The Gettysburg Optimist Club met Wednesday, March 2, 2016, at 6:00pm in the Refectory. Vice-President Darlene Brown opened the meeting with an Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by an excellent dinner prepared by Stacey Green and staff.
Kris Accardi introduced our guests for the evening representing the Optimist Basketball Program. They shared stories about the program and extended appreciation to everyone involved, contributing to its great success.
Treasurer’s Report – Tom Barako reported: General Fund $2537.85 Activity Fund $8955.56.
Vice-President Darlene introduced our speaker for the evening: Duane Kanagy, Manager of Communications/Community Services for Adams Electric Cooperative. Duane presented general information about the Cooperative. He said that cooperatives are organized for the benefit of their members, not single owners or stockholders. The first known cooperative in the US was formed by Benjamin Franklin in 1752. There are now 13 electric cooperatives in Pennsylvania, providing affordable, reliable electric service to about 4% of the state’s residents in 41 counties. Duane finished by offering some tips about how to save money on electric usage and taking questions from members.
Oyster Feed: Daryl reported that everything is set for the Feed on Saturday,March 19, 12-3,at Gettysburg Fire House.
Golf Tourney – May 19 Frank reported that everything is proceeding well in preparation for the Tourney. He said that
CRS has donated $500 and the Blue and Gray Tavern has given a verbal commitment. Union Cigar will be setting up a tent and there will be several door prizes.
Comments: Marci Cropp reported that the Club Directory is about ready. If you have any last-minute suggestions, please send them to her.
Recognition: The Gettysburg YWCA will be presenting Stacey Green with the Callie Award on March 31. These are given to “Outstanding Adams County Women”. Her category is business. Congratulations Stacey !
OYSTER FEED ————– The next Optimist Club Meeting will be on March 18,6:00pm,at Gettysburg Fire House.
This will also be preparation night for the Oyster Feed on March 19. Food and beverages will be provided.
On Saturday March 19 all members please report at 9:00am to help. Thank you!
Vice President Darlene ended the meeting at 8:22pm.
Submitted by Fred Darling
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