The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, March 15 at the Refectory.

President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting with an invocation by Mark Cropp and Pledge of Allegiance. Daryl introduced our guests for the evening and then everyone proceeded to have a superb dinner supplied by Stacey Green and her staff.

After dinner President Aurand  introduced the coaches from the Youth Basketball Team and extended our appreciation for their dedication. Kris and Mindy Accardi said that the program has been very successful with about 120 kids participating from all backgrounds.

Daryl spoke about how many organizations in the community that we help to support such as STARS, Dollars for Scholars, and many more.   He said that we do all of this with a budget of about $30,000.

Daryl then introduced our speaker for the evening, Carla Pavlik, Interim Director of Meals and More. This is an organization whose goal is to provide a program for low-income kids that supplies a warm meal, opportunities for educational and spiritual growth, and a welcoming safe place to be.

IMG_5627[1]Daryl  then presented Carla with a check for $2100 from the club.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported on Activity Fund and General Fund. He said that not all of the Oyster Feed  money is in yet, but so far it amounts to surpassing our budgeted amount. Tom  asked if anyone knowing where the second key for the club PO Box might be to please let him know.

President’s  Report: Daryl thanked everyone for a very successful Oyster Feed. It was a terrific day with record turnout.

Golf Tournament- May 18  Plans are proceeding well. We still need more sponsors and players. Forms are available from Daryl.

Nonprofit Status- Sam said things are proceeding. Not much will happen until toward the summer.

Next Meeting- April 5  The Community Theater Group will present a program.

Comments: Sam mentioned that the ad in the Gettysburg paper for the Oyster Feed was excellent.

President Aurand closed the meeting at 8:05 pm with the recitation of the Optimist Creed.

Submitted by Fred

Fellow Gettysburg Optimists,

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet this evening,  6:00 PM social and 6:30 dinner prepared by Stacey Green and staff at the Refectory.
We look forward to a wonderful evening of fellowship.

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 6:00pm in at the Refectory.

Our guest speaker will be Carla Pavlik of “Meals and More”.

We will also be recognizing the Optimist Youth Basketball coaches and all of our Optimist members who help with the program.

This promises to be a great meeting. So come join us for the meeting and a wonderful dinner.

The Gettysburg Optimist Club wants to thank the Gettysburg community and surrounding area for their support of our Oyster and Shrimp Feed on March 4, 2017.  We had the best turn out in the history of the event. We even sold out and filled the Gettysburg Fire Hall to capacity.  100% of the proceeds will be used for youth activities in our community.  THANK YOU all for turning out and helping make this event a success!

The Optimist All U Can Eat Oyster and Shrimp Feed Fundraiser has arrived.  Join us Saturday, March 4 from 12-3 at the Gettysburg Fire Hall for a fun time with friends while raising money for youth in our local community.  100% of the proceeds stay in the area and support programs such as Reading is Fundamental, D.E.A.R., Six Grade Camp, an 8 week Basketball Program, Meals and More, Dollars for Scholars, Stars Program and many more. Limited tickets will be available at the door.  We look forward to seeing everyone!

The Gettysburg Optimist Club raises funds each year to allow programs like Reading Is Fundamental and D.E.A.R. Day to continue.  Link to latest event.

The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 in the Refectory.

President Daryl Aurand called the meeting to order at 7:05pm with a Minute of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance. Everyone then proceeded to enjoy a great dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff.

President’s Report: Daryl circulated various thank you notes from organizations we support such as STARS, Boy Scouts, and Holiday Outreach. He mentioned that the scheduled speaker for the evening could not attend due to illness and will be rescheduled.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported on funds. Tom said dues are coming in nicely and that the club is in solid financial shape.

Youth Basketball: Mindy reported that the program has two weeks left. She said that the program has been very successful.

Oyster Feed: March 14  Plans are proceeding well for the feed and everything should be ready.  Everyone is asked to bring a dessert. Bring it the night before the feed (3/3) if possible. All members are asked to come to the Gettysburg Fire House on March 3 at 6:00pm to help with the oyster padding and prepare for the feed. It would be helpful if members could notify Stacey or Wayne regarding how many tickets they have sold. This year Daryl is requesting that “PAID” be written on tickets that are sold.

Golf Tournament: May 18  We are looking for someone who would be willing run the Tournament. Please notify Daryl if interested. This year a Foursome is $300 and a sponsor is $500. A major sponsor is still needed – $1000. More information is on the website.

Soccer Parking – 5-27,28, 8/26,27- It still appears that we will not be doing the soccer parking this  year. Alternatives are being examined.

Change to 501c3 status: There was a discussion concerning changing the status  of the club to 501c3 non-profit. After thorough consideration Walt Jones moved to change the status of the club, seconded by Darlene Brown, to 501c3 status. This was approved by unanimous vote of the club. Bob Campbell volunteered to do the legal work involved. Tom Barako said that the address of the club should be his home address. It was recommended that the by-laws be amended to state that email is the official means of communication.

