Invited guests: We had a great turn-out as donations were given to the Reading Is Fundamental and Outdoor Education programs. We learned about the hundreds of books given out to students, themed classroom decorations, and mock elections. One group of students even surpassed their goal of reading more than 2,013 books in three months. Some of our young guests expressed their love for the program because “reading is a lot of fun” and “books take you places that you haven’t been” .
James Gettys school has invited the Optimist Club to participate in their last RIF program of the school year from 9am-3pm on Friday, April 19.
Dr. O’Connor, the representative from Outdoor Education told us about how this program is such a great opportunity for “learning by doing”. Our donation will help to maintain the program through difficult budget Many of Optimist members could recall fond memories of participating in this week long event.
Optimist Moment: Jean clearly recalls her first Optimist meeting where everyone was so welcoming. Every single member present took the time to come up to her and chat about themselves and the organization. That cemented Jean’s desire to become a part of the club.
Upcoming Events: Optimist Basketball returns this Saturday from 9-11:45. Members are encouraged to come and lend a hand to help with drills, coaching, or refereeing.
The Optimist Oyster and Shrimp Feed is fast approaching on Saturday, March 9, 2013. Please continue to sell tickets. A count by the members present indicated that 125 tickets have been sold to this point! If you need more tickets please contact Wayne. Don’t forget the new event location is at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg on Baltimore Street.
On Tuesday, March 26th the East York Optimist Club will be holding their Annual Oyster Feed. Please see Joe for more details.
Members are encouraged to continue to seek out sponsors for the Optimist Golf Tournament in order to make it another successful event. We are able to support many youth programs by the funds raised at this event so please take the time to seek out a sponsorship.
Other notes: Jim has started to work on the design for a portable banner that the club can bring to Optimist events to help encourage recruitment. The members who were present at the meeting voted for Jim to proceed with ordering the banner.
***Important Meeting information: There will be a new venue for the next Optimist meeting on Wednesday, March 6th. Due to the Refectory already being in use, our meeting will be held down the street in Valentine Hall (Two doors down from the Chapel and directly across from the parking lot that is next to the Refectory). We will have a presentation from the Boy scouts.
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