The Gettysburg Optimist Club met at Valentine Hall on the campus of the Gettysburg Lutheran Theological Seminary on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016.

President Daryl Aurand called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. with the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Stacey Green provided her usual wonderful meal.

Our speaker for the evening was introduced by Bruce Bradshaw.  Shannon Harvey is the Vice President of the Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC,) at the Gettysburg Campus.  Shannon talked about the evolution of her position at HACC.  This community college has been in Gettysburg for 26 years and Shannon has served as a campus administrator for 18 of those years.  For 13 years she was the Academic Dean and she enjoyed this opportunity to develop curricula, hire professional staff, develop programs, etc.  She was an assistant to former Jennifer Weaver who retired and Shannon assumed her position.  Shannon is a Gettysburg girl who enjoys her current role of attending community meetings – especially at night, because she doesn’t have to cook dinner!!

The nursing program is the most prominent program at HACC and the program has graduated over 600 nurses since its inception and 85% of these graduates are working in the Gettysburg/Hanover-Adams County area.  HACC is so connected to the community.  It is the largest community college in Pennsylvania.  When we speak of current enrollment – there is a “Dual  Enrollment” of 2,000 students with 450 of those who are high school students.  HACC is very proud of this, in that, high school students, beginning in their junior year, if they are approved as “college-ready” by their principal, may take college coursework in the high school setting.  This coursework may be transferred to a college of their choice upon enrollment in college.  Most colleges will accept this credit although some “highly -selective colleges may not.

It is a statistical fact that, in 2016, college admission rates are high, however, graduation rates are low.  Only 57% of those admitted, actually graduate from college.  Student college financial debt, nation-wide, is actually greater than the country’s credit card debt……wow!  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recognizes this problem and is supporting the idea that helping transition to college may increase graduation rates.  In Adams County, 50% of children receive free and reduced price lunches.  This is poverty, folks.  HACC has reduced tuition rates in the HACC Dual Enrollment Program to make this more affordable.

The Gettysburg Optimist Club could contribute to the “HACC Dual Enrollment Scholarship.”  This fund currently holds $20,000 in funds and hopes to endow this money.  Adams Electric and Kennies Market are foundational contributors.

Mecatronics is a new course developed last year.  It is a 1 year certification program for the Repair of Industrial Maintenance Equipment in the Hanover/Gettysburg area.  Two other new programs are “Medial Assisting” and “Physician Office Assistant (Patient Support Specialist.)

Shannon is particularly proud of the DUAL ADVISING PLANNING MODEL – which, combines the planning of a college counselor and a high school guidance counselor for a 4 year plan for an individual student so the readiness for junior year college coursework is well-understood by the student and the parents.

The average age of a HACC student is 22.  (Primarily due to the “mix” of high school students and adult students.)  Vice President Harvey presented a wealth of information about our local community college and we appreciated her presentation.

President Daryl thanked Mindy and Kris for their extensive work with our Optimist Basketball Program.  Sign-ups are Dec. 3rd and Dec. 10th at the Gettysburg Middle School @ 9-11 a.m.

The Christmas Magic Show with Chmn. Doug Miller, is all ready to go.  Dec. 9th at the Lincoln Elementary School.  Magician is highly-talented.  Great show!

The annual Oyster/Shrimp Feed is March 3rd at the Gettysburg Fire Hall.

Daryl spoke about the advisability of each of us inviting someone to be an Optimist and seeing what we are all about.

The non-profit status of the club is being explored by Sam and Rich Finkenbinder.  It was mentioned that most donors give to us irregardless of our 501(c-3) status.

The Quarterly Zone Meeting will be attended by Daryl and Gary Rappoldt.

Joe MacDowell won the 50/50.  Joe said, “Finally, I will be in the minutes!”

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

The Gettysburg Optimist Club meeting will be held Wednesday November 2 at 6 PM.

Our meeting will be held at the Gettysburg Seminary in Valentine Hall room 206.
Joining us for a presentation will be Shannon Harvey VP of Harrisburg Area Community College, Gettysburg Campus.
We look forward to an evening of Optimist fellowship.

Basketball Season is upon us, and Optimist Basketball is right around the corner!  Sign-ups for the 2017 Basketball program will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2016, and Saturday, December 10, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Gettysburg Middle School cafeteria.  The program is free and open to students grades 1 through 6.  More information will be provided at the sign-ups, and we plan to distribute flyers at school for students to take home to share with their parents before the Thanksgiving holiday break.  Hope to see you there!