Member Comments

Darlene Brown mentioned that the Garden Club and Chamber of Commerce are looking for someone to do the flower watering of the plants on the square. She asked if the club could assist in the funding for this. Walt Jones made a motion, seconded by Fred Darling, that this matter be discussed at the next Board of Directors meeting. This was approved.

There is no meeting March 1.

President Aurand closed the meeting at 7:50 pm with recitation of  the Optimist Creed.

Submitted by Fred Darling

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, February 15, 6:00 pm at the Refectory. Please join us for great conversation and a superb dinner.

NOTE: At this meeting a vote will be taken to decide if our club will change from a 501c4 to 501c3 non profit status.

Our speaker for the evening will be Carla Pavlik, Director of “Meals and More”.

OYSTER FEED March 4: The annual Optimist Club Oyster Feed is only 3.5 weeks away. We need all club members to get out there and sell as many tickets as possible!!

REMINDER: THERE WILL BE NO MEETING ON MARCH 1. The oyster padding on March 3 will count as a meeting.

East coast supplies of shrimp and oysters will soon diminish as the time for Gettysburg’s most anticipated feast approaches.

The Annual Gettysburg Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed has been scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 2017 between noon and 3 pm. This year the popular event is at the Gettysburg Fire Hall located at 35 North Stratton Street, in Gettysburg.

The annual All U Can Eat Oyster & Shrimp Feed includes oysters (raw, steamed, stewed, and fried), steamed shrimp, ham, steak fries, beverages, and desserts for a donation of $35 per person!

The Optimist Club of Gettysburg invites the local community to join us for the afternoon. Although we come from all walks of life, Optimist Club Members share in the goal to make a difference in the lives of others, especially youth in our region.  The Optimist Oyster & Shrimp Feed is one of several fund raising projects the local club conducts in order to support more than 19 youth related programs throughout the Gettysburg area. “The Oyster & Shrimp Feed is an opportunity for the community to gather and support the youth in our community.  We have been hosting the Oyster & Shrimp Feed for over thirty-five years, allowing our organization to further the Optimist’s mission of Bringing out the best in Kids” said Wayne Hill, Oyster & Shrimp Feed Chair, of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.  Fundraisers such as this one are essential to putting all of our plans into action,”  Wayne continued.  “With this fundraiser, we hope to be able to bring more projects to the children of the community who need it most.”

This is your opportunity to join the “Friends of Youth” in supporting programs including; Optimist Youth Basketball, Youth Appreciation, Respect for Law, Reading is Fundamental, S.T.A.R.S., GHS Outdoor Education, Gettysburg Community Theater (GCT), Holiday Family Outreach, GHS Musical Ensemble, Dollars for Scholars, Food Kitchen Meals and More, GHS Football, The Gettysburg Arts Council and more.  We need the support of the Gettysburg community to continue a fifty-six year tradition of providing these programs to our local youth! Member preparation will begin Friday, March 3 at 6:00 pm. Member tickets are available from Stacey or Wayne.

For questions or to purchase tickets for the 2017 Oyster & Shrimp Feed, please contact the club.  Tickets are limited.  So order yours today!

2017 Oyster Feed Flyer

The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, February 1 at the Refectory.

Bruce Bradshaw opened the meeting with a prayer and Pledge of  Allegiance. He reported that Thursday, February 2 is International Optimist Day and that all Optimists are requested to wear something related to Optimists .

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported on Activity Fund and General Fund.  Tom said that dues are coming in nicely and that the club is in good shape financially.

Soccer Parking: Bruce reported that we probably will not have the usual area for parking available. Possibly we may be able to do the parking for the Lacrosse games.

Basketball: Joe reported that the program is doing very well. Many compliments have been received about the Optimist Club running this program. There are about 140 kids participating.

Golf Outing: May 18  We are looking for someone to run the program. The usual sponsors are signing up. The goal this year is to raise $10000.

Oyster Feed: Plans are proceeding very well. Oyster padding will be on the evening of March 3 at the Gettysburg Fire House.



Important Meeting- A vote will taken at the February 15 meeting regarding the financial status of the club. Basically the decision will be made regarding whether we remain as a 501C4 club or change to a 501C3 club. Sam will provide information for discussion. Bob Campbell said that a check should be made regarding the incorporation of the club.

Bruce mentioned  that the Gettysburg Area Recreation Association is seeking financial help to provide helmets for the kids who use the skateboard area at Rec Park.

Bruce also presented a video about Will Rogers, the great American humorist from Oklahoma.

Last but not least: A belated congratulations to Joe MacDowell on achieving Lifetime Member status. Joe certainly deserves this recognition for all he has done for the club.

Bruce closed the meeting at 7:50 with recitation of the Optimist Creed.

Submitted by Fred Darling