The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, March 15 at the Refectory.
President Daryl Aurand opened the meeting with an invocation by Mark Cropp and Pledge of Allegiance. Daryl introduced our guests for the evening and then everyone proceeded to have a superb dinner supplied by Stacey Green and her staff.
After dinner President Aurand introduced the coaches from the Youth Basketball Team and extended our appreciation for their dedication. Kris and Mindy Accardi said that the program has been very successful with about 120 kids participating from all backgrounds.
Daryl spoke about how many organizations in the community that we help to support such as STARS, Dollars for Scholars, and many more. He said that we do all of this with a budget of about $30,000.
Daryl then introduced our speaker for the evening, Carla Pavlik, Interim Director of Meals and More. This is an organization whose goal is to provide a program for low-income kids that supplies a warm meal, opportunities for educational and spiritual growth, and a welcoming safe place to be.
Daryl then presented Carla with a check for $2100 from the club.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported on Activity Fund and General Fund. He said that not all of the Oyster Feed money is in yet, but so far it amounts to surpassing our budgeted amount. Tom asked if anyone knowing where the second key for the club PO Box might be to please let him know.
President’s Report: Daryl thanked everyone for a very successful Oyster Feed. It was a terrific day with record turnout.
Golf Tournament- May 18 Plans are proceeding well. We still need more sponsors and players. Forms are available from Daryl.
Nonprofit Status- Sam said things are proceeding. Not much will happen until toward the summer.
Next Meeting- April 5 The Community Theater Group will present a program.
Comments: Sam mentioned that the ad in the Gettysburg paper for the Oyster Feed was excellent.
President Aurand closed the meeting at 8:05 pm with the recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred
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