The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 14 members and 12 guests in attendance. Brian and Gary were on the food committee. Brent welcomed all in attendance. Wayne opened with the invocation followed by the pledge.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
2. Treasure’s report: Approved – Brent reported we’re in the second quarter and OI club dues are paid. Brent thanked all members for paying their dues in a timely manner.
3. President’s Report:
a. Wayne introduced guests and prospective members Daniel and Mary Folkemer.
b. Brent subbed in Dan’s absence. Dan wanted Brent to stress that we need someone to step to the plate for Vice President so please be in touch with Dan ASAP.
c. Brent reported on the 2nd Quarter Zone Meeting attended by Gary, Dan, Brent, and Daryl in Elizabethtown and how active their club is in offering some great projects in their community.
d. Our next social event will be on Tuesday 3/19 at Appalachian Brewing, Gettysburg.
e. The Warrior Way Program awards/breakfast will be 3/27 @ Gettysburg Sr. H.S. time: 7:45AM.
Old Business
4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore)
a. Brian and Ashley had extended an invitation to volunteer coaches to join us so we could recognize them for their participation in Optimist Basketball, a program with over 60 years running. We recognized (8) volunteer coaches including Brian and Ashley. We also had active participation from several Optimist members. Our program benefitted over 150 girls and boys on Saturday mornings in January and February.
5. Little League Baseball (Chair Al Parone)
a. Al reported opening day for Little League baseball is set for 4/13. This year 120 participants will experience little league baseball and 4 girls softball teams will be on the ball fields.
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
a. Resource Officers will be recognized at either our April or May meeting.
7. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Chair )
a. Please contact Dan, Brent, or Daryl if you are willing to chair this event !!
8. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell)
9. RIF (Chair Lyne Aurand)
10. Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Gary Rappoldt)
a. Our Fourteenth Optimist Tourney will be held at The Links at Gettysburg on 5/16/24.
b. Our golf registration and information are available on our website. If you know of golfers, please help promote our golf tournament.
c. Suggestion for a wine raffle for golf tournament. The mechanics to be worked out.
d. Save the date 5/16/24 and we will need all hands-on deck to make this a successful fundraising event.
11.Brian had previously suggested a meeting to bring your adult child or friend as a prospective member.
New Business
1. Need a Vice President !!
2. 3/27 The Warrior Way Program ( formerly Stars) awards breakfast @7:45 AM located at the Gettysburg Sr. High School, sponsored by The Gettysburg Optimist Club.
3. 4/19, 20, 21 Face of America featuring our finest veterans and active military cycling from Washington DC to Gettysburg. Contact Mark for information on how you can help.
4. Brandon proposed sponsorship for youth basketball who supported Optimist Basketball with coaches and players. This will be addressed in our next budget.
Upcoming Dates:
- 3/19 (Tuesday) Optimist Social @ Appalachian Brewing , 6 PM
- 3/27 The Warrior Way Program awards breakfast @ 7:45 AM located at the Gettysburg Sr. High School
- 4/3 Optimist Meeting, location, Deatrick Village Community Center, 56 Winding Way Drive, Gettysburg 6PM
- 4/13 Opening Day Little League Baseball @ Rec Park
- 4/17 (Wednesday) Optimist Social @ Four Score
- 4/19, 4/20, 4/21 Face of America
- 5/8 Optimist Meeting
- 5/16 14th Optimist Golf Tourney
Respectfully Submitted, Daryl Aurand, Secretary
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