November 2016
11/2 Regular Meeting
11/16 Regular Meeting

December 2016
No regular meetings
12/3 Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S.
12/10 Basketball signups Gettysburg M.S.
12/9 Magic Show,7pm,Lincoln Elem.
12/14 Christmas Party

January 2017
1/4 Regular Meeting
1/7 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.
1/14 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.
1/18 Regular Meeting
1/21 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.
1/24 STARS Breakfast
1/28 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.

February 2017
2/1 Regular Meeting
2/4 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.
2/15 Regular Meeting
2/18 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.
2/25 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S.

March 2017
3/1 Regular Meeting
3/3 Pad Oysters
3/4 Oyster Feed
3/5 Youth Basketball Gettysburg M.S
Zone Meeting (TBD)
3/15 Regular Meeting

April 2017
4/5 Regular Meeting
4/19 Regular Meeting

May 2017
5/3 Regular Meeting
5/17 Regular Meeting
5/18 Golf Tournament
5/28,29 Soccer Parking

June 2017
6/7 Regular Meeting Pavilion
6/21 Regular Meeting Pavilion

July 2017
7/5 No Meeting
7/19 Regular Meeting Pavilion Family Picnic

August 2017
8/2 Regular Meeting Pavilion
8/16 Regular Meeting ,Zone ,Pig Roast Pavilion
8/27,28 Soccer Parking

September 2017
9/6 Regular Meeting Refectory
9/20 Regular Meeting

October 2017
10/4 Regular Meeting Installation Banquet
10/18 Regular Meeting

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, September 21, 6:00 pm at Tom Barako’s house. Tom will be providing dinner. Our speaker for the evening will be Ms. Jackie Dwyer from the Gettysburg Recreation Authority speaking about the Helmet Safety Program.

See you there!!

The Gettysburg Optimist Club met Wednesday, September 7, at the Pavilion. President Bruce Bradshaw opened the meeting at 6:35 pm with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

img_4788President Bruce introduced the speakers for the evening: Jennifer Showers and Johnnie Shindledecker from the Adams County Head Start Program.  They explained that Head Start is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low income children and their families. The Optimist Club donates money to the organization which goes to the RIF Program providing about three books per year for needy children. The books are written in English and Spanish. Jen indicated that they are very appreciative for this assistance from the club.


President’s Report: Bruce presented certificates from the from the State Optimist Club to Kris Accardi and Tom Barako.  These were for achieving Honor Club status.

The September 21 meeting will be at Tom Barako’s house, with his annual steak cookout.

Our next speaker will be from the Gettysburg Recreational Organization.

The Installation Banquet will be October 5, 6:00pm, at the Dobbin House. Members, spouses, and friends are invited, $25 per person. Notices will be sent. The new Officers will be installed at the Banquet:  President Daryl Aurand, Vice President  Wayne Hill, Secretary Fred Darling, Treasurer Tom Barako

Secretary: The Club Roster will be updated soon. Please notify Fred if you have had any changes to your information.

Treasurer’s Report:  Tom mentioned that it is time to approve the budget for next year. The Board of Directors met on September 5 and reviewed the budget. No great changes were recommended, but the following items were discussed: Drop the TriStar Basketball funding, Optimist Foundation-how are the funds utilized?, Chamber of Commerce funding, Ruth’s Harvest-keep contribution at $1000

Request more info about the club be place in the Football Letter

The Budget will be voted on at the next meeting. Tom said that we will break even on this year’s budget., and we are doing well. He also is instituting a new method of notifying groups about contributions and following up. Certain club members will be asked to contact groups.

Soccer: Don Davis reported all went well and the club netted $3700.

Christmas Show: Doug reported that the date will be December 9  at Lincoln Elementary School

Basketball Program: Kris said that there will be a report next time.

Oyster Feed- March 3 and 4

Golf Outing : May 18

Christmas Party: Second week in December


President Bruce closed the meeting at 8:10pm with a recitation of the Optimist pledge.

Submitted by Fred Darling

Our next meeting will be this coming Wed 7 Sept at the Lake Heritage Pavilion with our speaker being Executive Director for Head Start Jen Showers.   As always our social time starts at 6:00 pm with the meal at 6:30 pm.    See you there!!!

Daryl opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and guest introduction. This was a zone meeting with 21 total attendees.

