Old Business

  • Chris and Brian reported on the Youth Basketball Program. The program has been very successful with many positive comments. Club members are encouraged to attend the sessions.
  • Oyster Feed  3/28/20 – Plans are proceeding well. Please sign up to help for the day.  Sell those remaining tickets!
  • Golf Tournament  – Tom Barako reported that plans are proceeding well. They need more foursomes and sponsors.

New Business

  • Tom Barako asked that the club consider having a booth at the Giving Spree in November. Applications are due by April 1.
  • Wine and Music Festival –  September 12 and 13. Plans are proceeding well for this.
  • Doug Miller reported that the Dinosaur Program will not take place this year. He will continue efforts for future dates
  • Mark Cropp said that the Face Of America – Custer’s Calvary team is looking for more members. April 25 and 26. Contact Mark for more details

A total of 12 members attended this meeting. President Marci closed the meeting at 7:40 with recitation of the Optimist Creed.

Optimistically reported, Fred Darling

Meeting Reminder for February 5, 2020

Location: Refectory

Time: 6 PM Social  6:30 Dinner

Speaker: Outdoor Education, Anthony Floyd


Basketball on Court

Reminder: The Optimist Basketball season continues this Saturday, February 01, 2020. The schedule is as follows;
Grade K-3 Boys 9-10 am
Grade K-3 Girls 10-11am
Grade 4-6 Boys & Girls 11 AM -12pm.

Photo orders by Brienna Richelle Photography are ready and will distributed following each session.

All program information including late sign ups may be found at the following link.  Applications are still being accepted but one must be filled out prior to play.