The Optimist Club of Gettysburg met on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 6 PM at 56 Winding Drive, Deatrick Village Community Center, Gettysburg. We had 15 members and 1 guest in attendance. Gary and Daryl were on the food committee. Dan handled the beverages. Dan asked a moment of silence in respect for Randy Smith. Dan and Brent welcomed all in attendance. Gary opened with the invocation followed by the pledge.
Business Meeting:
1. Secretary’s Report: Approved.
2. Treasure’s report: Approved – Brent reported we’re in the second quarter and club dues, still outstanding, will be receiving friendly reminders for payment.
3. President’s Report:
a. Our Guest speaker from Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority – Director “Erin Peddigree” addressed our members with an informative talk starting with the Optimist Amphitheater receiving a new roof in 2023. Erin reported that numerous musical events were held at the Amphitheater in 2023 with plans for more events to be held in 2024. The skate park, dog park, and walking trail are being used year-round. Little League baseball will be kicking off in April with over 120 youth involved. Also, girls’ youth softball is back in action.
Home for the Farmers Market along with facility rentals are also some of the many activities afforded to the Gettysburg community.
GARA/Rec Park is alive and well with year-round youth and community activities. Our thanks to Erin and her staff for doing a great job. Go to the Rec Park website: and get all of the event’s information.
b. Dan announced Fred’s moving back to the Philadelphia area and thanked Fred for his contributions to the Gettysburg Optimist Club and we will miss him.
c. Our next social event will be on Tuesday 2/20, 6PM at Fourscore Brewery, Gettysburg
Old Business
4. Optimist Basketball (Chair Brian Skidmore)
a. Over 150 boys and girls are participating in our 2024 Optimist Basketball program being held Saturday mornings @ Lincoln Elementary from 9AM to 12PM.
b. Remaining Dates: 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
c. Brian is extending an invitation to all volunteer coaches to join us at our 3/3 general meeting.
All members are in for a treat if you stop by and witness Coach Brian and Coach Ashley in action. You will be exhausted just watching them in action.
5. Little League Baseball (Chair Al Parone)
a. We received a plaque of appreciation from Little League Baseball for our sponsorship.
6. Respect for Law (Chair Doug Miller)
7. Gettysburg Wine & Music Festival Parking (Chair Brian Skidmore)
8. Adams County Foundation Giving Spree (Chair Joe MacDowell & Fred Darling)
a. Joe reported another successful Giving Spree and Letters of thanking our donors are being mailed. We are also looking for another volunteer with Fred moving.
9. RIF (Chair Lyne Aurand)
10. Golf Tournament Fundraiser (Chair Gary Rappoldt)
a. Our Fourteenth Optimist Tourney will be held at The Links at Gettysburg on 5/16/24.
b. Our golf registration and information will be available on our website soon.
c. Save the date 5/16/24 and we will need all hands-on deck to make this a successful fundraising event.
11.Brian had previously suggested a meeting to bring your adult child or friend as a prospective member.
New Business
1. Motion was made and seconded for Dan Mattern to be President and Brent Smith to be Treasurer for the remainder of the 2023 – 2024 Optimist Year and membership approved.
2. We welcome new member Phyllis Smith, formally inducted into the Gettysburg Optimist Club.
3. The club approved continuing with (Constant Contact) due to the fact of keeping our name in front of our market with basketball as well as our golf tournament exposure.
4. 3/27 The Warrior Way Program ( formerly Stars) awards breakfast @7:45 AM located at the Gettysburg Sr. High School, sponsored by The Gettysburg Optimist Club. Thank you, Fred.
Upcoming Dates:
● 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 Optimist Basketball 9 AM – 12 PM
● 2/15 2nd Quarter Zone Meeting, (Dan, Brent, Gary, Daryl) attending. Call if you want to join us.
● 2/20 (Tuesday) Optimist Social @ Four Score
● 3/6 Optimist Meeting, location, Deatrick Village Community Center, 56 Winding Way Drive, Gettysburg 6PM
● 3/27 The Warrior Way Program awards breakfast @ 7:45 AM located at Gettysburg HS
● 3/19 (Tuesday) Optimist Social @ Four Score
● 5/16 14th Optimist Golf Tourney
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