A presentation was given by Jerry Cleaver and Jim Dunlap from Ruth’s Harvest. During last months Optimist trivia and family night, Ruth’s harvest was selected to be the recipient of $1000 donation. A check was also presented this evening. Please watch a short video to learn more about how the organization was started in the Gettysburg Community.


Ruth’s Harvest is kicking of their third year by expanding and taking on the middle school. 50% of the Gettysburg student population is eligible to participate with over 25% of the students are enrolled in the program. This is a 100% volunteer organization and works on the donations from local organizations and individuals. Please consider picking up a few extra items during your next shopping trip. Every item helps a local student.  Drop off locations include Lincoln elementary and most local churches.

The traditional pig roast followed the presentation.

Dallas then opened the zone meeting.
– Congratulations to Zone 7 for ranking first in the district.
– Club president reminder – Please fill out and return the president prize report
– OI has several new member incentives. Teachers and Anyone under 30 can join the club for $30 for the first year, now through September 30, 2016
– District Convention will be held August 26-28 at the Eisenhower Inn and Convention Center. Please consider attending. We are looking for representation from Gettysburg
– District Photo Contest was successful. Clubs are encouraged to participate.
– There will be a Professional Development Series available in the coming months. More information to be announced.
– Currently we are apart of the New England and Great Lakes Region. A proposal was submitted and approved to move to the Mid Atlantic Region. This will take effect in one year (2017).
– Dallas’s Club is hosting a 60 Anniversary dinner on September 18 at Heritage Hills Golf Resort. Gettysburg is looking for representation. Contact Daryl or Dallas for more information.
– Awards were presented to the Gettysburg Club for Kris Acardi for obtaining Honor Club during his Presidency and a year patch was received for “Bringing out the best”. Citations were received for Tom Barako, Joe Macdowell, and Kris Accardi for achieving honor club. The awards will be given to the recipients at an upcoming meeting.

Upcoming Events
August 27-28 – Parking
Sept 7 – Meeting at Lake Heritage
September 21 – Regular Meeting
October 5 – Installation Banquet
October 19 – Regular Meeting
December 9 – Magic Show Lincoln Elementary

Meeting adjourned with the 50/50 drawing and the Optimist Creed.


The Gettysburg Optimist Club met on Wednesday, August 3, 6:00 pm, at the Lake Heritage Pavilion. President Bruce Bradshaw opened the meeting at 6:35 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and a minute of silence.

President’s Report: President Bruce discussed a letter addressed to the club from the Internal Revenue Service.  It is hoped that a representative from Ruth’s Harvest will speak at the August 17 meeting, which is also the Pig Roast and Zone Meeting.  The State Convention of the Optimist Club will be held in Gettysburg on August 26,27,and 28. Anyone interested in attending, please contact Bruce. A representative from the new Tractor Supply Store will speak to the club sometime in the future.  It is planned that the annual Golf Tournament will be held again in April at the Links.  New bylaws from the state Optimist Board have been received. These will be sent to all members.

Video: President Bruce presented a video of the winner of the Optimist International Oratorical Contest, Cameron Tyler. The topic of the contest was “How Being the Very Best Brings Out the Best in Others”. Tyler mentioned that he is a teacher and that he tries to bring out the best in his students.

Bruce also showed the Denzel Washington video, which emphasizes the values of the Optimist Club.

Members Comments:

Daryl and Mark reported that plans for the annual Pig Roast, August 17 at the Pavilion are well underway. This is also the Zone Meeting.  Bruce has contacted Dallas Smith to obtain a count of those attending from other clubs.  SPOUSES AND GUESTS ARE WELCOME.

Don reported that everything is ready for Soccer Parking at which club members assist: August 27 and 28.  Don said that he does need additional volunteers to help especially Sunday 8/28 6:45am-11:00am. Please call Don Davis if you can help. Don reported that he received a letter of thanks from the Historical Society for our contribution.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported :  Tom said that the annual budget  will be presented soon.

President Bradshaw brought the meeting to a close with a reading of the Optimist Creed at 7:45pm

Submitted by Fred Darling

The Gettysburg Optimist Club will meet Wednesday, August 3, 6:00 pm, at the Lake Heritage Pavilion.  All are welcome to attend for a pleasant evening of good fellowship and good food.  President Bruce Bradshaw will be providing dinner for the evening. He also plans to present a video of the winning speech from the recent Optimist Oratorical Contest. Please contact Fred if you plan to attend.