As we enter the fourth and final quarter of this Optimist year we still have much to accomplish as “Friends of Youth” in Gettysburg. Although the list of things to do is getting shorter, each remaining challenge is certainly no less important to our club, our members and the community.
Since 1958, The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has served the needs of our youth with energy, generosity and commitment to the principles of Optimism. We have made a difference in thousands of young lives throughout the years and we have been successful in instilling the principles of optimism, personal growth and community service in the hearts and minds of the youth we have served and mentored.
Today our organization and other service organizations are confronted with the realities of a challenging economy, social change and increased personal demands on volunteer’s time. As we all struggle to balance the many changes and challenges in our personal lives, the needs of our community and its youth go unabated. Each week another request from someone or some organization wanting to know if the Optimist of Gettysburg can help out with their worthy project presents itself. Surely it can be said that successfully filling a need, produces more needs to be filled.
The Optimist Club of Gettysburg has always achieved it objectives because of the dedication and efforts of an active and interested general membership and member leaders. As we move forward into a new Optimist year we ask you to consider your level of commitment to serving the needs of our community through Optimism. Opportunities include, club officer and board positions as well as project chair positions and co-chair positions. Please consider reserving a prominent place in your busy life this coming year to help continue the proud tradition of the Optimist Club of Gettysburg.
You are invited to contact Mark Cropp, [email protected], or Craig Sweet, [email protected], to volunteer your desire to “step up” and set an example for others to follow through your leadership.
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