President Bruce Bradshaw opened the meeting at 6:37pm with the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a great dinner provided by Stacey Green and her staff.
Recognition: President Bruce announced that the club has been recognized by International Optimist as an Honors Club for 2014-15. A club must meet various criteria established by International in order to achieve this status. Congratulations to Kris Accardi and to the Club!
Speaker: The speaker for the evening was Mr. Jeremy Murphy, the new Chief Ranger for Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site. Mr. Murphy described his duties as the senior law enforcement officer for Gettysburg and Eisenhower Parks, responsible for programs dealing with law enforcement, resource protection, emergency services,and safety. After his presentation he answered several questions from club members.
President’s Report: The meeting of the RIF Program will be Friday,1/22,at James Getty Elementary School. If any club member is interested in attending, please contact Bruce.
The Annual STARS Breakfast will be held at Gettysburg High School on I/27. Fred Darling will represent the club, presenting a donation from the club.
The Basketball Program is still scheduled for Saturday,1/23,depending upon weather conditions.
The March Club Meeting has been changed from 3/16 to 3/18,at the Gettysburg Firehouse. This will coordinate with the Oyster Feed.
Future Speakers have been scheduled:
February 3 – Kris Roeder from the Hoffman House
February 17- Joe Doughtery, Gettysburg Police Chief
March 2 Duane Kanagy from the Adams Electric Cooperative.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Barako reported- Activity Fund $1598.36 General Fund – $10948.26
The Magic Show has netted a little over $4000. A big Thanks to the Community for their support.
Club tax information will be mailed soon.
Oyster Feed- Application for Games of Chance has been submitted.
Tom explained how the participation in 50-50 helps offset dinner expenses.
Basketball: Kris and Mindy, The program is going well, with a large turnout.
Oyster Feed: All plans are proceeding very well. Stacey, Wayne, and Daryl have tickets available. March 19
Golf Tournament: Plans are proceeding well. Most sponsors have been contacted, Bruce and Frank. May 19
Soccer Parking : Don Davis is waiting for a resolution to the parking issue. TBD May and TBD August
Member Remarks: Mark Cropp offered some information about the Face of America Bike Ride.
Riders will be coming from Valley Forge (100 participants) and the Pentagon (650 participants) and will meet in
Gettysburg at the Square. Many disabled veterans will be involved, so helper volunteers are needed.
April 23-24
President Bruce closed the meeting at 8:14 pm.
Submitted by Fred Darling
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