The meeting of the Gettysburg Optimist Club was called to order by President Bruce Bradshaw at 6:38pm. The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were followed by a great dinner provided by Stacey Green and staff.
After dinner President Bradshaw introduced the speaker for the evening, MS. Kris Roeder, Vice President for Marketing and Development at the Hoffman Home for Youth in Littlestown, Pennsylvania. The Hoffman Home works with children who have suffered trauma and are in need of exceptional care and assistance. The Home began as an orphanage in 1910 and evolved into a facility aiding all children in need of help. Hoffman Home follows the Sanctuary Model, a trauma-informed approach to care and organizational governance. The main objective is to foster positive growth and change in children. Adhering to their motto: “Put Kids First”.
President’s Report – Bruce reported that the “Reading is Fundamental” organization sent a thank you communication to the club for the club’s recent donation of $6000. The STARS organization will be holding their annual breakfast on
Wednesday, February 10, 8:00am,at Gettysburg High School. The Optimist Club needs a representative to attend. If
you are interested, please contact President Bruce.
Treasurer’s Report – Tom Barako reported: Activity Fund $9557.13 General Fund $2322.31
Tom reported that the Christmas Show brought in $4164.
The permit for the Oyster Feed has been submitted.
Reminder to pay dues if you haven’t done so.
Basketball – Mindy reported that team photos were taken, with group photos being done for the first time.
This weekend the Basketball Program will be at Lincoln Elementary, not at the Middle School.
Oyster Feed – March 19. Wayne distributed tickets and said plenty are available. Plans are proceeding very well.
Reminder that the March 16 meeting will be held at the Gettysburg Firehouse on Friday, March 18.
Also a reminder to bring a dessert on Friday 3/18 or Saturday 3/19.
There was a discussion about advertising for the Feed. Doug said he will see about placing an ad in
the “Merchandise Marketplace” publication.
Golf Tourney – May 19. Bruce reported that a major sponsor is needed and still need 25 – 30 foursomes.
Craig has some new groups forming. Also the possibility of going in with another charity
was mentioned.
Presentation – At the January 20 meeting the club presented a painting form Optimist International to Don Davis.
The purpose of the presentation was to Honor Don for all of his time and effort he has
devoted to many club activities over the years. Congratulations Don and Thank You !
President Bruce ended the meeting with the recitation of the Optimist Creed.
Submitted by Fred Darling
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